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 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
The funny thing about change is
Most people fear it but
It's always been a big part of my life
I've moved over eleven times
I'm always pushing to try new
Food, new sports, meet new people
So I get extremely uncomfortable
When I'm stuck in the same place too long
I somehow missed this one, oops!
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
When I was younger
I looked at my parents hands
As they engulfed mine
And I wondered when I would
Be big enough to carry so much
Whether it be groceries or burdens
And now, as an adult, my hands
Are still so much smaller
I hope my hands can hold onto
What I love
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
My head is a thundercloud
Roiling with depressing thoughts
And deep claps of apathy
That give way to startling flashes of anxiety
Still, I know, this too shall pass
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
Chaos exists where peace collapses
Stagnant does not equal safe
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
I watched a bird dart through the undergrowth
Only to stop and feed its baby
Which was lying on the ground
A mere three feet away from me
Blending in with the gray pine cones
And it reminded me of all the things
We do not notice when we forget
To just be still
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
When I talk to people
I've processed things halfway
In the moment
So that later-
in the conversation
or that night-
I realize exactly what
My opinion is or
What I'd truly like to say

It's one of the reasons I like writing poetry
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
    love the way
    flowers speak
           to us

    they all           don't ask us
have their own    for much

But most of all, flowers
   Are never afraid of
    honesty and that's
    what makes them
    B E A U T I F U L
Inspired by the way E.E Cummings poems reflect the contents
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
When things got tough in college
I had a threat I'd always make
"I'm running away to Iceland"

I'd adore never ending summer days
Of road trips to seek out hot springs
And camping wherever my feet take me

Icelandic folklore is steeped in magic
It makes me want to dance on volcanoes
With the lava demons from hekla

But mostly I'd love to be a part of
A culture that isn't afraid of failure
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
I once had someone tell me
That because they knew themself
And their flaws
They could never love themself
And I-
I didn't know quite what to tell them

But I also didn't want to leave it at that
Because we're our own worst judges
We replay everything we've done wrong
And forgive others but not ourselves
Which is just too cruel

And to base the amount of love we accept
From yourself or others
Off the flaws you see in yourself
Is giving up the fight before it's begun
Because you're missing out on so much

You accept the love you think you deserve
But, love, you deserve more than you accept
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
Sometimes I feel like the moon
Some days I'm bright and cheerful
Eager to give love to all
Other days I'm cautious
Still bright, but not as honest
A few days you only get
The slightest glimpse
Of my heart and my smile
And then there comes a day
Where I shut everyone out
The sun is dark in my eyes
Because even I can't stand myself
But it always gets better
And I always shine bright once more
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
Beauty is fleeting
Time is more precious than gold
The heart is what lasts
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
For many of us, being asleep
Is not terribly different than being awake
We interact with our hopes, fears, and wishes
And often see those around us

Most of our time passes unnoticed
Not many things take us by surprise
Enough to take note of it for later
The only differences are action and actuality
 Apr 2017
Kimberly Lore
Just remember that it's ok to feel out of place sometimes
Afterall, even Earth's orbit is naturally askew
yet it still turns and we are still here
and life goes on
"askew" from A Daughter of Smoke and Bone
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