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 Mar 2014
eunsung aka Silas
take me to the edge of oblivion,
promise me your empty lies.

sweet ecstacy,
you take me to the edge of madness.

I have been here time and time again,
I always trust you with my heart.

In this brief moment of sanity,
I choose the mundane reality of my life
with promises of joys and pains.

There is a quiet transcendent ecstasy
in a life that leads to wholeness.
It's irksome how we claim
people like landmasses.
"He's mine."
"She's mine."

Now all you need is a
"Private Property" sign!
 Mar 2014
Theia Gwen
Love is a game of cards
Which I play with hands that fumble
While others hide the hearts on their sleeves
I try to speak without it coming out jumbled
I've been dealt a better hand than most
But I have no idea how to play it
I don't even have an adequate poker face
And my cards fall when I attempt a trick

Love is a game of Monopoly
In which I have little to offer
In a world of Rockefeller's and Morgan's
I sit on the side like a wallflower
An infinite cycle of going round and round
And I'm perpetually trying to catch up
But everyone's so far ahead of me
And the whole affair is quite corrupt

Love is a game of chess
In which I will never win
My moves come slow and hesitant
And I am trusting and easy to convince
Playing on a board of black and white
Although the game itself is in shades of grey
Drive me into a corner and call checkmate
Capture my heart then leave and I will never be okay

Love is a game of tug of war
An equilibrium between our ebb and flow
Keep pulling until we're hanging on by but a single thread
While I debate if the glass half empty or full
I'll always be the one loving more
Even when I don't let it show
And I'll be the one who ends up hurt
When you inevitably decide to let go

Love is a night of games in a casino
In a city of temptation and sin
Seal your covenants with a kiss
Sell your soul to the devil with the handsome grin
Make a wish,
And roll the dice,
Remember every rose has its thorns
And when jealousy blossoms, you'll pay the price

Love is a game of Russian Roulette
Which we all play willingly
Just another character flaw,
A human vulnerability
It's no use trying to protect anyone
Luck can save you time and time again
But you can't escape the bullet forever,
And we're all just victims of love in the end
 Mar 2014
Poetic T
If we are
one people,
do we ****
a bit of our
selves when
another is
taken, another
soul lost to
the river.
 Mar 2014
Poetic T
If death is
the release,
is life the
torment for
the soul.
 Mar 2014
Just woke up with sweat
and thoughts a blood dripping
down my face.
A sick grin laid across my face
came as soon as Saturn's rings.
Listen closely, the story I will tell
is quits misleading.
For I would never **** a man...
now would I?

He would break into my home
and **** my Mom and Dad
then go for my brother
and guess who is next:

He'd come straight on in
and I'd be on my phone
he'd see an opportunity because
guess who's watching ****?

He's take what little clothes I have
and throw them across the bed.
He wouldn't care about my screaming
because there is no one in the room.
He'd whip his **** out and
try and slip it in.
I'd scream and cry and
wonder why
"what the hell did I
do to deserve this?"

He'd try to get my hips to
cooperate as he tries to ride fast.
but what he doesn't know is that
this ***** is on the soccer team and
can surely kick his ***.

Somehow I would be on top now
and have his knife against his throat.
I'd smile sweetly and decide to say,
"I learned this from a show!"
I'd slice his blade across his neck
just hitting his jugular vein
because everyone knows that
once it's done
it can never
be replaced.

sorry for this explicit poem. I've been thinking about so many terrible things... mostly about me killing someone? I don't believe I'd ever do it bc it would be terribly unlike me... but I just woke up sweating with this thought and I really needed to get this out.
oh and lol I made a metaphor about losing virginity in here... if anybody can find it then do comment! thanks!
and I'm super tired oops goodnight
I am I the monster
or is society?

**I'm confused.
People that have it all think that
two halves make a whole
but I beg to differ.
I believe that
two haves make a hole.
Those that have it all
don't realize what they lack therefore
they have a hole.
One more sickly-sweet smile
and a sugarcoated
"everything will be okay"
will send me flying off a cliff.
 Mar 2014
Time flies.
Before you know it,
you're not six,
but sixteen
and you can't even remember
what you were feeling
when you rode a bike for the first time.
You can't remember what you felt
when you first accomplished something–something big.
You can't wrap your mind around the fact that you're two years away from
being considered an adult
because you sure don't feel like one.
In fact,
you find it amusing
because you're not even responsible
enough to know what to wear in the mornings.
It's crazy to think that we are just kids
who swear we know the future.
We think our words will take us halfway around the world
but most of us won't even leave this town
and that girl who dreams of the city
will never see New York.
When we were younger,
we thought being teenagers
would be heaven.
We dreamt of makeup
and parties
and sneaking out to kiss the cute boy
across the street
but nobody ever bothered to tell us that
there would be days when we no longer want to live or, rather, days where we
feel so numb we'll do anything to feel something because truth is,
we feel kind of dead inside
and all we want is to feel alive.
and so we swallow pills
and we cut open our skin
in hopes of getting rid of the monsters
inside our heads that follow us every day,
even though everyone told us
they'd be stuck under our beds.
it seems like just yesterday
you were playing with dolls
and now you're writing poems about a boy who won't ever see you
the way you see him.
It's hard for any of us to realize that
in a year we won't remember
this very moment
and you won't remember how fast
your heart beat when he held your hand
for the first time
because in reality,
feelings don't last forever.
Nothing lasts forever.
Take my sadness
take my joy.
Then take each
and every toy.

Take my clothes,
take my socks.
Take my woes,
the keys and locks.

Take everything
except my heart
for it is in a world apart.
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