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Sir B
Mind Palace    Just tangled myself up even more
Cassie Stoddard
Missouri    I deserve someone who loves me back. I am composed of heartbreak and poetry.
Nebulous the Poet
Would you rather re-paint the rainbow or find the pot of gold?
Cynthia Malta
United States    I can't scatter my words anywhere else. This seems like a safe place. I'll write the truth and the truth only. I hope it counts.
28/M/New York    Existing inside of the shadow of a doubt.
I have hurricanes in my windpipes.
Irving MacPherson
home    Lives in New Scotland Nova Scotia All work is © copyright. All Rights are reserved.
Riley Ayres
21    "I am as they say, an answer without a question" - Erebus Victor
Clem N Tine
| - This only looks like generosity. - | I like to explore the dark crevices of my mind and rip bongs in the sunshine. …
moonlight as an astronaut
Kylie Wallen
Chelsea, MI    “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt I kinda hate myself. Just a wee bit. Uhm I like …
thanks for stopping by :) guilty of a love affair with poems.
Mechanical Kira
Breathes In a Fortress    +quod me destruit me nutrit+ *profile picture by Kirineos Papadimatos
A Girl
Christopher Hendrix
Blue Springs, Missouri    Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind. —William Shakespeare, “Hamlet” (III, iiii)
Ann Rachel
Bangladesh    I let the nature to be my companion and teacher...
blair asher
coughing up storms    gonna kiss you so hard that your fingers always tremble, and when she puts that wedding ring on your finger she'll whisper "please forget"
Dezriel Niva Arcs
On the Road   
Chicago    "Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music." -Jimi Hendrix
Izzy Stoner
Ashley Boss
Smitten with the Mitten    I'm a story teller, a musician, a fighter, and a friend.
Jennifer Arbo
manila, philippines    im a chemist, a teacher, occasional bad/good poet, explorer of the strange, wonderful and plain weird, semi-mediocre photographer,star gazer.
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