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 Apr 2013
JK Cabresos
I just want to share my old works. If you like to read one, please just copy the link and paste it on the new tab. Thank you so much. :)

1.) *
"She Is My Poetry"

2.) "Only Lonely People Write Poetry"

3.) "When I'm Making Love With My Poem"

4.) "I Am No Poet, Only Poetic"



7.) "Spare Me Some of Your Love"

8.) "Patience"

9.) "My Knees Convey All Of My Solemn Apologies"

10.) "i[F] yo[U] [C]an't find a [K]ey for [HATRED]."

11.) "Hello Poetry"

12.) "FANTASY"

13.) "A Night For Which My Heart Still Remembers"

14.) "Everytime We Kiss"

15.) "a raven"

*~Will you please tell me which is the best?~
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Apr 2013
JK Cabresos
a raven, alone in an old empty church
living by the silence of the moonlit night;
soars into the sky; crying on a silver birch
of seeing other creatures being recognized,
a raven, a captive of every old yearning vow
seeks a better place, yet wings are broken;
if only this strident world is listening now,
that raven might whisper its existence.
~ (EDITED) ~

All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Apr 2013
JK Cabresos
Once, flying beneath an overcast sky,

Out of nowhere, a bullet hit its wings!

Was seeking for remedy, and for help;

There the eagle cries on an old oak tree.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Apr 2013
JK Cabresos
S T R A N G E !
I woke up this morning with tears in my eyes,
and I don't know what's the reason behind.

S T R A N G E !
But it never made me sad or depressed anymore,
maybe a better healing of something I don't know.

S T R A N G E !
My first time to wake up on a wet pillow this morning,
I forgot my dream, all I know is that I woke up crying.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Apr 2013
JK Cabresos
Let me die
not because of hunger
and thirst,
but of missing you
that would only
make me sick.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Apr 2013
JK Cabresos
Echoing voice of the moonlit night
Foresee but unarmored from past,
Fragmented heart of broken lights;
Unraveling miseries already did last.

Drowned by tears of years were lost
From crawling those diverging roads,
Victim of dying embers found his cost;
Resemblance of faith is in the woods.

But God above guided his way home
And dry every little river in his mind,
Mournful shadows are still unknown;
Embers of souls are always in divine.
~ Feedback please. Thanks :) ~

All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Apr 2013
JK Cabresos
I don’t like you.
When the wind blows and I think of you,
I hate it.
I don’t like you in a way
that you always make me worry.
I don’t like you because when I really miss you,
you’re still not missing me.
I don’t like you like my eyes;
they’re no good for me,
I don’t like it when you’re the only one I see.
I cry. I sleep. I wake up.
I think of you, and I hate it.
I don’t like it because it only reminds me
of how you love someone else
when in fact I’m here, waiting for you.
I don’t like you like the moon,
which disappears when the morning comes.
I don’t like you.
I hate you.
I don’t like you when you smile at me,
you’re only taking my breath away,
I don’t like it because I know
those smiles are not made for me.
But most of all,
I hate you so much
because you’re still making me fall in love.
I don’t like you!
I don’t like you simply because I love you!
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Mar 2013
JK Cabresos
Three days were left
and I'll be gone forever.
Forever means,
you won't see me anymore.
And if you're lucky enough
to see me in the news
or hear my name.
Then probably,
that would be the time
that I was dead.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Feb 2013
JK Cabresos
I woke up in the morning only this day,
from an infuriated dream,
where I have been for years, I think.
A dream where the smiles smiled for every truth,
and the cries cried for every lose.
In that place, love will be the one to seek,
hearts and minds always coordinate,
like it was you and I, remember?
There is no such thing as, “edges of forever”,
memories will never be cold as fire,
and revenge, yes, revenge is beautiful,
like it was you and I, remember?
It was a pure and vivid imagery
of a perfect world,
to where we want to go together,
a world far from what was ours,
a world with which hatred never remains
after death comes alive.
But I still woke up.
Then I looked at the window,
and remember,
that even how many times I tried to hide
and close my eyes in order to go there,
we could never be back
in each other’s arms again,
for you used to believe in the morning.
You may also visit my blog:
© 2012
 Jan 2013
JK Cabresos
The strands in your eyes
reflects through the sunrise in my morn,
Your welcoming promises
I have yet to find in every step of my turn.
You’re the enticing melody
when my serene nights howl with sorrows,
You’re a seraphic presence
I imagined in the room when I’m so hollow.
Your hand fits perfectly in mine
but, how can you be so blind not to see it?
You’re so close yet still so far
well, I just can’t avoid your cold heartbeat,
Indeed, we’re just like dominoes;
I fall for you, and you fall for another.
All Rights Reserved © 2013
 Nov 2012
JK Cabresos
He was awakened from those lovely fantasies,
But it only held him half alive that night;
A dream of sailing across the seven seas,
Only drowned him in disappointments, he cried.

He tried to separate the moon from the stars,
But he failed only to tell him about this strife.
Mind was vexed by a dream that turned into scars,
Reality wounded him, so he will be asleep again tonight.
You may also visit my blog:
© 2012
 Apr 2012
JK Cabresos
I'm thirsty.
She haven't felt our hearts beat as one.
She let the tears spilled out
from my eyes;
caged me in this solitary moments.

I can't give her a perfect love story,
so caved for my own treasure,
but my treasure was a fool's gold;
when a girl's kisses,
suddenly is cold.
I refused all the pavements
for every wound she left to remember,
for I'm still searching for a person
who could fill this glass with water.

The end always the end.
But I still see
some of her refracted lights
on the mirrors;
forced me to recall
about the poignant past.
I admit, I let her expectations
perished into ashes of disappointments.

And I still do love her!
She always comes to visit in my dreams,
drawn me not to forget
every detail of her name.
I know we are only separated
by space and time
so I'll wait for her
till no more morning arrives,
for many have tried,
and many have failed;
still no one--
could fill this glass with water.
© 2012
 Feb 2012
JK Cabresos
Blue eyes covered
with burdens of life,
trying to find remedy
beneath the moonlit night.
Looking at the future,
as future is dead,
tomb of forgiveness,
buried on graveyard of hatred.

Blue eyes covered
with symphony of the breeze,
wondering of happiness,
but happiness withered.
Nature of the eyes to show
the feeling of emptiness,
and no one  is strong enough
to stop the falling of the tears.
© 2012
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