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 May 2017
Amanda F
She paints her world
According to her pure intention.
Pure in her own figure,
Not in someone else's.
She doesn't speak,
Of words in complex.
Her mouth but translates
Her minds complexity into simplicity.
She doesn't need to speak but rare.
You've read her words,
You've witnessed the paradox
Of her pen-to-paper.
You understand her terminology
Of no bad cause.
She wordlessly preaches her rootless existence
Through the essence of her eyes,
As she hides behind the smoke of her cigarette
Extraordinary, in disguise

Amanda. F (c) 2017
Dedicated to my dear Mother - Lady R.F
With all my love
 Apr 2017
Ami Shae
I awoke with a start
to the silence of no beating heart
lying there underneath my ear!
I wanted to choke down my fear
yet a scream was about to unleash from me
when suddenly your beating heart broke free
and made me realize it had never really stopped--
my ears were all plugged up and when they popped
the sound came through at last so loud and clear--
"lub dub lub dub lub dub"... precious to be able to hear!
True story! I was asleep with my head on my love's chest and awoke to no sound of her beating heart and it freaked me out...then it hit me...I wasn't hearing much of anything! I panicked, but suddenly my ears popped and all was well. Scared me to pieces tho...
"Go on"
Shaking hands.
Unsteady heart.
Heavy breath.

You look at me as if you haven't eaten in years, and I am
The favorite dish you've savoured on the
tip of your Tongue.

I've had lovers before.
I've lost my breath with another man's name in my fading gasp.

But this is a different chapter.
A different genre, written by gentle hands with an unsteady composure.

Birthmarks and fur
Fingernails and pearls of sweat dancing on the tip of your nose.
At last, I know what it feels like to be devoured.
I am
 Apr 2017
Mike Hauser
I never have really said
That I have had regrets
But if I had the chance
I'm sure some things I'd do different

I might slow down long enough
To enjoy some of what I've done
Not take too much so serious
Have a bit more fun

But the one thing if I could again
Out of all the things I'd do
Is I would make sure to fall
Sooner in love with you

There's only so much time
That we have in this life
Whether we get it wrong
Or whether we get it right

I'm just blessed to have the best
All for the count, hands down
And if given a second chance
I'd go another round

But the one thing if I could
Out of all the things I'd do
Is I would make sure this time
To fall sooner in love with you
 Apr 2017
Bjørn O Holter
If given the option of sinner or saint
I’d sin in a second if two were too late
to encounter this conscience, to conquer this Eden
however blasphemic, however forbidden.
And sinner I am if so be your will,
in pursuit but persuaded and powerless, still;
I pace as I pray for the Unpromised Land
of you in my heart, and my soul in your hand.
Sometimes a guy can be quite soppy. Written back in 2000 or so.
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