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 Dec 2016
of wolves through their own pores,
Those who've heard the whispering
of hell behind closed doors.
Those who've tried their mettle
with a blacksmith's blows,
Those who've climbed a thorny trellis
just to find a single rose...

You may have to climb a mountain
10,000 feet tall
And even then the haters hate
and make you feel small
You may have to dig six feet
to find comfort at all...

But there's a solid surface
beneath the muck & mire,
There's a conflagration...
Yes! There is a fire!
Though all seems hopeless
Though it all seems dire
If you ache, it's yours to take
should you so desire...

Though it all seems worthless
a crust of filthy dross
He'll take your hand
You'll understand

The way of the Cross

(C) 12/29/2016
The life of a Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ is never easy. It is often despised. But joy comes through the mourning...

Got to sleep now. See you tomorrow  <3
will you watch the world             treading.

water floats my heart high, reflected red

below,                                              sky above.

will you hold me up when i am failing,  no

longer floating   .   will you play soft music


that we are in this together.meanwhile shall

we keep swimming


 Dec 2016
life's jump
probly a few minutes
and i was done
writing wasn't feeling the same
i stood on top like
bricks around disaster

i was looking up
i took my shoes off
threw them aside still laced  
i wasn't being funny
i know where this is going

where i write  
where i see cracks in perfect paths  
where blood taste like metals of purity
with every year burning
where these flowers like to live
die on vines from inside
allowing ivy to climb my back

i am a length of fence
in a yard with no dog
on a gate without reason
sitting on a post during live events

i am a fool for giving into seasons
romancing everything like a poet
following every inch of broken glass

nodding to my friends that i'm willing to mend
but waiting for them to laugh
outlined with chalk on the sidewalk
where blood stains concrete my convictions
flowing from the curb to the overpass

in the night like candles floating water
under tree branches ready to crack
formatting clouds to sky write, come with me
a man in the park on his back
a note

this poem took on a life of it's own.
a friend of mine heard a lady in Berkeley
reading this as her own. it was hash tagged, and all over the internet. it gained attention.
even to this day, someone has this up as their own on a long ago since vacant Facebook page.
it's funny where poems end up.
it wasn't my favorite. but the feelings of this day are true. lost and dreaming at Wright Park, Tacoma Washington. ♥
 Dec 2016
The Dedpoet
All the silence does not mean
You are alone,
It is the world waiting for you
To listen;
And in the darkness you are
Found by the light
Of your hope.

And in the tears of your
Pain you are born,
There you become stronger
And it creates order.

Pick up your flesh as your spirit
And speak your happiness
As if the tip of your tongue
Was the mountain's peak
Speaking at the sky,
The burden is a caged bird
And only the conscious can set
It free.
And sing to yourself so that
You know you are never alone
In your body.

Know that your crazy is beautiful
Because it makes you YOU,
Wear your skin like
Your cozy blanket and cuddle
In the warmth of yourself.
     You are not broken,
But scattered like the night
With pieces like stars shining,
    Open your pain and yourself
To the wound of the world and heal
Whatever you choose.
 Dec 2016
He had a way
with a pen,
my friend
the part-time
con artist, full-
time drunkard
with twinkles
in his eyes
like stardust,
and wrinkles
from laughter
as loud as
a clap of thunder,
and it was
really a wonder
to watch him draw
his last breath
with such depth
like an outline
of a shadow,
a sinkhole
in the shade
on the side
of a dark ridge.
 Dec 2016
New pain is always the worst.
The kind you never knew you could feel.
And I watch you stew in it as I did,
But my viciousness came later.
My stone walls,
My excuses.
I had to be kicked for a long time
Like a wounded puppy
In order to gain the fangs I needed to survive
But what that saved me from was turning my bitterness upon others.
Since I learned only in self defense
My kindness remained.
I sacrificed other parts of me-
Oh, too many, I sometimes think,
To avoid giving it up.
But it remained, like a secret candle I held in the core of me
Its pure light peeking through the bars of my ribcage
When my skin stretched over it like bleached canvas.
I am afraid you're not like me.
I'm afraid you will not give up your love
Like I didn't
But neither, perhaps, will you defend your kindness-
You may not have known cruelty for long enough to realize
You need to.
What you need to fight for is not your survival, not your freedom from the tyranny of feeling, not even your choice to love a girl who treats you so cruelly
What you need to be defending with every breath is your decency, and your empathy, and your innate kindness
Because the world does not love kind people.
The world soils them.
And if you are willing to suffer for love but not for kindness,
You will curdle inside like cream left in the sun.
I have been where you are.
I have been hurt by people like her
And by people like you
And what I have found hardest out of all the things I've survived
Was surviving with KINDNESS.

Survive with kindness,
I'm telling you,
Or your work will be
 Dec 2016
Commuter Poet
I cannot deny
That the edge is near
I navigate
A tightrope
Wobbling as I go

The sun rises again
Always there
Warming a twelve foot blanket of mist
That hugs the earth

As long as the sun rises
Nature knows what to do
Birds fly
Plants grow
Horses chew the grass
As long as the sun rises

If only the sun would rise
In my life

I would glow
I would grow
I would survive
I would thrive

I would be happy

I’ve grown tired of waiting
For another to shine

I must shine
14th December 2016
 Dec 2016
Sally A Bayan
On days, when time is going too fast,
I can't catch up, and there're things i can't get past,
I'd pull a chair at the verandah....just sit there
To witness, the gentler goings on in life...
See, how...why  all plants face towards the sun,
On a dimly lit corner, watch a spider patiently spin its web,
Underneath the gravel and green grass, somehow,
The earthworm, painstakingly, bravely emerges,
Finds its way out of the remind us,
"...soil is's time to plant!"
I feel, the beetle knows me, as it inches on,
Carrying its own body, crawling down the pine tree,
I won't ever grasp it, nor tie a string on its body
To control its range of movement,
As we do to tethered beasts of burden...
While sitting there, i decide: by all means,
Towards the flower ***, i  lean
Take time to smell a rose, feel its rough leaf
Not just a quick touch and sniff
But hold its thorny body, without daring to blink
While deep within, i'd let its fragrance sink
Some early evenings
When the cicadas' music are echoing
And the moths have started flying
Circling round the light at the ceiling,
I am warned...soon, it will be raining
And.....when it starts to rain, i keep listening
Til i'm soothed by the sound of rain...falling,
From sky to treetops.....flowing...landing
Next to the leaves......cascading down
To the concrete ground
Spreading quickly, far and deep...and as fate,
As nature would have it....the soil, without fail, waits...
Long time ago, we were small,
Curious and brave, we tasted glory, and all,
Armed with a child's innocence
And an insatiable hunger for learning...
Our eyes, our minds dilated,
Our brains were like sponge...
Like the soil.....we absorbed
All, that we discovered...


Copyright December 1, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
(Once in a while, we can be a child....right?)
 Nov 2016
The piercing pain we sometimes feel
Cannot be expressed  
We cannot be as strong as some
We are not at our best
Our tongue is caught
And numb in thought
Our heart breaks in our chest
We seem to be on our last nerve
As you may have guessed
We feel distant and withdrawn
In need of peace & rest.

Please forgive my isolation
I can't seem to change the station
It doesn't take imagination
To understand loss of close relation

Please help me out, my friends, today
Send good thoughts, take time to pray
My father's world is going gray

He has no will to take or give
Has a memory like a sieve

He has lost the will to live

What I do now to bring back joy
This is the tack I will employ
I'll take him back to when he was a boy

Rather than writing a long book
I write a poem so he can look
As it evolves, it'll be my hook!

But I have to get out of my funk...

This idea's a slam dunk!

♡ Catherine
I know many of you are faithful to
Pray for me... THANK YOU!



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