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Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
Tables turning a full one-eighty
Holding your hand and thinking "maybe".
Things could be the way they seem,
but what on earth could it mean?
Wow things are weird
Oct 2014 · 230
Cracks In My Walls
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
Painted dreams cover my walls,
and I think you're breaking through.
Cracks appear under your weight,
and I wait patiently for you on the other side.
Yay for breaking walls
Oct 2014 · 339
Stranger things (10w)
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
"Stranger things have happened" they say.
Well no, not really.
This is so weird, but I think I'm liking it
Oct 2014 · 292
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014
How do you live
when the world turns upside down?
And gravity is the only thing
that cares enough to hold you.
This.. this is odd
Oct 2014 · 2.0k
Danielle Barlow Oct 2014

The weight of the world is off your shoulders now, dear
Lift your beautiful head and hold it high
Demand the respect you know you deserve

Oh, but don't forget to breathe

Smile that smile that is as bright as the sun,
and make sure he sees you when you do
Turn every head in the room with your confidence

Just be sure to breathe

When you cry, do it proudly and without reservation
Show the whole world how strong you are
You are unbreakable. You are not a footnote

Now take a moment to breathe
So, this is actually about me breaking up with my boyfriend. I CAN FINALLY BREATHE
Sep 2014 · 245
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Sixteen years old.
And still feeling like a child.
Will I ever grow up?
So I just turned 16 last week and I still feel 6 XD
Sep 2014 · 263
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I can't be alone.
The stillness and the silence
chill me to the bone.
I'm very lonely and lacking some inspiration right about now
Sep 2014 · 911
Worthless (10w)
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Why are you so good at
                   making me feel worthless?
I feel like ****
Sep 2014 · 193
Words of Wisdom
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
If you stand for nothing
you'll fall for anything.

Be who you are.
Don't let the world mold you.

Do what you love,
Not what the world loves.

Fight for what you believe,
not what you're told to

Hate can't drive out hate.
Only love can do that.
So this was inspired by both an All Time Low song and Martin Luther King Jr.
Sep 2014 · 1.3k
Yo Soy
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Yo soy Danielle.
Soy artística y estudiosa.
Quiero ser atrevida y muy talentosa.
Según mi familia soy reservada y seria a veces.
No me gusta nada practicar deportes.
Me gusta mucha actuación.
¿Cómo eres?
So I'm learning Spanish. If any of you guys know could you correct me if I'm wrong? This was kinda difficult. XD
Sep 2014 · 302
In Our Way
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Red and white lights passing in all directions
at speeds that shouldn't be humanly possible.
As I try to clear my head of any distractions,
the thought of what used to be is unstoppable.

A black blur whirling and winding all around me
reminds me that nothing good can ever really stay.
Occasionally, there are times when I simply can't see
just what trials and obstacles lie in our way.
I don't understand this poem.
Sep 2014 · 291
Stairwell Love
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Secret stairwell love.
Falling for you at the park.
Sunset spent with you.
Woo. Gotta love those kind of sort of relationships
Sep 2014 · 221
Through the Glass
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
As I stand here peering into the glass at your lovely face
I loose track of the time as it passes.
All I know is that it feels like absolutely forever,
since you last held me in your loving embrace.

Standing here with my nose pressed against the window,
as I pray you won't look over and notice me.
I hope you won't notice that I'm busy noticing you.
You catch my eye and all the voices in my head begin to crescendo.
I don't know how I feel about this one..
Sep 2014 · 252
Thinking Backwards
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I'm thinking backwards.
And he can't make sense of me.
Choking on my foot.
I know this sounds odd. I just put my foot in my mouth so often I'm choking on it now...
Sep 2014 · 220
Love and Hate
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Love and hate work hand in hand,
and I don't think you understand
that you and I are fire and ice.
Either one are not so nice.
Sep 2014 · 179
Happiness (10w)
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Happiness comes and goes,
                      but today it will stay.
In a really good mood today for some reason or another. Let's try not to ruin that!
Sep 2014 · 179
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I'm drowning in a sea of my own despair.
Sinking further and further from bitter air.
As the cold begins to settle into my skin,
I remember what once has been.

I feel your hand as it grasps at my leg,
but you don't even hear me beg.
You pull me even deeper down,
but whisper "Darling, I'd never let you drown."
I think I could make this one better with a little help
Sep 2014 · 619
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
This is dumb, I know
Sep 2014 · 346
I Just Give Up
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I lied.
I'm not doing fine.
I need you here with me,
but I just can't see
why you won't stay.
Am I in the way
of your greater plan?
But my love for you still spans
over the entire earth.
Can I share your mirth?
I'm sinking in my depression,
but you haven't learned your lesson.
I don't know what to do
since you can't see us through.
So for now I just give up.
I know this *****, but I needed to vent.
Sep 2014 · 210
Five Steps
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
Five steps behind me.
I run but can't get away.
Please, leave me alone.
About a nightmare I had..
Sep 2014 · 174
Through With Love (10w)
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I'm through with love,
                        it's too gentle for me.
Too gentle meaning I dislike the sticky sweetness of it all. I don't want that.
Sep 2014 · 301
The Stages
Danielle Barlow Sep 2014
I don't have a problem.
Of course I eat every day.

I don't need your help.
I eat enough to get by.

This isn't a real disorder.
I can't bring myself to eat.

I do need your help.
I haven't eaten a thing in weeks.

Please help me.
I think I'm dying.

I asked for your help,
but it's too late now.
Aug 2014 · 178
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
Why can't I just be pretty?
I just want to turn heads.
I want to feel beautiful,
but I'm hanging on by threads.

I want people to look and think
"I've never seen one like that".
I just want to feel secure,
but that's falling flat.
Ugh. Why do all you girls have to be so pretty. You're all gorgeous and I'm just here looking like a potato
Aug 2014 · 289
The Rain
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
Rain falls silently onto my cheeks,
As it washes away the pain.
Diamonds caught in my eyelashes
Remind me only brighter days remain.
Actual rain or tears?
Aug 2014 · 635
Ice Queen
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
I only realize how cold my heart is
when I feel the warmth of you against me.
Only then does the layer of ice around it
begin to melt.
Sometimes the only time I feel a thing is when he has his arms around me.
Aug 2014 · 462
Something Good
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
You had something good,
But you lost me.
While you wallow in your misery,
I'll be doing what I should.

*which is anything but think of you
Haha. ***** for you
Aug 2014 · 993
Beautiful Liar
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
Dark hair and light eyes.
I hope you choke on your lies,
Causing your demise.
Beautiful liars are the most dangerous kind
Aug 2014 · 227
Someone Please
Danielle Barlow Aug 2014
Please, I'm begging.
Someone at least try to break down my walls.
Someone please just love me until I can love back.
Someone please be there when I need you.
Because I need you, Someone.
Now more than ever.
So this is kind of random. I don't know where it came from..
Jul 2014 · 378
Virgin Territory
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
I'm not interested by ***.
Frankly I find it disgusting.
I do not wish to be defiled,
No matter how you are lusting.
Ugh. Sorry this poem is awkward. Even talking about *** makes me feel awkward.
Jul 2014 · 300
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
Maybe I'm to fragile to fight anymore.
I'm beginning to crack and break.
How much more of this can I take?
So while I lay here on this cold, tile floor;
I'm thinking
*"God, please finally spare me from this ache."
Jul 2014 · 826
Cracks In My So-Called Life
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
A bullet coming at me in slow motion.
Spiderweb cracks appearing in my so-called life.
Glass falling and puncturing my porcelain skin.
Rose colored blood seeping through the cracks.
A metaphorical bullet
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
I still love you.
More than you could ever imagine.
Yup. Sure do..
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
You've made a promise you didn't keep,
Leaving us both shattered and scarred.
I hope you know that I can't sleep
Knowing your feelings are charred.

While you're hurting yourself,
You're killing me.
Hey, you're worth it.
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
Blood drips slowly to the floor,
Staining it a bright, sickly red.
You couldn't quite make it to the door,
You gave me the perfect chance, so now you're dead.

You were a murderer too in your own twisted way.
He had it coming
Jul 2014 · 166
Danielle Barlow Jul 2014
Just when I thought everything was okay
You came and washed that thought away.
Jun 2014 · 185
This Fear
Danielle Barlow Jun 2014
That fear isn't one to just go away,
Especially after just three days..
You have helped me through so much,
Even though it was caused by your touch.
Some things just aren't meant to be.
Anything but you and me.
Hah. My own stupidity causes a TON of problems.
Jun 2014 · 239
The Land of Magic
Danielle Barlow Jun 2014
I am lost in the land of Magic, I fear.
Blocked from Reality's bite.
So do me a favor and wake me, dear.
For the land of Magic is also the land of Fright.
I'm sorry I'm not pasting regularly anymore. Life is getting in the way..
Jun 2014 · 285
The Dark
Danielle Barlow Jun 2014
What lurks in the darkness before me?
Things that I can feel but can't see.
It leaves me afraid to face the dark,
I think these stories have left their mark.

I'm full of dread of being alone at night,
Because my heart is stricken with fright.
In the dark what monsters creep?
As the dark into my soul does seep.
I am very scared of the dark. That's very embarrassing to admit...
May 2014 · 241
When Does Time Begin?
Danielle Barlow May 2014
Where does time begin and end?
Then the memory will start to fade.
Does it on our lives depend?
Or can time even fully spend?

Does time begin where memories do?
Memories of games we've played.
Do we have it misconstrued?
Will time forever continue?
Seriously though. It's food for thought..
May 2014 · 311
Danielle Barlow May 2014
Memories lining my shelves.
Constant reminders of my former selves.
Letting me see back into the past.
Further even than my memories last.
Feeling kind of sentimental
May 2014 · 303
3 am
Danielle Barlow May 2014
Writing poems at 3 am
Because I'm depressed and lonely again.
I can't cage the thoughts running loose in my mind.
Forever stuck longing for a solution to find.
I should really be asleep by now..
May 2014 · 203
Tear You Apart
Danielle Barlow May 2014
I am the type to manipulate.
I can play you like a record, darling.
Even though there is tons of hate,
Before you know it you'll be falling.

You'll be falling fast and hard.
Right down to the broken heart.
Because I'll play you like a card,
And am not afraid to tear you apart.
In a firey mood today XD
May 2014 · 337
Danielle Barlow May 2014
Droplets rolling down my skin.
Suddenly thinking of you again.
Tear drops blend with the pouring rain.
As I let it wash away all the pain.

The wind tears through my matted hair,
Neglected in these days of despair.
Depression sinks in like the cold.
Thoughts of feelings left untold.
Pardon any grammatical errors
May 2014 · 166
Your Own Good
Danielle Barlow May 2014
All I do is bring you down,
But without you I'm going to drown.
I want to be together but you do not,
So I'll let someone else fill my spot.

I need you like I need air,
But I only cause you to despair.
So I'll leave for your own good.
I never knew just where you stood.
I don't even know anymore
May 2014 · 201
You Again
Danielle Barlow May 2014
I feel the sunshine on my skin,
And I wish I were with you again.
Beneath a sky so clear and blue,
Yet the only thing I can think of is you.

But soon rolls in a storm of sadness,
And then I'm left here almost hopeless.
When I remember your past actions
My heart ends up in fractions.
Yup. Everyday
May 2014 · 534
Learn to Smile
Danielle Barlow May 2014
I love  you more everyday.
You are my thoughts and dreams.
I just hope that you will stay,
and that this won't fall apart at the seams.

You have all of my heart,
and you have for a long while.
You are funny, kind, and smart.
I just wish you'd learn to smile.
He's such a sweetheart, and he deserves to be happy.
May 2014 · 208
Danielle Barlow May 2014
Exhausted and depressed
Just waiting for an end
I cannot pass this test
I've no more time to spend
I've not posted in a long long time
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Unanswered Questions
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Who is wiser
the heart or mind?

What speaks louder
emotion or thought?
Different from what I normally do.. but ***** it
Apr 2014 · 796
My Knight
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
The things he says leave me speechless,
and his kiss takes my breath away.
These nights are long and restless,
waiting to speak to him in the day.

The days before him were dark,
but now my world is full of light.
For he has certainly left his mark.
And forever he will be my knight.

With him I am safe and warm,
and can not help but smile.
He is the calm in the midst of the storm,
and what makes everyday worthwhile.
Guys he's wonderful. I really hope he likes this..
Apr 2014 · 306
Somebody Please
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Somebody please help me stop.
Stop seeing those things that haunt me day and night.
Somebody please help me out.
Out of this place that fills me with a terrible fright.
So I've been thinking of this one for a while
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