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 Dec 2017 Cristina
Imran Islam
Probably you are a lover or a cheater
Probably you are a truthful or a liar
Whatever you do,
your looks are
so beautiful.

I am here to love you with no conditions
If you just like me then we can be friends
Just think about me
I won't push you
You're wonderful.

Please, don't get me wrong for this song
Sweetie, don't mind me; it won't be long
You can move away
where you want
You're powerful!
 Dec 2017 Cristina
Imran Islam
If you'd love me, then tell me soon
because love is shy like the moon
it can hide
in the clouds or go away soon.

If you feel me ever; don't be shy,
just tell me
not to others
because your feelings can make me
feel you better
not by others.

If you're confused about a relationship
and you can't share
your feelings with me
then it will bring you to tears
So don't be afraid
come to me right now
and share with me
your adorable feelings with no fears.

I want to be happy too
with your love
but you're still unknown to me
I would love you too,
So you're very welcome to me.
this skin and under
to the electric wind’s
seventh spectrum

to aerating icicle
lagtights of dust
clinging below
dichrotic glass
in thaw, like

blood flooding
arms gone numb
braced for cave
of ceiling

now gifted full
with rush of needles
reminding live
and it’s OK to


as the cube
it sparks

cutes me all

with flickering green
between silhouetted ribs
 Dec 2017 Cristina
Brendan Thomas
In 1941
On this very day
A heinous deed done
In a cowardly way

Attacked while most slumbered
Chaos ensued
Now all awake
Their worst fears were true

Dead laying about
The damage was done
But a giant awoken
Fearing no-one

Heroes were born
From regular souls
Who leapt into action
Their futures unknown

The past is just that
No changing it now
Heroes from both sides
Lie dead in the ground

We should never forget them
One thing we Should do
Is never repeat
What both sides Did do

Attacked killed and maimed
The unfortunate souls
Both fighting for country
And the fight for control

Just thought I'd mention
What some had forgot
Freedom's not free
It cost quite a lot

We can never repay
What they have given
We can only be thankful
For such men and women
Hopefully we all remember what happened, and hope for peace and live life to the fullest
 Dec 2017 Cristina
Joe Cole
I listen  to the sound of the breaking waves, smell the salt tang in the air
I watch the graceful seagulls ride the thermals way up there
No sound of human voice, no strident car alarms
I sit in natures solitude enraptured by her charms
The sea reflects the sinking sun in hues of red and gold
I'll never tire of such sights though I grow gray and old
The first gleam of the evening star appears in the ever growing dark
And the golden crescent of the moon begins her journey night
No words of mine can best describe natures perfect charm
This is peace, a perfect peace, tranquility and calm
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