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 Jul 2014
SG Holter
As younger, I'd look to
The skies and ask
For a warrior's death; to
Die with my shoes on,
Protecting something
With my blood.

Now I ask to live a
Lifetime with my shoes
Off. Humble before
Gods and family.
Protecting everything.
With my life.
 Jul 2014
SG Holter
Everything beautiful I
Didn't lose
I broke.

Now all that's left
Is real.
I'm too old

For things
Aren't. And so

I embrace the
Ashes and dust
I am.
 Jul 2014
My first concert was One Direction.

I got angry and hit my dog once when I was eleven.

I think I hate my younger brother.

I'm terrified I'll end up like my mother.

I am still recovering from an eating disorder.

I am trying to start recovery from self harm.

I am not recovering from my drinking problem.

Sometimes when I'm lonely, I send strangers pictures of my body.

I almost killed myself last night.

I don't think I will ever love you.

I love you.

— The End —