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Jan 2017 · 1.8k
Diabolical Debutante
David W Clare Jan 2017
By: David W. Clare

I sorta knew better but became intrigued at the notion...
It all began with one lonely emotion!

Like a poisoned love potion...

Out of the blue she sent money to the front desk of my flop house hotel deep in the city!
More came later along with promises and lies...

The bellman was asking way too many questions...

I told him it was from an old debt. I bet he saw right through that alibi. He acted shy then the word got out I was a creep, I'm no little Bo Peep!

She and I made plans to meet I was convinced by her intense sense of essence...

She sent **** pictures in the mail, the front desk had opened to inspect!

I suspect an indirect suspicion, the coat-check girl even ran through my pockets stole my coins and matches.

Tough little ***** likes to rant, wants to flaunt her wants my way, asked me to pay for a roll in the hay after she got off work one day...

Then the diabolical debutante went away...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
She was only in his mind... film noir drama black and white movie Hollywood 1942 style movies original works by the author.
Jan 2017 · 881
The Poem of Life
David W Clare Jan 2017
By: David W. Clare

We live and pray striving each day
Going it alone along our way...

Frustrations make us strong, learning how to get along with the ones we've earned their love...

Push and shove unaware knowing we must share sacrifices are the spices we must dare to taste allow no waste of time...

Rise above learn to love thyself but not at the expense of the innocent ones...

Be kind, use your head; not your mouth
Be silent is strength in oneself...

Tough guys fail and striveth like the battle of David and Goliath!

Don't thrive on love from the past, cause hopefully you have both forgotten about each other...

Move on into the new dawn
Onward and beyond...

The choice is yours,
be not concerned what others might think...

Be entrenched in your goals
Silence is the key never share your secrets for that will result in delusion and folly...

Most of all embrace wisdom not vanity this cannot be taught vicariously only inherited through failure and determination to succeed...

For the price of wisdom is priceless indeed!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Dedicated to this world and its people...
Dec 2016 · 2.5k
The Walmart Poem
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

When it comes to shopping here's your key!
Don't bother walking Targets
aisle number three...

There is no competition anywhere!
Whether you need a loaf of bread, tools or underwear...

Walmart is around every corner just for you!

24 hours and a dozen smiles easy to see...
Prices so low; it's all almost free!

Toasters, fans, beds, loafers, bikes... Clean bathrooms open up for you all day and night...

Walmart offers parking under a big spot light!
Friendly attendants will treat you right...

The best security anywhere around!
Why bother shopping at any other place in town?

Crock Pots over on aisle 17!
...the best way to save money I've ever seen!

Walmart, Walmart!
Now you're shopping smart!

Your right at Home at Walmart !

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Poem by David Clare
A Tree Full of Owls   2017
Dec 2016 · 538
Pandora's Box
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

When you grow up, always be fair!
God is watching you, over here and over there...

Testing us all; along our way!
Seeing us awake or sleeping, every night and every day...

If we steal, it makes him cry!
So stop and think, before you try...

Bad boys wind up; going no where!
Fighting each other only to lose their share...

Don't be curious; of what's inside there!

Avoid the Pandora's box, for it leads to despair...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Picnic Basket Poetry... for children
From 2017 A Tree Full of Owls
The Book Patch
Dec 2016 · 1.2k
The Frolic Room
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Hollywood town has seen all kind of characters from infamous to bums!
The hippest of all, exclusive dive bar that's been there forever; will outlast us all...

Not your typical cowboy-trough or rag-joint hole-in-the-wall...

No dancing allowed as silent drifters, hipsters and ******: **** on olives then ask for more...

Dress-code strictly enforced; some meet there to get married, while others get divorced...

You'll be sure to meet up with Humphrey Bogart and Cecil B. Demille, young **** chicks and a fat-director over the hill...

Be sure and tell the bartender you'll be back, he will surely remember your tie, coat and hat...

Welcome to the Frolic Room...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Hollywood's most notorious late night movie bar... the neon is priceless!
Dec 2016 · 547
The Coffee Break
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

I was hiding away from crooks when I met the only girl I thought I ever liked,
she said her name was Wanda...

A real oriental smasher, smart as a whip!
Easy to be with at the coffee-shop where we met...

Then she acted funny; kinda aloof like a Siamese cat!
She wasn't hungry but she knew I was...

We walked up hill in China town to the Shanghai Tower where they rent rooms by the hour...

I was in the mood for some sweet and sour!

All I got to eat was sour-dough!

We got drunk on cheap *****, then she tossed me to the dogs, I wound up on skid row...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Hollywood type 1940s film idea about a tough dame who tossed me out!
           Film Noir is my passion...
Dec 2016 · 750
Along for the Ride
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She told me her family was well-off,
then she started to cough...
To me, putting on the dog was never impressive!
I could tell she had plans for me that didn't include me at all...

I was her pinata for the weekend!
Drinks, dinner and a lobotomy were in store...

Her place was in the city where I would be beaten up with kisses!
Her wishes were venomous, yet I was at her command...

Along for the ride!

She drank heavily; especially before work as a stock broker!

Seemed the joke was on me...

She tried to fashion me into her dancing-monkey while she would grind the *****!

She liked to slap me around with her scotch and sofa slaps...
Only to watch me pull myself up by her bra-straps!

I pretended all was great...
*******, violent date!

Her high-heels stabbed my sense of pride!

I was only... along for the ride!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Think 1940's old Hollywood black n white movies... this one based on a true story.
Dec 2016 · 675
Definition of a True Friend
David W Clare Dec 2016
"When you can trust someone more than you trust yourself."

D. Clare
"When I want to read a book, I write one."
Benjamin Disraeli
Dec 2016 · 565
Quote for 2017
David W Clare Dec 2016
...the coming new-year!

"There are no such things as inanimate objects, only inanimate people."

D. Clare
Happy **** Year kids!
Dec 2016 · 448
The Hidden Agenda
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

The aging secretary bugged me all morning, she even tossed salt in my womb: eh wound, er I mean coffee...
That old tuff broad must be nuts!

Hector, was juggling the books behind Tracie's back again. He's blind enough to fall for them goofy lies...

Another day at the office with a hang-over the size of a rusted-out Buick yanked out of an old junkyard swamp. Boy, was I zonked...

My broken-down dented up car ran out of gas on the freeway. The tow truck almost broke apart from being too old...

I swear, that creep-faced driver looked familiar. Yeah, that's it! I saw his mug-shot in the old town-square post office last year. He probably lied, told me he goes bowling on Saturday nights.

What a hidden agenda...

My job was answering calls until Shelly gets back in town...

Her kid-sister went berserk and wound up in a not-so straight-jacket.

She is a kept-woman, forced to serve and sleep with a callus man she cares nothing about...

The county hospital phoned; she took an overdose, went into a coma...

That's life in the big city!
It's a pity that old hidden agenda...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
1940's black and white Hollywood movie twisted in poetry all unique original and non-plagiarized... by: d. clare  Las Vegas
Dec 2016 · 731
The Wooden Chair
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

When there's no one else around,
at least you know you have a place to sit...
After they've kicked you in the face and left town...
You are lucky to have that old wooden chair!

He's always there!

Women come, women go, the show must go on... no matter rich, poor, weak or strong, we all need us that; old wooden chair!

I often wonder who made my wooden chair, that faithfully awaits for me to lend a hand, like a true blue friend who understands...

In a world filled with lies, greed and contempt; a decent chair is your best friend!

Even Elvis once said, "If you can't find a partner, use a wooden chair."

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Any serious write must appreciate this one...
Dec 2016 · 749
The Big Setup
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She slapped my face with her blood-stained hands!
Quickly we embraced; for one second...

The phone rang...

I was told her moniker was midnight Mary!

I was warned she had slept with Tom, **** AND Harry...

Next thing I knew, all my cash was burning!
The big setup was no real surprise to me; I knew I had walked into a trap...
I never did so good in school; had a hard time at learning!

Women are funny people...

I found the bartenders phone number in her purse while I waited for her to use the ladies room...

It was like she wanted me know she was a: some sort of Jezebel!

After I paid the bill, I didn't feel so well...
The only way out of this, was to leave town...

I had to get away from her promiscuous attempt to bribe me!

The owner Smitty, tapped me on the shoulder...
Told me; I would get bad-luck if I tried to hold her!

The big setup was no real surprise to me; I knew I walked into a trap...
I never did so swell in school, had a hard time at learning...
Next thing I knew, my cocky-reputation was burning!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
1940's style Hollywood black and white melodrama movie flipped into poetry... the detective falls for a dame!
Dec 2016 · 455
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

He hates guys who look her way!
Slaps her face if she talks to men...
Controlling misfit, gave her a black-eye,
Now she lies and pretends!
Violent rat-face knows how to offend...

His ex-wife left him, she's back in Colorado
Now, he's even jealous of his own ****** shadow!

What fell out first, his brains or his hair?
Creepy-geek; ***** on corncobs at the county fair!
Bald headed loser now grows a beard!
All the girls hate him, they think he's real weird!

His ex-wife left him, gone back to Colorado
Now, he's even jealous of his dumb looking shadow!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Funny but true... I known many geeks losers fatso moose's who are this a way...
Dec 2016 · 326
Forbidden Fruit
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Inside the heart of a lovely wife...

She's changed her ways to share her life!

Over time she grows lonely in the night...

She thinks about growing old and the day she must retire!

Soon, she yearns for lustful desire...

It's an age-old genetic plan!

She has no time for boy scouts or nerds, she's often heard telling lies...

When she finally meets this renegade, all hell breaks out in fire!

Clandestine infatuation, rules her incestuous emotions...

She puts on her finest of body lotions...

She looks at herself in her private mirror; to be sure she's ready to be desired...

She feels her husband cannot adhere and is unaware of caring of her need,

She wants to breed!  She has needs!

So now it's time to rendezvous, meet for tea one fine afternoon!

After they meet at that quiet café, her taboo dessert is of… forbidden fruit!

© In perpetuity all rights reserved
℗ FilmNoirWorks
Clandestine *** and the married house wife...
Dec 2016 · 394
Mail Order Bride
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Las Vegas is the town she dreamed of when we spoke on the phone...

Being young and stupid, I thought with the wrong head!

Her pictures were retouched, shows how much I know...

She spoke no English, I spoke no Japanese!

Like a small figurine I once saw, Asian women have two faces...

Matched pairs are juxtaposed between mixed races!

Buyer beware is the same as beauty is in the eye of the beer holder...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Fun in bed poetry...
Dec 2016 · 337
No Strings Attached
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Her bedroom was a mess, Girlie things strewn about...
Heels and pantyhose flying around as she got undressed...

I did the same, I didn't even know her name!

She told me her husband was out of town...

We both were half-crocked, her martini spilled on the rug...

We held each other and hugged!

****, then I awoke as the phone rang!

This ****** dream seemed more than real...
I had been celibate since about last May!

Wrong number; same crap different day...

The hotel operator was told to hold all my calls!

Tried to catch more sleep in hopes of capturing her *** in that dream...

Then, came a hard knock on my hotel room door.

A strange angry man, looking for his wife showed me her photograph...

I was stunned!

I told him about my dream, it seemed he thought it was in jest!

Punched me in the face...

Glad there were some band aids in the medicine chest...

Then, I realized I must lock-down the latch...

Making love to his wife; with no strings attached...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Agitation is my wild imagination...old black and white movies I invent to vent is my high of choice...
Dec 2016 · 474
The Peep Show
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She appears nightly in the window, under a fading out blue gel spot light sporting cheap lingerie...

Her red slapped **** fit a bit too tight!
I was strung out on Cutty Sark, the whole darkish day!

Thunder clapped overhead; the rain threatened the would be turn-out of bums!

Prima Donna, was her ****** stage name: she hid the newborn kid under the bar...

He resembled Jimmie Durante,
The baby smoked a cigar!

Live *** *** Show: read the blinking orange neon sign...

She pretended she was a road house star!

Her stretch marks indicated she had been tossed around...

Town to town, bar to bar!

Now she travels in a carnival trailer...

She drinks herself to sleep when no one is around: can't be seen crocthless!

Wide spots in the road are the small time attractions...

Her fat *** boss sells China made fake Rolex time pieces...

Character is all you have when no one else watches...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
La Strata goes Vaudeville... poetry... drama!
Dec 2016 · 372
The Bathroom Stall
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Her Korean Dagger eyes, led me astray that otherwise sanguine night at the...

Going-out-of-business bankrupt sushi bar!
By far the nastiest *** I ever had; I was glad until she cut my head off and puked down my neck…

Oriental ladies are peculiar that a way...

She was the succubus or the seductress or perhaps the demure murderess…

Who knows?

All I know: she was the temptress; the fire-wild waitress in a Seoul sushi bar

 I was on visa overstay; drunk almost every night and day

Akin to a spastic kid in a candy shop!

We met in the ladies room; smashed into each other like a pair of rusted nails!

Her pantyhose ripped open like cobwebs in a raging windstorm…

We sloppily kissed after she slapped my face!

Next thing I know; she stole my wallet!

Then I awoke; the joint closed down, the dark roused me up…

I was glad she ran off with the boss…

Now, I can go back to my guest house room and sleep it off!

© In perpetuity all rights reserved
℗ FilmNoirWorks
Strange things happen in Asia... Gee, I hadn't noticed!
Dec 2016 · 362
Tuff Rubber Doll
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Once a happy baby in her mama's tender arms
She grew up fast and left the family farm...

Traded some Rough Rider dude for a roll in the hay...

Tattooed black and blue on the Harley road to hell
Tuff road to ***; now she’s rollin’ down the open hard highway...
So sad, she's going, now she’s gone astray!

Tuff Rubber Doll

Loves a dirt bag doped out punk
Smokes a lot she thinks she's hip!
Now pregnant from a chump *** toad!
Hell dump her off at the truck stop up the road...

© In perpetuity all rights reserved
℗ FilmNoirWorks
She's a young wild girl, determined to lose...
Dec 2016 · 653
The Drunken Bastard
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She phoned me up: as she lied: straight to my face!

Phoney baloney, rang through my swollen head, she's unfit for the human race...

Begged me to bring her a pint of ice cream; I fell back asleep had a frozen dream...

Then, my car alarm blew a gasket
Those **** wild hoodlums are at it again?

I fell down in the street chasing after a cheap bottle of ***** to sooth my broken down blues... her breathe sounded real bad!

I acquiesced, then wanted to see her naked in bed undressed... I was depressed at the thought, she looked hot until I threw back the blanket...

I knew I was being used as her chisel... skanky cheap broad!

I took a taxi to her uptown flat, what a ******: room 17, next to that old gas station that got robbed last summer...

I was so **** drunk, I rolled up the stairs and her shoes fell on my feet!

Then I knew there was no hope, I lay there like the drunken *******!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Fiction Novel story twisted into a dream like bad noir movie
Dec 2016 · 433
Brandy Sheherazade
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

I drove her home, to her secret couchet
Across the mountains to the valley of splendor...

Adventure was in store!

Late night lonely struck
I noticed her in the crowd
Deafening Silence ensued
I pursued her slowly...

She appeared to be the Scheherazade
I must applaud her now!

I asked her name she told me..
Telepathy played sexually
We walked away... her love nest to play!

We arrived at dusk...
We both knew we must explore in lust!

I was thirsty for some Brandy...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
She was dark complected exotic I was age 24 new to Hollywood, what an ****** night!
Dec 2016 · 348
The Scary Go Round
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She loves him but he wants her **** sister...

Young kissing cousin wants to get porked by the older mister...

He loves his best friends wife
Soon he is divorced cause they liked to flirt, now his **** got knocked in the dirt...

He loves her but she loves him, here it goes: so fast around again...

Ah yes, its that old tradition of suspicion... Welcome to that tried, tested and untrue... The Scary-Go-Round!

He ran away, divorced his ugly old naging wife to marry the bosses secretary...

Soon she left him for a younger man who now spends the old ******* hard earned money on things he never had...

So very sad this vile intrepid ride of Trojan horses running wild through the drama of people's marriages and divorces...

The lawyers and the courts are filled with cases like litigious costly resorts... when the party is over!

Beware, the dizzy spin of the Scary-Go-Round, will run you over...

He loves her but she loves him, here it goes: so fast around again...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Them Trojan Horses will trample you!
Dec 2016 · 344
Calm Before the Storm
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

The elevator was broken down, the stairwell rusted up...

I saw an airplane in the sky, it was stuck; couldn't fly!

Birds swarmed into an old haunted house
Walked into a still life painting, quiet as a church mouse...

Two-lane highway, telephone poles with no wires
Firetrucks alarming with no sound, no fires to be found...

An invisible wind blew my mind  
As she waited from across by the Sea...

I tried my best to find her; then she vanished far from reach...

Then, I knew it was the Calm Before the Storm...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Surreal imagery for fun...
Dec 2016 · 430
Trailer Home Chippie
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Broken down drunken ****
smokes a menthol cigarette down to the ****...

Sits around all **** day
******* down a cheap bottle of gin... Determined not to work, her lower back hurts from flappin' her hammer toe feet in the air...

Lee's press on fingernails bitten off stuck in the orange **** carpet and the bar stool chair...

Complains on the phone that life, just ain't fair...

Avon encrusted Divorcé with her nasty ******* tattooed son back in the county pokey...

Won't get off her frumpy ****,
At night she's the skanky wig hat loud perfumed truck stop pump!

Wisconsin trailer trash, lives on food stamps and the county welfare trough...

Spitting up Cheetos, hacking out loud from smokers cough...

Wayne Newton records, playing' after all these years...

Passed out again, drunk from too many stolen trailer park beers...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
...just having some fun!
Dec 2016 · 457
The Vendetta
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

The river was dredged in the night
Frogmen swam to and fro...

They found the knife she tossed in
It rained hard the next day...
she knew she'd sinned...

She ran away to mothers!

I tried to bury the axe and leave town
My train got derailed once again
The local church wouldn't let me in...

Another **** vendetta

Her stiletto heals are still under my cheap motel room bed, the sheets are still blood stained red...

Women can't shut up: they must have the last word ending it all with a period...

The vendetta...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Film Noir movie themes by, d. clare
Dec 2016 · 575
She's Moved On
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

The rain came and swept our time away
Then, the day never came to dry my tears
Now I fear I'll always be alone...

Her telephone rings off the wall
No one's there to answer my call
The operator, she listens in...

She's moved on...

I walk in the dark, sleep on the floor
Drive by her house, knock on her door...

She's moved on...

The cat box still remains outside, that old rack of fire logs is dripping wet...

I bet she flew off to Spain in a witch hazel cloudy sky...

At least I tried, but now I see...

She's moved on...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Film Noir Movie poetry based on old classic black & white Hollywood 1940s films... think Humphrey Bogart, etc...
Dec 2016 · 314
The Average Bear
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Going to school and studying books
Is far better than most video games
It's a shame to hang out with bad boys!

Stay away from those things bad bears do...

Rise above, become a leader in your own school...
Get smart, get high grades...

You'll thank yourself when you get older one day...

When you rise: you become wise!

Smarter than the average bear...

© In perpetuity all right reserved
℗ FilmNoirWorks
School is good, autodidact is perhaps better!
Dec 2016 · 278
Spark of Desire
David W Clare Dec 2016
By David W. Clare

A brilliant Ruby glows from a distant shore
A girl I adore; not the girl next door!
The quest of man’s vision…
The best of the Philippines…
On a scale of 1 to 10, a true17!

The Cinderella of my dreams…

Animal attraction deep from within the Earth!
Her mama gave birth to the girl of high esteem…

Any man would want her, and to worship her feet!

Adorn, glorify, behold, only a fool would not see her charm... A girl so rare to meet!

Halik Halikan: is her fruit-flavored kiss

That man is now me… in a state of tortured bliss!

An expression of respect: as I know she empowers the solution…

© In perpetuity all right reserved
℗ FilmNoirWorks
I miss the lovely love-starved ladies in The Philippines, mmm!
Dec 2016 · 365
Mr. Ground Hog
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

In the spring time fresh cool air
Emergerges our secret friend!
Chubby boy hides his head
Gives us advice after we sleep in our bed...

He braves the storms of winters edge...
Burrows away, eats from the hedge

Pokes out his cute furry head...

"Listen up kids!", he's heard to say
"Winter is over, so come out and play!"

© In perpetuity all right reserved
℗ FilmNoirWorks
Picnic Basket Poetry by, d. Clare for kids of all ages...
Dec 2016 · 380
She Pretends
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She reads my mind
Hates to be his slave
Oh, how I crave her now!

She pretends, not to see my eyes watching her every move... in the night: glows between her frightened thighs...

She puts on her makeup, it's her only disguise...

Men, wear no make up; afraid-not to speak lies...

Women wear makeup to hide their alibis...

She pretends!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
...from my future book, Film Noir & white old Hollywood movies poetry for adults!
Dec 2016 · 558
The Wrong Side of Town
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Skid row calls my name, the shame of it all...

The call of the wild beat me to a pulp
Had to quit drinking in order to rethink my strategy...

Tragedy struck, broke down my pick up truck!
Got stolen again, what the dig dog duck?

When will I win?

Lost in space, all my memories been erased...

I'm in the wrong side of town...

The wrong side of the law...
Upside down, headed for a fall!

That's all...

© In perpetuity all right reserved
℗ FilmNoirWorks
Film Noir drama strikes again!
Dec 2016 · 284
No Tell Motel
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

She always bugs me
Makes me crazy...

Sushi IS my second favorite thing to eat!

Her best friend wants to **** me in bed!
Perhaps that's the best place to die!

The way that dumb broad talks, makes a man wanna put a gun to his head!

Choose your weapons carefully, it's war in any relationship these days...

Savvy girl power, can break a fools heart in less time than it takes to tie your shoes!

Rather than turn gay, I decided to leave her and walk away...

Her mother resembled an old man with a moustache!

Making my life's plans crash, like making a broken down flop-house bed...

The laundrymat was closed when I checked in to the No Tell Motel...

The cold weather wind started to howl...

I remember that strange smell like someone forgot to throw in the towel...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Hollywood 1940 FILMS & Novels turned in to original Film Noir poetry by. D. Clare
Las Vegas USA ...fresh from Bangkok
Dec 2016 · 964
Asian Cat Prowler
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Bangkok summer fun
I'm running wild
Chasing shadows for a while in the sultry Asian sun
Hello Kitty! She slaps my face, my face in just for fun...

Can't sit down, it's just not allowed
The more you move the more you're away from the crowd

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Bangkok is a dimension all to its self...
Dec 2016 · 355
Dogs, Cats & Pigs
David W Clare Dec 2016
By: David W. Clare

Dogs love to play, while cats run away... but pigs loaf around, eat up junk all day...

Dogs like to bark, so kids come home at dark

Cats meow: drink milk, then hide inside the park...

Pigs oink for slop, and corn and tons of stuff...

Then they all go to sleep, when they've all had enough!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Picnic Basket Poetry by: D. Clare
2016 FilmNoirWorks publishing
Nov 2016 · 251
The Devils Road
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

Beware, the lying good doctor
Be wise, lest you're uncool
Be hip to Mother Nature
...or be lost sad crying fool!

The devils road is dark and bleak
The path to ruin; shadowy and steep

Don't believe anything that is said
Tricky whispers you love to hear
Words vanish inside your head
As the demons bend your ear

Yes, the devils road is very dark and bleak
The path to ruin so shadowy and deep...

The prophet of doom is very near
The devils road will make you disappear...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Avoid drugs  dope ***** beer get in to herbs   my new company to help you is coming soon!  David Clare
Nov 2016 · 1.0k
Poor People vs. Rich People
David W Clare Nov 2016
"Poor people behave poorly, rich people behave worse."  D. Clare
I write aphorisms, epigrams & witticisms
Nov 2016 · 401
I Want You
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

I know what you want, I got what you want...

I know what you need, I got what you need...

You know what I want ...and I want you!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Nov 2016 · 289
Gold Digger Girl
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

She failed in school, now she breaks that golden rule...
Hair dyed, rugged burned runaway from the wrong side of the tracks

Now she attacks the old love hungry one eyed jacks
Impetuous and angry bottled blond: gone astray, she learns how to betray...

Wild trailer trash ***** goes shopping all day...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Film Noir Movie idea
Bad girls are insatiable...mmm
Nov 2016 · 248
Love Starved
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

She Cry's in her sleep has no one to call her own
The pain of being alone

Avoids watching TV
Hates men like you and me

She's worried men can read her thought cloud
At night she thinks out loud...

Dreams of love, schemes of lust as her wants become dust!

Thirsty desires about to bust...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks

Philippines chicks need it bad! 3 times I been there incredible *** ventures...mmmmm ouch!
Nov 2016 · 246
The One Who Got Away
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

...she slipped right trough my grip as I kissed her lips!

**** pow up in smoke
Now, I dream of her and them all...

The call of the wild
She was just a child back then!

I was naive...
She wanted to conceive and breed!

I'm the one who is now deeply in need...

Pour on the red wine let me dine alone in my lonely broken heart break hotel...

I can still smell her perfume from
long ago...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Ah, the many loves and lust filled lost affairs...
Nov 2016 · 556
Cheap Thrills
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

I tried to stop the taxi from taking me to you that fateful night
The driver pretending not to hear me
We made love then now you fear me!

Cheap thrills nearly killed me!
My money and gold disappeared
Now I'm left with an empty glass of beer!

My hotel room still stinks of your lies...
Sad thieving girl runs away to leave me cry!

The shape of you outlined in my bed
Like a chalk silhouette at a ****** scene, now I scream your name...

Cheap thrills nearly killed me!
My money and gold disappeared
Now I'm left with just an empty glass of beer!

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Film Noir night in Manila, the Philippines...
Nov 2016 · 973
Song of the Rooster
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

The head master teacher preaches to us hen house school
Kid chickens...

We must be brave, we are scolded if misbehaved...

The chicken lady teacher pecks away, makes us lay our eggs and
do more homework...

The class clown jokes around doesn't care about his scores!

History teaches us vicariously what brave roosters did before us kids were hatched...

Like eggs that are matched we must learn to fly from the nest even tho we can't

Let's chant and pray that our farm school house will let us not stray away...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks

Roosters are teachers to hens...
Nov 2016 · 706
Lust is Blind
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

It's so **** bizarre just like a Mickey Spillane novel now I grovel trying to unravel it all!

I used to think love is blind, now I know lust is blind. I don't know what love is and I don't mind...

I don't have no soul mate
Still I don't feel so great I'm not the dating kind...

Lust is blind or am I just torn like a wind blown rage from a worn out page like a cheap love romance sage?

All I know for sure is lust is blind...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Film Noir poems by, d. Clare
Nov 2016 · 435
Grandmas Basement
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

Having fun doing the hoola hoop
Grandma yells at us to quiet down
We act like clowns jump up and down run around shhhhh!

Soon lunch is ready we eat outside
Grandma cooks for us with her
Old fashioned pride...

Grandpa snores asleep, were not allowed to touch his new TV
Us kids get most every thing for free
Do behave or no more candy
As our uncle sips on his crystal glass of brandy

Our school teacher told us all to think
When we grow up were not allowed to drink...

We love grandma's basement...

(C) In perpetuity all right reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Kids poetry book pending 2017
Nov 2016 · 506
Pillow Talk
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

With creamy pink kisses she whispers my name
Late night dreaming in her hide and seek game...

As my phone cools off, my mood is so on
Her voice made me weak as this night lingers long...

Pillow Talk is the only language she speaks
Smooth as silk, clear as lalique...

Silhouette shadows flicker in the hall
She's now dancing on my bedroom wall...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Adult Fantasies are Film Noir visions...
Nov 2016 · 401
Zebbra, my new friend
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare
(about my long bed pillow with Zebra like stripes)

She sleeps all day and night
Let's me hold her tight
In bed she never complains
She always looks the same
Wears the only clothes she has
Let's me kiss her soft and pretty face
In her black and white pillow case

She is about four and a half foot long
She likes me to sing to her my newest poems and songs

Never in the mood to eat
Let's me use her to rest my feet
She's cute clean and chubby
She knows I won't cheat, thinks I'm her hubby

So soft, cuddly, warm and fuzzy
Better than any girl who's kissed me under the willow
I'm in love with Miss Zebra, my fluffy, yummy, great-big pillow...

(C) In perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Children's poems I love to create...
Nov 2016 · 1.3k
Late Night Snack
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

As she stood there combing her long Thai-dolly hair, I went berserk!

Her allure made me demure...

Her intrusive big green comb made me fawn. I was so glad she wasn't a blond...

...oh how I hated to sleep alone that Phuket, Thailand night.

I dearly needed a young girl to love on until the early morning light...

Mystical island trees, made my incense clouded nose sneeze...

The open window filled our hideaway with a lightly salted Andaman Sea breeze...

She gave me her dark surprise most guys might never realize...

Feminine chocolate kisses for my attack... became my desire and late night snack!

(C) in perpetuity
(P) FilmNoirWorks
**** Asian girl of 20, I met in Phuket Island a while back. She was very nice... yum!
Nov 2016 · 341
Check Mate
David W Clare Nov 2016
By: David W. Clare

Pawned around in your asinine game
Only to wind up in your hall of shame

Goodbye my Queen, to me you were too mean...
I'm now free as a Knight on the singles scene...

Tired of being rooked by your jealous heart
Fatal attraction, tore us apart...

I remember our very first date
You tried too hard to control my fate...

Soon you'll find yourself a brand new King
I bet he'll be dumb enough to buy you a wedding ring!

Get married by the Bishop in your Church of sin
Enjoy yourselves, I'll buy you both a bottle of Gin

Living with you was a sad drag on my plate, we failed at love so now we hate...

I must now concede and give up... you win!  ...Check Mate!

(C) in perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Dysfunctional marriages trending globally...
Oct 2016 · 403
The Tender Trap
David W Clare Oct 2016
By: David W. Clare

What's so tender about a bar tender after marriage fails?

Get drunk and fall off the stool!

Hung over again?

Can't drink her off my mind that way...  We rolled in the hay that day!

Buyer beware, for fools rush in!

That was the girl who once said she loved me...

How very quickly now I run away!

No ones gets married in the night!    Who wants a night marriage?

Marriage?   Me?   No way!
... it's a night mare!

A grim era indeed, sadly the tradition continues to consume the Church going newlyweds who seek the American Dream..

I'd much rather enjoy being alone taking a... weird vacation!

Destination unknown...

(C) in perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Caveat Emptus!   NOTE: The use of anagrams.
Oct 2016 · 288
The Valley of Love
David W Clare Oct 2016
(...for all illegitimate children)

By: David W. Clare

Allow no one to rain on your camp fire dream
Say nothing, just keep up your self esteem...

Knowing in your heart you're unique from everyone
Read the Holy Bible, it offers you
Vision... for you will be number one...

Never fight any fool, you may win the battle, but you will lose the war

Instead of anger choose to laugh at life, then you'll grow stronger and that's for sure...

Remember, love conquers hate...

Never lose hope cause you have a date with success for that is your fate... you were born to be nothing but great!

Welcome to the Valley of Love!

(C) in perpetuity all rights reserved
(P) FilmNoirWorks
Bless the little ones who have little hope. I was extremely poor as a kid. Now, I'm self sufficient... "Be lamps unto thyself." Buddha        d. Clare   FilmNoirWorks
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