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 Mar 2015 amelia
 Mar 2015 amelia
How do you say goodbye to someone you can not live without?
 Mar 2015 amelia
 Mar 2015 amelia
Glass and silence surround our feet.
Shards ready for when we take a step
So stay still with me.
Stay frozen for awhile as we waltz without taking a step.
ten more years of this
I don't know about the world
I have never believed in anything

But I believe in her

To the end of the universe
Because when the stars burn

And heaven decides it has had it
Hell wants me
My soul is shattered
And pulled everywhere at once

When I can't stop the shaking
The earth floor is pulled out
From beneath my feet

When my world fades
I look around furiously

But I cannot see what everyone else
Focuses on

And I cannot understand the colourless
World around me
Just blurs and shapes
With white noise surrounding me

Standing in the middle of a crossroads
With lorries bearing down
Without brakes
From all directions

My god,
I believe in her

*she'll be there
I don't think I've ever had anyone else
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