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 Nov 2014 David
GitacharYa VedaLa
Deep in  the Ocean of Time
Right into the layers of space
Dwelling through infinite dimensions
There existed an atom

It searched for a friend
Found one to its taste
Lost an electron
Gained an electron
A bond was then formed

It has no name
But there was no worry
For name is but an identification

But see there's some more atoms
And they too did the same
A little bit of sacrifice
For love needs it
Lost an electron
Gained an electron
A bond was then formed
They started dancing

Growing in complexity.
Living things, masses of atoms for they were
Dancing a pattern ever more intricate
DNA and protein
Cells and tissues
Life came
At long last man came

He was the observer
Who measures the universe
Out of the cradle
Onto the dry land
Here it is standing
Atoms with consciousness
Matter with curiosity
Stands in the ocean of time
I, a universe of atoms?
Or an atom in the universe?
To Richard Feynman (again)

Posted long back.

I think this is my best poem (proper) till date. Most of the times I manipulate ideas to twist them into poems (almost all of them very short). But rare few times they flow into a verse of quality. This, I think, is one such, excluding haikus.

Want to see how friends here receive it. Of course few of them might have read it.
 Nov 2014 David
Ryan Bueler
Bless the poets of the past
who wrote all
without the applause
of ten thousand clicking mice

who poured out souls
on paper
in dimly lit rooms
... alone

who spoke the world
through rhyme and verse
to bless and curse
the meaning of it all

who first haunted your heart with words and lifted your spirit with prose
only for the sake of putting thoughts to the pen
           ...who made us out of 26 letters.
I may add on later
 Nov 2014 David
It IS...
a kind of Peace
hidden underneath the
Darker Veil.

Forgotten tenements
driven out by the Pale,

Intimate utterances
worthy of a mourning
Kings' tears
may trace sounds
of blood Red roses
rising in his moistened
garden grounds.

Forgotten tenements
driven out by the Pale,

It IS...
a kind of Peace
hidden underneath the
Darker Veil.
Good morning :)
 Nov 2014 David
Amitav Radiance
The dark unfathomed depths
Deepest crevices are thick dark
Lurking neath the earth’s surface
Caves, volcanoes, deep pits
The entrances without an end
We covered them for now
Lava spewing with rage
Gases and streams lay quiet
Unknown territory for us
How deep we may have dug
We've reached the skies and beyond
Can we ever go down and beyond
What lies there is a mystery
We have scratched the surface
Unknown depths are challenges
Maybe another Earth is cocooned
Waiting to blossom one day
 Oct 2014 David
Amitav Radiance
Sometimes, the why’s are too many
And we do not know the how’s
Left without any answer
Faced with conundrum
Trapped in between
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