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 Mar 2015
When you exhale,
Your breath forms a cloud.
I wish your intent
Was as clear to visualize.

These silhouettes we cast on the wall,
A fading echo of who we are now;
The only reminder you leave with me
Is the smell of you waning on my sheets.
I dunno... (I swear I don't write these.)

As always: some memory, some fiction, mostly truth.
 Mar 2015
Kimberly Rose
An alcoholic’s daydream
Became my neverending nightmare,
And a pair of promising eyes
Became my favorite little lie,
And a mind put on hold
Became the emblem of society,
And the matrix of my life
Became my own worst enemy.
 Feb 2015
Kimberly Rose
Like smoke in my lungs, it is an acquired taste that I could not bring myself to quit. And now that I have, the flavor is unprecedentedly toxic.
2. Your name is merely a catalyst to my relapse. You turned your head away from it then, and I know you will turn your head away from it now.
3. To hear that beautiful arrangement of letters coming from my own lips only reminds me of the genuine smile on your face that you can only have when I am gone. And every time it makes me wonder if I truly mean it when I say I am happy for you.
4. I cannot reconcile what is with what could have been. Maybe if I was still yours and you were still mine, it would be endearing to say your name.
5. When it's 4 am and I am falling apart in my half empty bed, I cannot find the breath to utter your name between sobs.
6. I have spent too much time pretending that your absence has had no affect on me that I have not yet grieved. But, I could never pity myself without shouting your name into an empty void.
7. Maybe I am only idealizing you, but his name left a bitter taste and I have been craving yours on my lips.
8. I cannot say your name because I know that if you were to turn your head in recognition, I'd get lost in those blue eyes and fall for you all over again.
9. There is no logic behind how I inherited the right to say your name. Since you have left, this complacency is eating me alive and I am only left to wonder why someone so beautiful would have ever touched a soul like mine.
10. I cannot speak of your name any longer because it is no longer my privilege. It is hers to say now.
 Feb 2015
Girl On The Wing
Isn't it funny
How swirls and dots on a page
Can create so much meaning?
Hey, it's late gimme a break ok?
 Feb 2015
Liz And Lilacs
I leaned too far over the edge,
when I wished on my penny
as it tumbled down the well.
I lost my balance and
plummeted after it.
So now I'm stuck at the bottom
of a wishing well.
and it is full of
tarnished coins and unfulfilled wishes.
No one waits in the tiny circle of light,
to throw down a rope,
and help me out of this hole.
 Feb 2015
my head

to cope

of steel
to love
to feel

too much
 Feb 2015
shattered hands,
          and bleeding glass
                      darkened skin,
                 an unfixable mess

                   useless thoughts,
           your misguided words
                                 breaking mentality
                          until it hurts

        dampened clothes
                               a shattered mind
                    bloodstained red
what once was white,

                                                     no it isn’t
                                   it’s not your fault
                  yes, it hurts,
you’ve been through hell.
 Feb 2015
Kimberly Rose
You broke my walls down
And I let you.
But now my roof is crashing down too,
Because that was your escape route.
next time use the ******* door
 Feb 2015
Girl On The Wing
Every single morning
I wake up, get dressed, start my car,
And drive.

Every single morning
I pass the place where the house used to sit.
I remember when I was five years old;
when I still believed in fairy tales and princesses,
when I watched that house being consumed with flames.
I drive by and memories flash.
My mother gasping
The people crying
The dog barking.
A red house turned to ash and cemet before the trucks even arrived.
Every single morning I see the flames.

"No trespassing" says the sign.
No one has touched the place in 12 years.

This morning.
I saw the workmen.
Measuring and collecting data.
Unaware of the red house before.
Talking and pointing they make their plans.

Childhood memories suddenly covered
by wooden beams and work trucks.
I wonder if the new house will be red too?
 Jan 2015
I cannot listen to voicemails
Without picturing you dead
In your parents house.

I can't look at the bay
Without feeling my stomach
Drop and churn.

My heart races whenever
I hear a police car or ambulance
Drive near.

I am sorry that I cannot
See a movie or get pizza.

I have grieved you once before.

I don't think I can survive
grieving twice.
 Jan 2015
I was the mistake
       The twisted pervert
       The freak freak freak
       The try too hard to fit in
       The anorexic miserable *****
       The depressed neglected waste of time
I am the nothing
       The girl who keeps getting scar after scar
       The girl who begs to be hurt so she'll feel
       The girl who can't find comfort in her own blood anymore
       The body limp waiting for someone to find me
I can't breathe anymore.
 Jan 2015
Kimberly Rose
Her temple is beating against her brain much harder than it should be
As she lays in that hospital bed and counts the stitches on her best friend's eye
As if they are stars forming constellations in the sky over the sea.
She pulls at her hair, wishing her head would stop pounding.
But what if it wasn’t pounding?
What if that ***** in her chest stopped pounding against her ribs?
She cannot see that it is the only other likely outcome of such a disastrous night.
She can’t thank god for the chaos in her life
Despite the fact that it is the only thing keeping her alive.
This chaos is the recipe that is being pumped into that IV
Through her veins
And to her beating heart,
Keeping that ******* pulse beating heavily
Against her beautiful mind
That sees scars as constellations
In the sky over the sea.
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