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In perspective of everything, I am nothing.

A* minor blip in time and space.
Microscopic compared to the entire universe.

Maybe I am small, but I'm
Enjoying it anyways.

I just realized how small we really are, yet how amazing we can be. This is an acrostic, written to prove a point.
Days pass, by and by,
As if I wasn't here.
All my fears, revisited.
All my scars, reopened.

Life goes on and on.
I'm nothing but a ghost.
A mere fragment of of the past.
And I'm afraid to leave again.

I wish I could stay
To see you smile,
To see you laugh.
I don't want to go.

I feel like I'm burning.
Alive, but dead.
No one can save me from myself.
No one, but you.

If we weren't so far apart,
If I could only close this gap.
I would, but I can't.
I hope you know that.

We are so alike,
Yet so different.
Our minds are elsewhere,
But our hearts beat as one.

I miss my love, but I will wait. A free verse to describe how I feel.
Smile bigger,
the day is bright!
Dawn has broken,
There's no more night.

Fear not, darling,
For I am here,
To ease your pain
And stop your tears.

I'll never leave.
I swear to you.
I'll be right here,
Right next to you.

Through all your days,
You will soon find,
That I'm all yours
In heart and mind.

So, fear no more,
I'm here to stay.
You'll find that I
Can't stay away.

Your eyes, they shine
Like stars at night.
Your smile is
The brightest light.

Please trust me, dear.
I'm all yours now.
No need to fear
About us now.

My boyfriend said "Well smile bigger, the day is bright!" and I wanted to turn it into a poem about us so badly, so I did. The meter of the poem turned out to resemble a heart beat, which I find very ironic and lovely.
There's a song bird who sings so bright and amazing, scared and beat down from its past. I say baby (clasps your hands close to mine) know that I'm here to stay.
Hearts so kind.

My heart's in your hands, love. I trust you to keep it.
Beating hearts, pounding out, leaving me speechless. No words to say, but I don't need them. (You can hear me anyways)
in this lovely silence.

Silence, no more. Fear a little less, baby. I love you until my last breath. I'll hold your heart with great protection and never ending love. I hear you screaming my name in your dreams. Scream no more. Your heart has been torn and broken and beat down. Baby, just know you're safe with me.
No more heartache to keep.

No more hurt, no more pain. This seems like a dream, dear. So real, so alive. I want to be yours, for the rest of forever. No one knows how strong this is. No one can break us.
This never ending love.

No more pain. Nothing is the same. Growing day by day. Love so intriguing, yet deceiving. No one believes we fell in love. So let's try harder to show them that our love is forever. (She wants to be mine forever,) but you already are, only to find out I want to be yours forever too. Our future is bright, yet we still fight. (Her lips, her smile, her love, her beauty, her heart.) All became a part of me. We act and breath as one. Waking up next to my love is the
sweetest joy life can bring.

I love you, dear. I whisper into your ear and hold you tight. I'm never letting go. (He wants to be mine,) and I still can't believe it. (He's so perfect. His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his voice.) I couldn't ever imagine that a man such as you would ever exist. Until right now.
You're my perfect love.

I love you too, my dear. I promised  I'd never shed a tear. (Drowning in my love for her.) You say you can't believe that I want to be yours. Believe it now. Towering over all the rest. I love you 'til death. Your smile, your love, your laugh, your cutenes, your stubbornness, your cockiness, your sexiness. I was lost, then you found me. And now that you found me, I never want to feel lost again. You're everything I have ever dreamed my true love would be. You're perfect in my eyes, even in your imperfections. I do exist, I'm very real. So cast the line and real me in. Because you already have me, so seal the deal. You are my everything. Driving in the fast lane, switching gears back and fourth. Driving fast. Crazy in love 'cause, baby, I'm crazy for you.
Slowly going mad because I need you.

Baby, we're meant to be. You and me. I believe in you with all my heart. You are beautiful, amazing, lovely, gentle. I've loved you from the moment we met and I'll love you 'til the day I die. You're my perfect match, my one and only. You're past doesn't matter anymore because of the future we have to look forward to. I love you for all of you. All your scars, sadness, darkness will never make me love you any less than I do right now.
You're perfect to me.

Baby, your the apple to my eye, my weakness in disguise. I swear to love you all through the night. Wake up next to you every morning and tell you I love you day in and day out. Your my only weakness, so I will solve it with
a* supple kiss to your lips.

My boyfriend and I decided to write a poem together explaining how we feel towards eachother. Obviously, my boyfriend is him and I'm her. I had a lot of fun writing this poem. Hope you like it! <3

— The End —