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 Jun 2014
When you find my heart does break
And sadness crawls my every word
So much more than I can take
Of endless streams the mind has heard
Never are you very far
To offer thoughts, to dry my eyes
Reminding me just who we are
So comforting within your sighs
And soon the sun begins to shine
Along this path of winding flow
Where sparrows sing their songs so fine
In melodies I used to know
A cooling breeze does touch my soul
As flowers bloom the garden sweet
Wispy clouds on skies now roll
While feathers gather at my feet
This is now because of you
The friendship that your heart does share
The words of happiness so true
I thank the heavens you are there
Here you go my friend
 Jun 2014
ajit peter
The land rots

laid to waste the precious land

green gardens turning to desert sand

a bag of plastic choke the roots

a bottle and can rush the shoots

factory chemical kills the seed

this by the hand of human deed

trees to fell for human need

the land ***** by human greed

engineered by science the crops do stand

******* the blood of god given land

what we waste not gone in air

a plastic bag to nature unfair

oh will our children not see the grass green

or they not find fishes in the stream

maybe they breathe air with a price tab
or they eat food made in a lab

time for every one to act

a plastic bag never rots a fact

efforts of few just tears on sand

let us try to save the rotting land
 Jun 2014
Mehar Bawa
Blood all around,
In her own blood she had drowned.
Thrashed,Slammed,Pushed away,
Her body had shown her soul a way out.

Silence so loud,she could hear no more.
Silence grabbed her and her body it tore.

Swallowing deep she muttered some words
For help she was trying to call some birds.
No humans could she call.
For none were left; for her, who would fall.

In her last breath she looked at all the cuts,bruises,wounds,scars she had fed herself with,
All of which had been signs of battles she had lost from herself.
Tonight I walk alone in darkness 
where Demons tear at forbidden flesh
to carve my flaws into my skin

I am beauty, despised by my own reflection.
I am carnal joy, wrapped in bitter torment.
I am love everlasting, wrapped in deepest loathing.
I am all and nothing in turn.
Begrudgingly breathing, 
betrayed by the steady beat of my heart.

Tonight I walk alone in darkness.
It's weight leans steadily
against my unsteady nature
as my once dream filled soul
screams into the abyss.
 Jun 2014

It's such a
wonderfully tricky place
inside my despicable mind.

 Jun 2014
Maybe, for once, I want someone to tell me that they wont leave me alone.
Maybe, for once, I want a truthful response to my worries instead of a lie or silence.
Maybe, for once, I would like a bit of sense in a confusing circumstance.
Maybe, for once, I don't want to be treating like the helpless weakling that people believe me to be because suicide is on my mind at all times. I may be miserable, but I am not giving up, no matter what ******* people throw at me.
Maybe, for once, I want to be a ******* human being, not a glass figurine with diamond tears.
 Jun 2014
ajit peter
Your shirts fits me
your pants short for me
yet never could fill for thee
thy shoes you left to me
 Jun 2014
Yay! It's the weekend
out with the girls tonight
Feeling rather perky
but wish my backside was feeling tight

I've squeezed it into jeans
they hold everything in!
Can't eat or drink too much
as there's really not much give

I will make it work though
and wiggle it all with pride
feeling 'bootylicious'
Thank god I've got alcohol on my side!

You arrive at my door 
my blessed gift, with sweetest words
that lift me unto the skies
to soar within the sunbeams of your affection
I pray there never comes a day
that my eyes do not meet yours 
over morning coffee and tender words
Heads bowed, hearts touching
May we always linger here.
 Jun 2014
ajit peter
Tears!born on pains spell
pearls born! Pained shell
Sparkling eyes tears wet
dew drops petals met
Melting heart tears flow
In joy tears glow
Tears emotions to measure
a drop of tear heavens treasure
not be afraid to cry
tears of heart seldom dry
 Jun 2014
ajit peter
The song of life doth fade
forgotten laughters melody made

none to knock the door
gone the feet that walked the floor

Each meal a lonesome bliss
night sleep in pained abyss

Endless waves of the sea
oh tis soul long to flee

Lonely eagle scale the sky
wings none to fly

out from the womb alone
end in grave alone
 Jun 2014
ajit peter
Oh how low hath we come
to remember a father a day
Everyday is he not a father
His love can it be chained to a day
a number a month on a calendar
Or doth we have no time for him
Or is it enough just one day we him joy
father is he not to us every breath
forget fathers day love your father everyday
If this words have hurt any sentiments I do apologize but I sincerely feel by making all these special days we make them distant
 Jun 2014
Not-father’s day today
No morning breakfast tray.
Nor card soppily versed
In filial love immersed.

Children in great array
Their father love display.
Each post that father lauds
Cuts as a thousand swords.

The words ‘I love you dad’
Not hearing is so sad.
We sit and pine away
On this not-father’s day
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