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 Feb 2020
Your Light warms, my heart encouraging me.
Your Light warms, through your inspiring words.
Your Light warms, with explosive Light filling ALL.
Your Light warms,  Us because it is from your heart.
Your Light warms, Us because you really are caring.
We all on HP, really do see your Words and Love.
Thank you for genuinely Loving Us with your Words.
Thank you for allowing Christ to use Your Light here.
For he always give us a choice and thank you for being obedient,
 Jan 2020
Is there any buddy out there?

Am I the only one?

Could this be the end?

Is this site said and done?

Shall I post 1 million words and read them to myself

Shall I write 1 million poems and place them on a shelf

Within the womb
With in the mother
Have I yet to discover
Light beyond the darkness
Forcing me to breathe
Is there anybody out there
Or am I all alone
Life is but a dream
We cannot control
 Jan 2020
Lonely Heart
As the lily blooms on the second spring
It drifts amidst the celestial mirror
The illusion of stillness unperturbed
Moonlight glistens as form is cast
Joyous is the night today
When the light of tomorrow is cast astray
Day or night, the seasons will change
Who am I to say I am unchanged
My illusion of stillness never remains
For the moonlight pond
Shatters from one ripple
That is the luxury of living
and the mark of death
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