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 Feb 2019
Ronell Warren Alman
One who is sublime
Is strong and uplifting
They always thrive on excellence
In every situation
Always motivated to do their best
They are in full force
Never one to be discouraged
Always rising above the obstacle course
 Feb 2019
WendyStarry Eyes
I find
Where ever
I be
For my
Is always
Where The
Holy Spirit
Places me
Time to time
I lose course
Get confused
The Spirit then
Guides me to
Read The word
And pray
Assurance I will
Never lose
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood...
[God's] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
1 Peter 2:9
2 Timothy  3:16
 Feb 2019
WendyStarry Eyes
The earth is God's
Mental institution
For the human culture
The trick is to submitt
To this treatment
Of demise
Learn the lesson
To become
One with
The Lord
And Rise
JOHN 21: 18-19
"I tell you the truth, when you were younger, when you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you were old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go." 19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, "Follow me!"
Your Strength keeps me Free, from all of the sins.
As Long as I keep using Your Strength to stay in it.
For Your Strength is never ending and I shall stay Free.
For You rescue me , from sins and addictions as well.
Because in Your Strength , I am one of the Mightiest Warriors.
So I shall Dance, Sing, Run and Praise Your Worthy Name.
There is no Greater Name, than Your Name Lord Jesus.
Because Your Strength, You keep People Free from Sin here.
Your Freedom frees Us from death as well as other things here.
I once was an real mess, Broken and Wrecked, a huge Mess.
But Little by Little Christ took away the things that I cling to.
The Things that I ran to when I needed to escape My Life here.
A wrecked Life that I wished that I was not Living in anymore.
So first thing that he took was Drugs, then the Boozed and Gambling.
Because it was Him that I was suppose to run to when I got scared.
But I was running to an escape the terrible Life that I had Live in.
For it was His job to Heal Us not any worldly addiction here on the earth.
For they were little gods to me , to escape the Life that I had messed up.
For no longer do I need to escape, but to become a Healed Man here.
He also took away cigarettes from on December 10, 2010 as well.
Revealing to this here world the Presence and the Power of Christ too.
For only He can Heal and Repair People Lives here on the Earth.
No matter what happens in my life here in the physical realm here.
You are all that I really have, you are all that I will ever need here.
For only you can give to me, Life real Life here and after ward too.
For only you can give us the true Life, Love , and Freedom we need.
For you hold the key to Living , for none other can give us anything.
You are the one that has rescue me, everyday I hold my freedom to you.
So Jesus come and celebrate that you have reveal yourself to me always.
For you are the true Love of my Life, thank you O Lord for everything.
So I shall forever worship you O Lord, and Praise your Worthy name.
When you need Help and afraid of looking weak here.
When you ***** up and make an mistake because of pride.
When you mistrust someone, because you have trust issues.
Or you mistrust , because You don't trust or like that person.
Because their values are different than your values here are.
Accept that you are a human being whom shall fail  on earth.
Know that God shall not always give you the right answer.
Because We all live in a fallen world, here on the earth .
We every now and then shall take focus off of our Savior.
So when you make an mistake here like I have at times.
Accept that you are not Perfect and accept that We do Fail.
For until Christ transform Me, I shall admit that I am not Perfect.
I am sorry been in a lot of pain lately sorry again.
More than usual but I am praying Blessings on you.
Upon you that You shall be blessed more than usual.
I am praying that your purpose shall be reveal to you.
That you shall be Loved by all that you meet on earth.
That you shall touch their lives , and they shall see Christ.
I pray that your poems shall Heal all that sees them also.
I want to see you used by Christ , and that you are held by Him.
Every single day that you shall see Christ working within you.
Even though-out the Trials, Christ is always reaching out.
Even though all of the Good times, Christ is reaching out.
Even when We keep struggling deep in Sin, Christ is there.
Revealing Him- self to Us while He is reaching out to Us.
For Christ never gives up on Us till We die in Our sins here.
But it is always then that He shall give up on the doubters.
But it is never His doing, but it is Our doubts in the end.
That brings Him to finally Let go of not giving up on Us.
For He Loves each and everyone of Us more than We deserves.
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