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 Nov 2014 Corinne Kahi
I want to love you
Until it breaks me
And until it hurts me.

I want to love you
And I don't mind
As long as it is you.

I want to love you
Forever, darling.

But I can't.
To know love,you must know pain
She curves marks into her flesh like tattoos,
only with a blade in her hand,and her other hand holding her mouth so no one can hear the screams from within her,
see beauty is pain,and she wanted to feel beautiful so she cuts,
slits her wrists till the blood rushes down her dark skin to the ground,
as if to make a blood covenant with the earth that one day she would look into the mirror and think,
I am beatiful
My notebook
Full of words
Commas and periods

My notebook
Full of smudges
Eraser bits
Crinkles and creases

My Notebook
Full of messages
Hidden Meanings
Energy and life

My notebook
Is the place,
The book
In which
I write
We all have that one old, torn notebook that holds all of our secrets and poems.
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