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24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. …
Always Consider  Everyone
BeAuTy, iT’s WhAt SuRrOuNdS yOu EvEn In DaRkNeSs.. -A.c.E
Write it if you like it
Dre Brax
Jade Joyce
California    “We all write poems; it is simply that poets are the ones who write in words.” ― John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman
Don't learn my name, but try understanding me through my words.
Raphael Uzor
Lagos, Nigeria    @ralphyloo
LJ Eaddy
My Imagination   
Syddy Raye
In a place:3    I don't like to disclose personal information so if you want to know anything about me, you'll just have to message me and ask me …
Jess Brady
19/Cisgender Female/Miami, Florida    Most of these are written at 2am. Feel free to critique the f*ck out of my work; it's the only way I can get better. …
london    poetry is what keeps me from going insane
Summer Winchester
Ann Voge
I don't know what I'm doing, more writes than anything I guess- xxxo. Instaaa - brittv0ge
Pushing Daisies
Blinded by the heavy rain
where i am now.    this is all absolute bull. i promise you.

— The End —