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Portland, Or    An observer
Keva Minus
Bimini, Bahamas    Sad for the moment There is Beauty in Sadness But, don't be sad forever beautiful <3
Sammie wells
England    Welcome all to my page, I'm Sammie. I love life and all life, They is beauty all around us, we just need to open our ...
F    But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are ...
San Francisco   
United States    I've got rivers in my eyes. And I listen to the Pet Shop Boys too much I sleep with the memory of Sylvia Plath (Ovens ...
M Rose
21/F    for my other writings (still dramatic, but not so desperate):
25/F/Scranton Pa    Here for you if you're here for me. IG: destinedfordirt
Kendra Gibson
Things are better off confusing and we're better off not knowing. Or else there wouldn't be writers and art would be your temper. Come ...
Kida Price
On the planet    "Conformity is only societies way of saying, "Misery loves company."- A personal quote I've created that would justify never leaving my comfort zone. Impressed yet?
Japan    i hope you're doing great. please find your happiness. you deserve it. -j.a.m- you can also find me on my instagram @djhonoka © All Rights ...
Born in my native country and forced to transition into a different culture as a child. Today, I see life through a very unique perspective ...
The Habits of My Heart
Lindsey Cira
“Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open.” — Natalie Goldberg, ...
Keenan Akeem
Omaha, NE    22, just looking for the right path in life to walk through. I have a poetic soul as along with a genuine heart. I hope ...
Katrine Lif
Filipstad    My life goes up and down like an ocean wave Sometimes I write, sometimes I don't
liv hart
And someday you will ache like I ache All rights reserved. Your words are just as beautiful, do not steal mine.
All poems posted here are my original works, except the ones that are not mine. Copyright ©2012-2017 J.M. All Rights Reserved.
Ofelia Rose
I write from my soul, a stream of consciousness. Neither rhythm nor rhyme lead me.
Tim Knight
Drew East
This place, I just discovered it, it's the ultimate place to vent. Strangers. No judgements. Just me.
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