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 Feb 2017
Mary Pear
Sometimes my sky's  the ceiling of a planetarium dome
Enveloping my tiny world'
The moon hangs low-
A lantern for the streets
In our snow globe world.
And wrapped in local clouds by day.

Both eyes in play - the vision slips
and now I know the nearest star is countless  miles away
And Alice- like I shrink.
A camera, carried high sees me, my home, my town
Resume their truthful place upon the globe;
A dot, if that, a fleeting speck in time no more.
Look up and up and endless up, beyond the plastic dome
To endless possibilities and none.
 Feb 2017
Mary Pear
In the still spaces between thoughts
Joy seeps in.
 Feb 2017
no...not again
It is going to take my weekend away
(when I saw the bunch of papers in front of me)
Glancing at the calendar
The promotion date is creeping towards me

It's late I must leave
Stuffed papers in my bag,
Hurried to leave
If I'll miss the train...I need to wait a lot

Took out a clutcher to bun up my hair,
THUMP.! It slipped from my hands
It broke....ah!..let it be.

With fast paced steps ,
I walked towards the station
Was it anger
Was it anguish
Or was I afraid of something?
My heart was jumping

Yes, I caught the train
I need not wait
Checked time...Anna is waiting
Anna. Oh no her medicines!

I need to get down the next station
My poor girl, my poor niece
She is in pain
Leukemia is killing her..

Searching for my wallet in my bag
I flicked my hair ,
Looked up
Oh what a charming face
He look smart, don't he?

Shut up head!..
You got things to do
No love..not love
But he passed a smile
I won't smile back, I won't
**** ! I smiled.

Don't stare him ,no..
Oh! He is coming near me
Am I blushing?..let me check my phone
Noo ! ,don't sit near me
I may end up kissing you!

You said hi,
Your voice is attractive!
I replied.. a hi..

****, I missed two stations
Anna's medicines!
I need to leave him.
My priority is her
I'll meet you in my dreams perhaps

I jumped out of the train
Ran to the medical store,

Oh! A toy shop
Anna loves bears
She might be angry now
I'll buy her a big one
It's expensive
Maybe after the promotion..

I am hell late!
Maybe chocolates will do
Yes,she loves chocolates

Let me call her
Which one she likes??
**** my phone is dead!
It's dark now
I better run home

Why are people crowding
In front of my home?
God! Anna
Is she okay?

Why there is an ambulance?
I ran harder
My heart is in my mouth
I am shivering
I may fall

Let me in ..
Oh no..Anna

No medicines , no chocolates
Can make her healthier..happier now
She is in a better world now
Her organs failed
She passed

I am alone
No tears, no screams
Can make her come to me again
My phone had twenty missed calls in it
(Of that night when my phone was dead)

I didn't complete my assignment
But it took away my weekend surely

10 days later,

I am promoted
She is buried

I bought a teddy bear
The big one
I named it Anna
Maybe I killed her
 Feb 2017
David Noonan
As morning breaks, naked on a bed of a foreign hotel room,
Outside the hustle of city life rumbles and roars to its daily grind
A lone bird of paradise soars then swoops bringing her mystical song
The language of love, the rhythm of passion, a hypnosis of the mind

Transforming from melody, the minds most beautiful vision appears
Radiant in splendor, a goddess of beauty and of all celestial desire
Filling the room, her presence, her grace, awakens the truth of my colour
Exposed and set free, lifting my soul eternal, above, beyond, still higher

Yet such need of the body, of her flesh that I so desperately crave
The press of her thighs, the swell and majesty that calls her rising breast
Lover come to me now, be my sense, my dream, my perfect oblivion
Lay your form upon me, so soft to my skin yet hands so hard to my chest

For i am a bird now, soaring and joining in my lovers glorious song
Above these skies, beyond these ages, a place we can but call somewhere
Where two birds of paradise now roam, free save this eternal embrace
As morning breaks, a foreign hotel room and my love she takes me there
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