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Apr 2014 · 719
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Secrets are meant to be kept to oneself,
not whispered to the entire world.
To be breathed into bottles and placed on the shelf,
not to be seen and unfurled.

Secrets are meant to be cherished,
and to bond the ones who share them.
They should be kept until your perish,
and not be used to condemn.
What do you guys think? Secrets are meant to be kept. Are they not?
Apr 2014 · 791
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
That kiss is one I will remember forever,
no matter what we have to endeavor.
You make me happier than I ever was before,
and when we are together I soar.
Apr 2014 · 300
An Untimely End
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
It's been months now since you passed,
and since our whole world caved and crashed.
I hope you know that you're dearly loved.
What do you see from the sky above?

When you look down do you smile?
Or do you sit and think for a while?
As you lay in your bed of clouds,
do you see us in the crowds?

We think of you each and every day.
We all had so much left to say.
You came to an untimely end,
but you will forever be my friend.
My Aunt passed away last October. Those wounds don't seem to heal
Apr 2014 · 152
Just Be Me
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
I can't help but wonder why
that you loved to make me cry.
I guess you never loved it at all
and only wanted to see me fall.

I don't have to put up with you now,
and all I can really think is "wow".
I put up with you for way too long,
and now it's time for me to sing my own song.

I am happier now than I ever was before.
You may have won the battles; but I won the war.
Now I can dance, sing, and just be me,
and I don't have to care who can see.
It is so nice to not care anymore XD
Apr 2014 · 463
All Said And Done
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Now that it's all said and done
I only wish I had had more fun.
You are gone, but I'll be fine.
Freedom for me is something divine.

I only hope that you don't hurt
because of all the feelings I did blurt.
But after all you did cause me pain,
so I hope for you everyday it will rain.

Please keep in mind that I don't need you,
and there are other things I'd rather do.
You're to blame for all that was wrong;
and I will be nothing less than strong.

You never cared when you hurt me,
and I don't think you could even see.
You always used what would hurt the most,
and by the end I was merely a ghost.
I never really looked at the bad until it was over and suddenly there was relief..
Apr 2014 · 514
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
Do you feel anything at all for me?
Or is this just a plot for me to hurt?
It must just not be meant to be,
but either way I feel like dirt.
Apr 2014 · 285
Here's To You
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
You asked me to write for you,
so here I'll let my emotions shine through.
You made my heart skip a beat today,
and I  just can't keep this at bay.

You make me smile even through tears,
and it seems I've known you for years.
Through all the hurt and all the pain.
When I'm with you it never rains.

As  I held your hand in mine
I felt something quite divine.
The look you had in your eyes
left me breathless and paralyzed.

I just can't hide it anymore.
The way I'm feeling leaves me on the floor.
I miss the feeling of being yours alone,
but out the door that has been thrown.
Well you wanted to know how I felt..
Apr 2014 · 186
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
In the days before we met
I was in a place to fret.
You helped me out of that place,
away from problems I couldn't face.

You mean more than words can tell,
and my life before you was truly hell.
Before you came the world was so dark
with no safe place that I could mark.

If you had never come along
I would still be living my life all wrong.
You're what guides me when I am lost
and keep me back from lines I can't cross.
He really has helped me so much
Apr 2014 · 404
If The Sun Went Out
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
What would happen if the sun went out?
The world as we know it would end, no doubt.
It'd be strangely like losing you, I fear.
Along with everything else that I hold dear.

All the light in the world would be gone,
and I would loose all my will to carry on.
The entire world would be a cold, cold place
and for the end we must all brace.
A conversation I had  with a close friend made this come to mind..
Apr 2014 · 338
Danielle Barlow Apr 2014
I wish everyday could be like yesterday,
but I know it is bound to fade away.
Being with you there was a great pleasure,
because your company is something I treasure.

As we walked down the creek it was sheer bliss
and that smile is one that I will sorely miss.
I will remember yesterday forever.
It will never be forgotten whatsoever.
Yesterday was so amazing. I'd gladly trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday
Mar 2014 · 521
Turn The Page
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
How do you know when to turn the page
or to just give up and close the book?
When does it all become just pointless rage?
Or other feelings that can't be overtook?
So yeah.. I know that isn't good but oh well
Mar 2014 · 170
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
I think it's time for me to be honest, dear.
There is a lot about you I still fear.
You don't say how you feel so neither will I,
but there is something there I can not deny.

Stop sending me messages so mixed.
Please, please make your emotions fixed.
I don't yet know how I feel about you,
but I do know that these feelings are anything but new.

Do you feel anything for me at all?
You make me feel so very small,
but at the same time like I can take on the world.
I think it's time these thoughts and feelings were unfurled.
I think this is fairly self explanatory
Mar 2014 · 428
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Is anything really infinite?
Or does it merely spend?
It can either be gone in a minute,
or here until the bitter end.
I know this is really short, but what do you think?
Mar 2014 · 303
The Masses
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Broken promises everywhere I turn
prove there is always more to learn.
I thought I knew who I could trust,
but this whole thing has turned to dust.

I just want this all to be fixed,
but your emotions still seem to be mixed.
I know that it is not your fault
and that your love can not be bought.

But if at all by any chance,
that you still love this complicated dance
I will try to be only your friend,
maybe forever, or until you feel it should end.

But I guess it's already decided,
by the rules  I should have abided.
That no matter how much time passes,
I shall once again rejoin the masses.
I wrote this about a year ago, but forgot about it until now..
Mar 2014 · 551
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
If you love me let me go,
otherwise you will never know
if it really matters at all
or if soon apart we'll fall.
If we fall we're sure to break,
so let it go for your own sake.
Mar 2014 · 655
You Are The Sun
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
You bring light and warmth into this world,
and without you life would cease to exist.
Without you in darkness we would be perpetually swirled.
To me your warmth is impossible to resist.

Though your light is bound to fade,
you have done more good than ever told.
I will never hesitate to come to your aid,
if you ever again need a hand to hold.
I may go back and add some more on to this one later.. but what do you guys think?
Mar 2014 · 460
How Dare You?
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Everything I was has been stripped away,
and I really hope you're satisfied with what you did.
When you gave me no choice other than to obey,
did you know that you were scarring an innocent kid?

All my self-confidence thrown out the window,
and I'm sure that to this day you don't give a ****.
You are nothing but just a sick ******.
How dare you call yourself a man?
Sorry I haven't posted in a while.. but a lot has been going on
Mar 2014 · 203
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
It's things like this that make me wonder
if our love is going under.
Maybe it just isn't meant to be,
or you've just stopped being into me.

Either way I will be happy.
I'm not letting my self feel ******.
I don't need you in order to be me,
honestly, without you I'd be more free.
I don't know if ****** is really a word XD either way it is now
Mar 2014 · 202
Everything or Nothing?
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
What do you do when you don't know how to feel?
Is it because you feel everything at once or nothing at all?
What does it mean when to you everything seems surreal,
and the only thing you know how to do is cry in the bathroom stall..
I know it's really short and really low quality...
Mar 2014 · 372
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
I just can't win with you.
Everything I do makes you mad in some way.
Now I believe an apology is due,
and you have to mean every word you say.

Your words are like daggers,
and they cut me to the core.
It truly hurts when away from you I stagger.
For me I know there is something more.
Mar 2014 · 761
Trust Is A One Way Street
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Who should I believe in this world full of liars?
My need for someone to trust completely now is dire.
You may say one thing, yet he means another.
Which one is true? Or are you two plotting together?

Do you two together have a master plan laid?
All I need now is for one or the other to come to my aid.
Neither of you know that inside I'm nearly dead,
or that the two of you are the source of all my dread.
I may add more to this one later
Mar 2014 · 277
This Means War
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
Sweet and innocent is only my facade.
I am stunning, and yet entirely dangerous.
I will pull you under leaving you gasping for air,
leaving you no hope. Only despair.

I may look fairly harmless,
but trust me, I'm not.
I can **** you faster than you can even say
"I will love you until my dying day"

If you ever try to hurt me again
you will be begging for the mercy of death.
In the end it is I who will have the higher score.
This means war.
Mar 2014 · 253
Something Is Wrong
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
I’m not sure what I could do
If it were all up to you.
Would you stay or would you go,
Or never even let me know?

Though our love is very strong,
Do you sense that something is wrong?
Do you feel the way I do?
Every time I think of you.

Every day I love you more,
And mores the fear you’ll close this door.
I just don't think you understand
how I see things and where I stand.
I feel like this one could be better. Do any of you have some suggestions?
Mar 2014 · 225
The wind
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
As I walk by my self I like to pretend
that what we have never will end.
I close my eyes as the wind brushes against my skin,
and I wish it were you yet again.

When this wind ceases to blow
is when I will stop dreaming of you so.
This wind it comforts me greatly,
but the thought of you still lingers faintly.

This wind is unpredictable, and at times it is jarring,
and yet it still consoles me when you and I are sparring.
At times this wind is as sweet as your kiss,
and never a day will this wind I not miss.
This is one of my favorites :) what do you guys think?
Mar 2014 · 333
Everlasting Love
Danielle Barlow Mar 2014
I love you more than words can tell,
without you my life would be hell.
I don't know what I would do,
had I never fallen for you.

You own the key to my heart.
Not until death do we part.
There is still one thing that I must know,
but I just can't get the words to flow.

So tell me now, my dearest friend.
Is our forever coming to an end?
Have I made the deadly mistake,
that has finally caused your love to break?

My love for you is everlasting,
though your feelings seem to be contrasting.
Thy love is sweet on the tongue,
and loudly to the world should be sung.

I hope you will forever be mine.
Because what we have, it's so divine.
So tell me dear, what do you say?
Will you be mine for the rest of your days?
I'm actually very proud of this one..
Feb 2014 · 469
Danielle Barlow Feb 2014
Why must I do this?
All the pain I cause for you..
It kills me inside.
Oh look, it's a haiku. Kind of pathetic, I know.
Feb 2014 · 658
Danielle Barlow Feb 2014
I feel like something is very wrong,
but I just can't figure out what.
No one else seems to see what I do.
Maybe it's better they don't know what I go through.

Am I just going crazy?
Everything seems to be going by in a haze.
Nothing seems to be the same as before,
I feel it deep down to my core.

I feel like something is very off,
and I just can't seem to figure it out.
What in the world could it be?
No one seems to feel it but me.

Some people think I'm insane,
but I know what I feel is right.
How do I handle this?
I'm falling further into this dark abyss.
Feb 2014 · 268
Danielle Barlow Feb 2014
I can do so much more than him,
his future seems so very slim.
His end is going to be slow and grim,
and his chances of survival are none to slim.

He can kiss my ******* ***,
because I have no time for his ******* sass.
I'd like to put him beneath the grass,
and this feeling is never going to pass.
Pardon the language. I used this poem to vent all my anger.
Feb 2014 · 231
Old Love
Danielle Barlow Feb 2014
How am I supposed to know,
if away our love he'll throw.
What am I supposed to do,
for a love that's not so new?
Of course he says he loves me so,
but is it true or all for show?

— The End —