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  Apr 2021 ConnectHook
july hearne
4/20 was ******'s birthday
my sister's birthday is 4/19 so it has been pointed out to me
very bad things happen on either of these days
some that i remember that the facist anti-facists with their black masks, red guard lust, failed parents, ******* teachers, and no future
haven't bothered to revise or laughably attempt to recreate yet:

oklahoma city bombing
some big oil spill
and maybe on 4/19/21
we will see rioters murdered by their own hands

wouldn't that be nice
to not have any psychopathic, worthless white and asian kids preaching to everyone?
it won't be any sort of loss since they seem incapable of comprehending the actual value of human life
or of being able to live it on their own

what i would like to ask this generation, the even weaker one that came before them, their failed parents, and their *******, demented teachers
is when will they all get tired of being the little ***** for their ******* legacy media/power for the few communist/big tech gods? when will they get tired of that?

when the chauvin verdict is announced and when he is not found guilty, because the worthless defense team couldn't do anything but prove this was all staged, this was all staged, this was all staged.

it doesn't seem like they will get tired of that soon,
in seattle, in san francisco, in new york city you can steal $1,000 worth of merchandise. it's just as good as legal.

the stores are moving out.
how convenient for amazon
and all the slave owner cheaters in china.

i don't think they will get tired of it anytime soon.
make a documentary about a dying, homeless man who prostitutes
himself on the streets and calls himself a woman.
after he talks about the neglect and abuse of his childhood,
while clearly displaying symptoms of mental illness and drug addiction
so they can all watch it and leave comments on how brave and beautiful the dying homeless man is. only they will say the man is a beautiful, lovely woman. "such a sweet personality, this beautiful woman has", they will all comment.

but the man is dying. he looks like a man. he has been abused, he is addicted to hard drugs that are killing him. he is bruised. he prostitutes himself and tempts death on a daily basis and all you can say is that he is a beautiful woman.

nothing is ever said of how sad his homelessness, occupation, drug addiction or childhood is. no one is concerned that he is at death's door, they just want to show the love for the delightful woman that he isn't. no one cares about the abused little boy he once was or the dying man he is now.

God is angry every day.
4/19/21 or 4/20/21 are both really good days to be angry.
also have a question for the ccp chinese, what will you do without us since the reavers aren't capable of creating any intellectual property worth stealing? since you can't create any on your own, what exactly are you planning on doing without us? we know making money through ethical means is out for you, so you might want to be worried about now.
I want to relive
That moment why?

An eighth grader
I watched you
A full-brown
Chocolate rose
On the stair sashay
To a classroom
On the row,
While passing by.
That moment
Couldn’t forget I
Till I die.

I want to relive
That moment why?

In the dictionary of
My childhood
I added love
Observing a girl child
At her virginal beauty
Leaping into womanhood
What is more I understood
Bewitching, swing
From earth to sky
A man’s feeling,
And mood
A metamorphosing
Girl could.

I want to relive
That moment why?

I dawned on me
“From my love object
Could I win
A kiss?”
Is what revolves
A man’s axis.
“How could I be
On  romance’s ball
Before her eyes
To stand tall?”

I want to relive
That moment why

That day’s
Fond memory
In the cherished corner
Of my heart
I want to carry
Along with my body
The immortal feeling
Men couldn’t bury.

I want to relive
That moment why

I found it hard
To study
Unable to control
The lower part
Of my body.
ConnectHook Apr 2021
To KAREN, who knows who she is

Have I been feverish?  Glad you asked.

Lyrically, I’m quite infected—

You, on the other hand, breathe fake news

Alarmed by your own progressive views.

With this your silly soul is tasked:

Poetically, you’re unprotected;

Virtue-signaling, scowling, masked . . .

Your hysteria is upsetting.

(God is absent from your fretting.)
NaPoWriMo #16
ConnectHook Apr 2021
Do you want to come to the Beer Store?
My five-year-old self jumped in near the wheel;
(knew I'd get a Slim Jim out of the deal . . .)
Quest for Carling Black Label: flat of twenty-four.

Mt. Auburn and Belmont fork: short trip.
The hiss pull-top can sound homeward-bound;
Offered: the cold can coming round
the shady lane corner. You want a  sip ?

Beer cans have a different sort of tab nowadays;
More push-in than peel-off.  What I will never do:
Hand a cold can to an underage son. True,
he was just being nice. Nineteen-sixties ways . . .

Google Earth shows where the store once used to be:
"Father and Son Floorcraft", which seems funny to me.
think about a small habit you picked up from one of your parents,
and then to write a piece that explores an early memory of your parent engaged in that habit,
before shifting into writing about yourself engaging in the same habit.
ConnectHook Apr 2021
Hyphenated–Last–Name had  opinions.

Hyphenated–Last–Name was stunning & brave.

Hyphenated–Last–Name felt threatened as well as outraged.

Hyphenated–Last–Name spoke for all women everywhere.

Hyphenated–Last–Name took a bold stance for the marginalized.

Hyphenated–Last–Name spoke truth to power.

Hyphenated–Last–Name felt that strict measures were called for.

Hyphenated–Last–Name had her head up her ***.

Hyphenated–Last–Name did not believe in God.
NaPoWriMo prompt #14:
write a poem that delves into the meaning of a first or last name.
ConnectHook Apr 2021
Following unsubstantiated reports regarding a potential news story, inhabitants of the neighborhood near what is purported to be the vicinity of the event describe seeing significant presence of both state and local law enforcement. Outside investigation and independent expert review have been brought in, according to a witness who declined to give their name on record. Sources close to the alleged whistleblower made unconfirmed allegations early Saturday, and a swift response by unnamed law enforcement agencies appears to be forthcoming. Federal and state agents are collaborating in an attempt to confirm the source or sources of the allegations. An agent wishing to remain anonymous until indictments are unsealed confirmed to KTW-TV: “we can’t say much yet but motives and identities of the perpetrators should be made known within a specified time-frame”. Residents were advised Sunday to be aware of suspicious individuals, both known and unknown, and to share suspicions or tips with local authorities through a hotline opened for that purpose. In the event that motives and identities are eventually disclosed, grief counselors and circus clowns have been alerted. Sources close to witnesses of the event maintain that a news story may have occurred.
write a poem in the form of a news article
ConnectHook Apr 2021
Afrania, deficient in decency,
took her freak to a very high frequency.
Though not quite Cardi B,
she continues to be
the vile Roman, opposed to all quiescency.

Let’s compare and contrast: Maurice White
and his players took funk to the height
of all excellent altitude:
(Listen to Gratitude !)
Afrofuturism bright.

The perfection of Earth, Wind & Fire
shall continue to awe and inspire.
But in truth, all I see
in that foul Cardi B.
is a *****-mouth puta for hire.

In the end, Afrofuturist soul
Should consider its ultimate goal:
to alarm or inspire ?
Invite praise or satire
Of its cultural value, in whole . . .
Afrofuturism  (n.):
a movement in literature, music, art, etc., featuring futuristic or science fiction themes
which incorporate elements of Black history and culture

a Roman matron, who frequented the forum, forgetful of female decency.
(p. 58,  Lempriere’s Classical Dictionary)
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