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Alyssa Underwood
"The Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let him who hears say, 'Come!' Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him …
Memphis,TN    Sophisticated As well as Independent... With a lot on my mind and heart!!! Fun, Loving, And Caring describes me too the fullest and outgoing as …
Mike Hauser
Sunny Florida    I'm a poet and I know it, I make a rhyme.... I make a rhyme................ CRAP!!!
Mike Winegar
Bluff City, TN    I like to write because words allow a certain freedom, much like a painter's canvas or the sculptor's block. I am happily married, have several …
Leonard Green
Maryland    Poetry has been a constant passion to portray my innermost thoughts. This journey began back at Southwestern High School, in Baltimore, where my English teacher …
I am the Superhero!!! Sent here to save the world....But the world made me Psycho... Thus I was reborn The PsychoSuperhero... Tryin to find a …
Jillyan Adams
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
Jasmyn 'Ladi J'
All I wanna do is change the world piece by piece with poetry...

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