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Jul 2010 · 678
House Rules
deanena tierney Jul 2010
1.  Be thankful for your blessings.

2.  Treat everyone with care.

3.  Offer help to those in need and
      remember them in prayer.

4.  Live each day to its' fullest.

5.  Always try your best.

6.  Take your troubles to the Lord,
      then let him do the rest.
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Tell me what you think of Liberation.
Is it a loss or gain?
It offers the option to disregard,
And to act without refrain.

Allows you to loose your hold of,
Things held with tightened grip.
Yet along with all that power,
Your morality may just slip.

Along with all your ethics,
Virtue then viewed with disdain.
So, tell me what you think of Liberation.
Is it a loss or gain?
Jul 2010 · 971
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I can't find Love and  I can't lose Hate;
Paralyzed by Fear.

I fight Design and I forfeit to Fate;
Reason is unclear.

Free Will costs more than I can afford;
Destiny can pay.

Choice has quit the game again;
Indecision will play.

Judgement makes of Truth- Injustice;
Bias holds control,

Freedom seized and now held captive;
Body surrenders Soul.
Jul 2010 · 776
The Conspiracy
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I think about the future, and what it just may hold.
And whether it is up to me, or a plan that must unfold.
I hesitate to think about, what lies too far ahead.
When I do, I overdo, and then can't clear my head.

I would love to learn to take things, just as they come along,
And not debate every choice I make, as either right or wrong.
To stop trying to live up to, what others' say I should be.
Maybe fly away for the weekend, try some spontaneity.

Stop and talk to a passer by, who's wearing shabby clothes,
Listen close, and maybe learn, something no one knows.
Take more breaks and be the center, of my own attention,
Find a way to spend a day, with too many smiles to mention.

Open up to a new found friend, holding nothing back at all,
Expand my horizons to find, the world really, isn't all that small.
And if I chose to do everything, that my heart truly desired,
Would I ever know if it was me, or the plan which had conspired?
Jul 2010 · 561
Look A Little Closer
deanena tierney Jul 2010
The tiny imperfections make you so unique,
I want to look much closer, take another peek.

I notice one of your eyebrows sits a little high.
There's a tiny fleck of brown in your green left eye.

Your ears are a little larger than most that I have seen.
Your hair is thinning just a bit with very little sheen.

A wart resides, on the side, of your right great toe.
Your shirts are worn a lil' loose so your belly won't show.

Sometimes you talk so loudly it startles me really bad.
You cry when you are happy and laugh when you are sad.

When I look at you as a whole, beauty is all I see.
Tell me, have you noticed, the imperfections of me?
Jul 2010 · 603
The Cancellation
deanena tierney Jul 2010
What if tomorrow
cancelled....                                                 Late?

Without any notice and
cheated....                                                     Fate?

The predetermined tasks
would....                                                         Show,

At early dawn, with no place
to....                                                                 Go.

And they would wander
all....                                                                Around.

And search a many
stomping....                                                 Ground.

And join up with a
random....                                                    Soul,

To achieve their
given....                                                         Goal.

Fate no longer to guide
and....                                                            Hence,

They would now just be
simply....                                                     Coincidence.
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Tell me the difference between......

A good man and a great one...
A little white lie and a lie........
One who cheated and a cheater.........
A promise and a vow..............
An honest answer and an oath
Punishment and cruelty
Dislike and hatred
Believing and faith
Loving and being in love
Knowing and understanding
Holding and clinging
Resting and relaxing
Writing and expressing
Overlooking and forgiving
Ignoring and forgetting

Is there any difference
At all?, ....I am not sure.
In fact, I think them quite the same,
But one with so much more.
Jul 2010 · 476
Hours or Days
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Well, the day dawns.
The grass has dew.
Everything is fresh,
Everything's new.
Another chance granted,
I open my eyes,
Breathe in the hope,
And look toward the skies.
Wondering just what,
This day may hold.
Smiles or tears,
Just what will unfold?
As the day rushes on,
I am slow to decide,
If good day or bad?,
I smiled AND cried!
Maybe I must begin,
To judge hours..not days.
As  mood alters fast,
Black, white, and greys.
deanena tierney Jul 2010
"What can I do for you, Baby?"
" Nothing," I always say.
But couldn't you just get in your car,
And come over anyway?

Texts are great, don't get me wrong.
But can't replace the spoken word.
My whole world fell apart this week,
Is offering a hug just too absurd?

Every time my times get tough,
You offer me some "space."
Is it too much for you to handle,
My problems in your face?

I know your world is calm and cool,
And you must like it that way.
Because when I need to talk to you,
You seem to have nothing to say.

So I will reserve you for my days,
When chaos is on break.
And find another for the times,
Trouble is on the make!
Jul 2010 · 501
Breathing Room
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I stepped into the darkened space,
Where I was sent to be.
To dwell on things and meditate,
Alone with only me.

And yes 'tis true, I desired it such,
And mentioned it to you.
But shortly later, I changed my mind,
But all that was in view...

Was a quiet little breathing room,
With no air to spare.
And so I came out,.. and looked about,
But you were no longer there.
Jul 2010 · 1.0k
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Whitened corruption, blacken the pure.
Lead simple virtue, confused to thy door.
Utter entrapment; shriek to abscond.
Loveable hatred; relinquished bond.
Invisible knave with power to impose,
Weigh out the reason;  make light of prose.
Jun 2010 · 2.7k
Colombian or Arabic?
deanena tierney Jun 2010
What would I do without you!
Well I certainly couldn't be ME!
"Coffee, you've never let me down."
And you taste so much better than tea!
Forgive! Couldn't resist!
Jun 2010 · 679
I Still Miss You
deanena tierney Jun 2010
There's a hole within my heart,
Growing deeper every day.
And widening by the second,
Since you went away.

And there's no replacement,
No way to fill the space,
I fear my heart will disappear,
If I can't see your face.

I had you right here with me,
For so many, many, years,
Without you I 'm completely lost,
Too numb for even tears.

And I think about you always,
With every single breath.
This loss is more than painful,
And final..just like death.

And I'm scared that I won't make it.
That I'll give up the fight.
That with the guilt of all the wrongs,
I'll never be quite right.

I am praying every single day,
For God to get me through,
To lay his grace upon me,
And take good care of you.

And to help me just have faith,
So the hurt will go away.
Because I am so afraid that I,
Won't last another day.
Jun 2010 · 1.3k
The Crow
deanena tierney Jun 2010
I heard the crow at dawn again.
It awoke me from a deep slumber.
As if to chastise me for not being up already.
There is so much to do, of course.
So I sat up on the edge of the bed.
And stretched up with my hands clasped.
The sun slowly creeping itself over the window ledge
And striking my eye just so...making me squint.
The crow called again.
I must not be fast enough for him.
I stand up with a half- hearted vigor
And rub my eyes.
I proceed with with my morning routine
Skipping the harsh mouthwash today.
Again the crow.
He hurries me as if I am racing a clock.
And makes my heart beat more prominently in my chest.
What an awful call a crow has.
Incessant and prodding.
I feel as if I am being yelled at and I don't deserve that.
I cross into the kitchen and reach over the door.
To the mount that holds my ol' Winchester.
I push open the squeaking screen door.
And step outside.
Again the crow calls but this time I am rallied.
I am too slow for him, am I?
We will see about that!
Have no idea where this came from.  Not sure I want to, lol.
Jun 2010 · 2.8k
No Blushing!
deanena tierney Jun 2010
I love to read any poem of yours,
For every time I do..
I am a part of something bigger,
Just knowing part of you.

At times I can get so inspired,
By even a simple theme.
Other times I just close my eyes,
And allow myself to dream.

And it makes not a difference,
The mood I am in that day.
Your message always gets to me,
And takes me right away.

To a place where everything is ok,
If even for just a short while.
And I can take a few deep breaths,
Wipe away my tears and... smile.

So I need to say thank you,
Even if I have said before..
For sharing with me your talent,
And making me long for so much more.
One day greatness will come to you!
Jun 2010 · 580
deanena tierney Jun 2010
I wonder how simple my life could be,
If there was nothing to worry me.
I would sleep in every morning,
Stay up late every single night,
Drink my coffee from dawn til dusk,
Tell myself I was always right.
There would be no dogs to walk,
No dinners to hurriedly make,
No bosses to glare down on me,
No insults I'd just have to take.
I could always say just what I felt,
And not cautiously weigh every word.
I could yell at the top of my lungs,
And let others think its' absurd.
I wouldn't have to answer the phone,
I could dress as casual as I desired.
I could skip laundry as long as I wished,
Take a long nap if I ever felt tired.
No one could make me do their bid,
I wouldn't have to hasten to any call.
Oh how simple my life could be,
If I could worry about nothing at all.
Jun 2010 · 782
Above All
deanena tierney Jun 2010
Tell me why you look so hard,
And want to delve within?
The heart of a human being,
That's filled with only sin?

Why you feel you want to save,
And make a bad man right?
When for so long... he's been so wrong,
And his soul is black as night?

Why do you never turn your back,
And walk swiftly away?
From one who has ignored you,
Yet once

Why would you bother fixing,
An old spirit to make it new?
I know I can never understand,
But I am so glad that you do.
Jun 2010 · 570
All at once....
deanena tierney Jun 2010
All at once....

Just between dusk
And dawn; overnight.
All turned to void.
No dark and no light.
No warmth to be found.
Only shadowless fear,
The sun, though it shone,
Shone nothing clear.
Rain; no relief,
Of endless drought.
Wanting in, wanting in.....
Then wanting back out.
Apathy encircles,
Hope is left behind,
No longer seeking,
Nothing left to find.

All at once....
Jun 2010 · 512
Broken Vow
deanena tierney Jun 2010
I could use a quiet place,
To feed my inner self.
Constant chaos has succeeded
In placing me on a shelf.

Yesterday I helped him out,
The day before, it was she.
Today I woke up with a vow,
This was the day for me.

But again another crisis evolved,
And my attention was turned away,
And my best friend, my lonely soul,
Was neglected another day.

Day after day the same has occurred
And so the cycle has come to be,
And I am uncertain if I am still here,
Not sure that there is still a "ME."
Jun 2010 · 943
I Miss You Already
deanena tierney Jun 2010
No matter how many friends I have,
Or how much advise that I hear,
At the end of the race,
It is I who must face,
The fact that you're no longer here.

Many mistakes I am sure I did make,
For I am not perfect you see.
Neither were you,
So all I could do,
Is let you walk away from me.

I 0ffered you all that I had to give,
Gave you all of my best.
It was not enough,
So I let you go,
GOD will take care of the rest.
Jun 2010 · 412
One Day....
deanena tierney Jun 2010
When the heart has questions,
With no answers held in store,
There is a certain pain indeed,
A longing to know much more.

You swiftly entered my tiny world,
That was shrinking day by day,
By clicking once just to compliment,
What my heart was trying to say.

And it felt as if there was another,
Whose soul was my souls' friend,
And my world grows ever larger,
With every word you send.

Sometimes when I am all alone,
All the rest of the world dwindles away,
And I allow my silly mind to wander,
And dream of meeting you one day.

Sadly, I know the chance the small,
As our bodies are so far apart,
But my arms still long to hold you close,
As close as I do in my heart.
Jun 2010 · 655
Finding My Way
deanena tierney Jun 2010
Carefully hold my well worn soul,
With a smooth and cautious hand.
Give me time to grow and learn,
And seek 'til I understand.

The path has been so long for me,
Filled with confusion and doubt.
And many mute days I've lived in the past,
Before discovering I could shout.

And now I have escaped the bars,
Am soaring without refrain.
And I am sure to make mistakes,
And then make them again.

I ask that you believe in me,
And forgive me as I err.
Because when I finally find myself,
I want you standing there.
Jun 2010 · 1.4k
deanena tierney Jun 2010
All at once, I feel the warmth,
As the sun springs into view.
And lays it beam all over me,
As I stand right here with you.

Our hands resting weightlessly,
Within each others', by our side.
And we stand here so at ease,
Nothing to prove; nothing to hide.

No need to utter any words,
We know what each other would say,
So we just enjoy the quietness,
Of another most beautiful day.
deanena tierney Jun 2010
Be my guide, direct my path, as I blindly *****.
Make pure my actions and encompass the whole.
Simplify what the false rights have turned twisted.
Decipher what was given from what I have stole.

Turn me to embrace an unknown angle,
I make this plea from your higher power.
For many a year has passed away, wasted,
And my minutes hastily become their hour.

Bequeath to me a faith with no evidence,
To nurse my heart and my head in kind.
Remove the falacy of presumed knowledge,
Feed my eternal soul, not my feeble mind.

And, if your will, unveil to my neglected eye,
Your drawn line between pleasure and pain.
A clearer sense of reason, but yet also of heart,
Revealing certain, a great loss; a great gain.

Expose to me, please, your most preferred slant,
And beam the light that once formerly shown.
Temper my decision, Lord, and return me to where,
The choice was not mine, and not mine alone.

For wit, time exposed, as a false friend.
Who has failed me, time and then time again.
And led me here, to where I am now lost,
Blind and resentful of what should have been.

Overabundance turns the wise into fools,
Though the complex may shrug off the grief.
As time passes on, lightheartedness void,
Sole wisdom's been proven a thief.

Lift off the burden, the weight, and the fear,
Of holding my destiny within my hands.
I have found it a burden too heavy to bear,
And I ask to be moved - not to understand.
"Yet not my will, but yours be done." Luke 22:42
Jun 2010 · 484
Just A Few Questions
deanena tierney Jun 2010
Where did I lose it?
Somewhere between "Hello" and "I love you!"
Will I ever find it?
Because for a time I really thought it was true.

Did I pull too hard?
I have a tendency to hold things way too tight.
Did I push it away?
When things seem right, I retreat out of fright.

Does it really matter?
For there is absolutely nowhere to go from here.
So what do I do now?
The only thing I can do is say, "Goodbye, my dear."
Jun 2010 · 518
The War of Fear
deanena tierney Jun 2010
Who knows when my fear transformed from a conscience choice,
Into an powerful, ******, instinct that can speak without a voice.

Overnight a war was waged and fear did sensibility accost.
And surely by the break of day, reason had certainly lost.

And rearing its' undeniable force against my weakened mind,
All faith, and hope, and ability to trust, were also lost in kind.

And there can be no futile appeal, no second charge will ever be,
Strong enough to stand fear down, to reclaim control over me.

And though I may have lost it all, at no point did I ever retreat,
I fought the fear with all I had, and graciously admitted defeat.

And as cowardly as it may sound, it is easier now that it's done,
To embrace what I raged against, and just accept that it has won.
Jun 2010 · 577
Still So Messed Up
deanena tierney Jun 2010
How many breaths have I been deemed, from birth unto the grave?
How do I ascertain what to let go of, and just what I should save?

How will my emotions alert me as to when to laugh, or when to cry?
How many failures must I endure, until I decide to no longer try?

How many debts must I struggle to pay, before finally earning my due?
How am I to know my enemies, when even friends become untrue?

How am I to see the rainbow, with the sun right in my eyes?
How can I stand to believe again, after falling for the lies?
Jun 2010 · 1.3k
deanena tierney Jun 2010
She cries in the dark,
Alone in her bed.
And uses the pillow,
To cover her head.

She wakes in the morn,
And paints on a grin,
And she says, "Just fine,"
When asked how she's been.

She smiles at strangers;
Lends others a hand.
And works... hours after,
She's too tired to stand.

She goes to the party,
And laughs at the pun.
Gives a hug as she leaves,
And says, "I had fun."

Makes a call to her mother,
To catch up on the day.
Then kneels at her bedside,
To silently pray.


She cries in the dark,
Alone in her bed.
And uses the pillow,
To cover her head.
Jun 2010 · 624
Early Day
deanena tierney Jun 2010
The house is quiet, except for the hum of the clothes dryer, which I started to make sure the tennis shoe my son soaked trying to remove the dog poo, was dry before school starts.

I can choose to spend these lonesome hours before all the others start to wake in any way I desire. And I choose to sit here at this computer and try to write a way into others' hearts.

The sun isn't quite up yet, but as soon as I start to see light break through my dining room window, I will be moving to the back deck, where I always, get to see a perfect sunrise.

And I can move back and forth, sometimes side to side, and if I feel like exerting the energy, almost even in a circle (almost), on my wooden swing,  with daybreak in my eyes.

It won't be much longer before the rest of the house wakes up, and I  begin all the daily tasks, like pouring cereal, putting the dogs outside, and trying to get the kids to do just what I say.

It's usually a panicked rush to find a missing shoe or bookbag, and changing shirts a couple times. This morning I did a few preliminary tasks to prepare. Glad I got up early today.
Jun 2010 · 4.5k
When I Leave This World
deanena tierney Jun 2010
One day, certain, this world I shall leave.
And left behind will be some who grieve.

And to the ones who shed their tears,
Who graced me with so many years,

I say to you, find peace with my rest,
Please carry on;  live life at its' best.

For I return to where I was received,
Renewed forever, because I believed.

And though we may be parted my friend,
And the world alone you have to attend,

Find hope in knowing that even though we're apart,
We will meet again and I still live in your heart.
Jun 2010 · 1.2k
The Rusty Mailbox
deanena tierney Jun 2010
It stands on a mildly sloping hill,
That is dotted with haphazard trees.
Overlooking a long dried-up creek,
That is now just compacted leaves.

To the right of it lays a few broken posts,
That, I'm sure, once, helped to contain,
Some cattle that surely supported the farm,
That used to be just down the lane.

To the left, there is just a hint of a path,
That must have been very well-trod.
And, farther off, a much- bustling city,
That, back then, would've looked quite odd.

Behind it, the ground hoards some rubble,
Of a farmhouse that fell long ago.
And, amazingly, this old rusty mailbox,
Holds a letter with no place to go.
Jun 2010 · 524
A Little Help Here
deanena tierney Jun 2010
I can see just where I've been at any given time.
Where I'm going I have no clue.
And it's all because my head's just not on straight,
At least not according to you.

But instead of helping me twist it and turn it,
To get it back on the right way,
You said you needed some time to think,
And then you just walked away.

Call me when you get it all turned around,
Just like the way it was before.
Then, we can fix any problem together,
I mean..That's what true love is for!
Jun 2010 · 509
Tell Me.....
deanena tierney Jun 2010
Tell me......Will the morning... bring the expected rain?
                        And won't the anticipation of it ease some of the pain?

Tell me......Will tomorrows' grief... be too much to bear?
                        But if it's awaited, leave some grief to spare?

Tell me......Will the next mistake... be worse than them all?
                        But, if it's premeditated, won't it look rather small?

Tell me......Will the next sacrifice... be the ultimate one?
                        But if given early, then won't my will be done?

Tell me......Will the unavoidable tears... still be a mighty dread?
                        If some are cried prematurely, won't there be less to shed?

Tell me......Will I escape any... of the misery- filled future lot?
                        If I choose to feel it now, by then will I have forgot?

Tell me......Is it better... to suffer heartache in its' time?
                        Or, perhaps, save some toil, and just break it in its' prime?
May 2010 · 1.3k
A Few Words Of Wisdom
deanena tierney May 2010
Ok well, it seems for now,
Your life is going well.
But beware, for tomorrow may have
A different story to tell.
If there is a single thing,
Over time, you should have learned,
It's to temper all elation,
Because at dawn you could be burned.
May 2010 · 912
For My Lover
deanena tierney May 2010
It seems whenever I am near you,
A sense of peace comes over me.
And I feel strangely young again,
Complete, somehow, and free.

I can always just be myself
No need to act a certain way
or weigh words before spoken
I just say what I want to say.

I can laugh my obnoxious laugh
And stand naked with no shame
And tell you many boring stories
And you like me just the same.

I can act like the dork that I am
And smile my big imperfect grin
I can forget what I wanted to say
And you wait til I remember again

I don't have to hold back a thing
You accept everything that I do
You made me ok with being imperfect,
When you said I was perfect for you!
May 2010 · 736
One Last Mile
deanena tierney May 2010
******* one more kiss, my love.
Pick me one more flower.
Watch with me one more sunrise.
Waste with me one more hour.

Read me one more bedtime story.
Cast me one more glance.
Whisper me one more secret.
Dance with me one more dance.

Write me one more love letter.
Flash me one more smile.
Sing to me one more love song.
Walk with me one last mile.
May 2010 · 799
deanena tierney May 2010
I once saw an old faded rocking chair,
On an otherwise empty porch.
Of an abandoned colonial -style house,
En route for a visit up north.

It moved just a tad, as if to whisper,
So I stopped for just a spell.
And wished that it could speak to me,
What stories would it tell?

Would it speak of simple innonence,
Unhurried times now gone?
But someone honked their horn at me,
And so I hurried on.
May 2010 · 545
deanena tierney May 2010
There is a presence who is with me every single ...
That sorts through all the memories of the ...
It keeps the best and worst and throws the rest...
Decides which ones will fade and which will...
It can recall for me some of the most beautiful...
That I have ever had the fortune...
to see.
Repeats unforgettable days; long and lonely...
Can bring them all right back...
to me.
It keeps the happy ones so I can still find...
a grin,
On a day full of grief and...
And the sad ones, a reminder that I may cry...
When I am acting so free...
of care.
The guidance from bygones of...
Lights my path, so it is easy to...
And remembrance helps me to find...
my way,
Back to the heart and soul of ...
May 2010 · 608
All That Is Me
deanena tierney May 2010
I hold tight to the inner core which is me.
It holds all my passion and all of my pride.
Too important and vital to let others see.
The center of all that I am and what I hide.

A possession of priceless value; component key.
To the opinions I hold and all choices I make.
I am unsure if I belong to it or if it belongs to me.
Enduring presence which no force can break.

Without it I would unguidedly wander,
Amidst others so aimlessly lost,
Its' asset I will never dare to squander,
I have no desire to know the cost.

Purposelly given for me; and not to share,
And I will always hold it in the highest revere.
It's worth to me?; the world does not care.
I know it solely, and it soully to me..... is dear
May 2010 · 807
Selective Listening
deanena tierney May 2010
My inner voice awoke one day,
And whispered quietly to me.
So softly I almost didn't hear,
So I carried on just normally.

It spoke to me every single day,
Each day louder than the last.
But still I chose not to listen,
And many more idle days passed.

Then one day it yelled at me,
Shouting over and over again,
And I wish I hadn't ignored it,
As I might know what could've been.

And then a long time seemed to pass,
Without even a single word.
Which was fine with me, just because,
I always hated what I heard.

But on an indecisive day,
I gave it a much -needed call.
Only to find my inner voice,
Would not speak to me.. at all.
deanena tierney May 2010
I know that you still love her.
It's right there on your face.
Every time that you look at me.
I know you're hoping I'll replace,
The vivid memories you have of her,
That haunt you everyday,
The longing ache within your chest,
And help you find a way.

A way to leave the pain behind,
By telling me sweet lies.
I know that you still love her.
I can see it in your eyes.
Can't you see that I love you?
And if you could, would you even care?
She is perfect in your minds' eye,
And to perfect, who can compare?

I see you gaze off into space,
And catch you misty-eyed.
You listen to sad love songs,
While I listen to my pride.
And though my heart is begging,
And my tears are falling so,
It hurts much worse to stay here,
So, my darling, I must go.
May 2010 · 466
A Short Revelation
deanena tierney May 2010
Do I love him?
I am beginning to doubt.
He was all I ever wanted.
But now I just want out!
May 2010 · 597
Soul of Mine
deanena tierney May 2010
Soul of mine, please come back to me.
I have missed you all of these years.
I admit it was I who abandoned thee,
Forsaking you because of my fears.

Soul of mine, please forgive me.
I meant to harm you not.
By ignoring you so subtly,
Until you were forgot.

Soul of mine, I have missed you.
Nothing else can fill your space.
No guidance to know what to do,
Since you left me in this place.

Soul of mine, I am begging you back.
And I know a long time has past.
You complete everything that I lack,
And without you, I'll never last.
deanena tierney May 2010
Here I sit again regretting,
Another disheartening day,
Where my untrusting nature.
Has pushed yet another away.

And I am nothing but a coward,
I have come to realize,
Bartering courage for a safety,
That I have come to despise.

I always hold back a certain something,
and grip it quite close inside,
Some part of me, and sometimes many,
Historically.. all of my pride.

So when I hear the words goodbye,
My salvation, though ever so small,
Is being able to convince myself,
That they never really knew me at all.

My own personal defense mechanism,
That has kept me right out of harms' way.
That no one has tried to break through,
No one thought I was worth it..... anyway.

At times I am sure that my logic,
Has caused me pain that is double,
And wish I could just be naive again,
Instead of just too much **** trouble.
May 2010 · 540
No One Gets The Best Of Me
deanena tierney May 2010
It's very hard to leave a world,
Where everything was a lie.
And start over again elsewhere,
Without suspicion in my eye.

And everytime I see a sight,
Or overhear a lowered tone,
I just can't help but wonder,
If the truth was ever shown.

And in my chest I quickly feel,
My heart drop to my feet,
Always looking for more lies,
From everyone that I meet.

And even if I can not prove them,
I believe all the lies are there,
And they serve as a harsh reminder,
That it is better never to care.

And even if I have it all wrong,
And one has a heart that's true,
As long as I walk away quickly,
It will be like I never knew.

My pride and heart will remain intact,
As they always should be.
And I will be able to hold my head high,
"No one got the best of me."
May 2010 · 2.0k
Why Do Men Have Nipples?
deanena tierney May 2010
Sometimes I just sit and wonder,
About the meaning of my life.
And about the true purpose of me,
Amidst all of the toil and strife.

And amidst all of the greatness,
The beauty of earth and of space,
And of the vast circle of life,
And what role I have in this place.

And the answers are all very evasive,
So I conjure them all from within,
Relying on simply my learned faith,
And experience of where I have been.

And I read the words of others',
Who have past on well before me,
Who also sought what I now seek,
Yet still left this life, unknowingly.

Could I be the one who uncovers,
The secrets all men hope to find,
Or will I, like the ones before me,
Go out of this world just as blind.

What if there is no true meaning?
And purpose; just a desperate plea?
To add some reason to madness,
What a pointless life that would be.
May 2010 · 545
For Jennie
deanena tierney May 2010
Leave it to my very best friend,
To slap the silliness right out of me.
And with a few all knowing words,
Bring me right back down to reality.

I always heed her words of advice.
She has a better perspective than me.
And she pulls me back just a little,
When I stand too close and can't see.

And she offers a clear reminder,
Of the path that I pledged to take,
And to her I am forever grateful.
For saving me so much heartbreak.

She lifts me up so that I can see,
The bigger picture from up above.
And with that view I remember,
I'm not ready to fall in love.

She says there is a long road ahead,
With opportunities galore.
And I better not ever settle again!
Unless I am very sure!

To take my time, there is no rush,
Just have fun along the way!
And always give a hundred percent,
And the time will be right one day!
May 2010 · 1.4k
Do Me A Favor
deanena tierney May 2010
I need your help, so I am going to ask for it.
I need your be ok.
I need you to be honest with yourself,
And what you need to say!

Right now, I am extremely vulnerable,
As I am sure you know well, my friend.
And it has taken an extremely long time,
To get my broken heart to mend.

And my heart needs my protection,
I am its' only security guard.
Please realize the threat you pose!
And what I am about to very hard.

This needs to be said quite early,
Before time runs away on its' course.
It's better to feel pain prematurely,
Too late, is always much worse.

And I know it may be very difficult,
But if your heart is not fully free,
Because it still belongs to another,
Mercifully, for now,..... let me be.

Forgive me, if you feel I'm a coward.
But I'm still afraid...I always have been.
We both know where heartbreak can take us.
And I don't ever want to go there again.

So, if you're not completely ready,
To let go of your past and to try,
With all that you are...and all of your heart,
I need you to say goodbye!
May 2010 · 429
Thank you!
deanena tierney May 2010
It used to be that you bared you soul,
Allowing all to see your delicate side.
But lately I sense a change in you,
A hostility deep inside.

I can't be certain it's really there,
Or if I am mistaken instead.
But by projecting bitterness,
You have rattled my head.

You have left me with no choice at all,
No choice at all ...and I must face,
The always real and rarely pretty,
Pain outside my space.

No, it's not all flowers and candy,
and flashy smiles all of the time.
And thank you for reminding me,
With another astounding rhyme.

So I as spend the rest of my day,
I will try to be much more aware,
That someone, somewhere sits alone,
With nobody else to care.
May 2010 · 497
How Will It Be?
deanena tierney May 2010
Will you hold my hand so tenderly
as we  slowly stroll along?
Will the moon cast a golden light
as the waves play us a  song?
Will your fingertips run so lightly
across my face and eyes?
Will you whisper,"baby" in the voice
I now easily recognize?
Will we lie down beneath the stars
upon my old bed sheet?
With beautiful stars  in the sky
and sand beneath our feet?
Will we talk of how we feel about life
and share memories past?
Will you  truly enjoy my company
and wish the night could last?
Will I quiver like I always do
when I feel you breathe?
Will looking deeply in your eyes
bring me to my knees?
Will we spend the night together,
making gentle love?
Will the angels grant us magic
sent from up above?
Will you utter words of love without
a single regret?
Will this night be the one that I
will never forget?
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