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 Jul 2017
Valsa George
Oh my little sweetie, fret no more
Close your eyes and go to sleep.
Here, your mom is by your side
Singing lullabies, sweet and cherished

All sounds are stilled for you to sleep in quiet
All lights are out that no beam hurt your eyes
All storms, calmed that to a blissful rest you glide
No horrifying dreams to rob you of your snooze.

Sleep, sleep, rocking in the sea of joy
Sleep, sleep close to your mother’s throbbing heart
Sleep, sleep, listening to this gentle lay I tune
Sleep, sleep to wake to the miracle of life

Fear not, around you much love abounds
And legions of angels to guard your sleep
Thy eyes shall hither new beauties behold
And many a marvel for you to rejoice

It’s for you the stars twinkle and gleam
It’s for you the breeze hums sweet and blest
It’s for you the buds open at the fall of gloom
It’s for you the glow worms scatter rays of gold.

It’s for you, the seasons come and go
It’s for you, the fruits ripen and fall
It’s for you, the raindrops plop n’ break
It’s for you, God paints the sky in myriad hues.

Now hush my baby, sleep my child
Lying below this smiling silver moon
Good night darling, drift away
To the land of dreams where fairies live

Conceived within before you were born
Called you names and caressed you soft
Cuddled you tight and kept you safe
In the secret chamber of my maiden heart

I pledge your soul to God our Lord
May He watch you through the gloom!
I consign my babe to His sacred trust
And bid you away to dream’s Never, Never land

Sleep, sleep, rocking in the sea of joy
Sleep, sleep close to your mother’s throbbing heart
Sleep, sleep, listening to this gentle lay I tune
Sleep, sleep, to wake to the miracle of life
The mother instinct sometimes grows so intense in me. Now sitting in an empty nest with the fledglings flown away, I recall those days when I used to sing lullabies and put my two little sons to sleep…… !
 Jul 2017
Keith Wilson
Breathe out the bad stuff
The fear anxiety depression
And all the nasty evil thoughts
Breathe in the good stuff
Wisdom and light
From a clear clear sky
No clouds
And inner peace and calm will come
Just as a bubble bursts
All the nasty stuff
will disappear
 Jul 2017
Bob B
Saber Rattling doesn't cut it
In this day and age.
Mindless ranting intensifies
A dangerous pressure gauge.

Threats, idle or otherwise,
Prove not strength but weakness
For those who think diplomacy
Epitomizes meekness.

They say that there is strength in numbers,
But that's not always true.
When numbers mask insecurity,
The real face shows through.

Credibility indicates
An inner strength and power.
Brute force and ignorance
Ultimately sour.

Praise to those who seek the truth
Before the world shatters.
Woe to us if we lose sight
Of what really matters.

- by Bob B (6-21-17)
 Jul 2017
Terry Jordan
I speak to trees and animals
Inspired by passion joy and pain
The Seasons and the Stars
Vibrate as words that fall like rain

Still striving for Deliverance
A wish for ‘Once upon a time'
Then a happy ending
Denying all war, fear and crime

Anthropomorphic expression
Uninhibited Truth unfurled
Language follows a path
The Reader lured into that world

I love the trees and animals
Their mysterious connections
Primitive and ripened
Nature’s animized perfection

Ecstasy carries a poet
The similes, metaphors start
All of nature vibrates
Brought closer to the human heart
This was inspired by how, I imagine, poets relate to nature-or how I do, at least.   Also a mockingbird attacking my old cat outside on the patio today needed a talking to...
 Jul 2017
Mike Adam
How accents
And landscapes
Merge and change

20  miles
And incomprehensible
we talk of soap at different angles, different colours.

in the war she sat in the outside toilet to avoid the

bombs. there were hits in bournemouth.

sunlight came more expensive,  washing in the

kitchen bowl.           green for the linen each day

and monday.

there were five of us including mum. gran

bought the pink.

i buy transparent.

he said that eventually he was able to join

the small soldiers brigade at five foot three

or less, and was killed three days after


short men were deemed no good at hand

to hand fighting.

at first.

( unless the enemy was short too)

rough cast.

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