1 ***** your finger, describe it,
but never use the words,
red, flow, blood, dead.
Post to HP as My Finger Pricked:___
2. Post an Elizabethan Sonnet to HP
3. Think of a sad thing to make yourself cry, write what it was, how it felt, and are you now afraid/unafraid to admit it was so hard/easy to stain your face.
Post to HP as Cry Myself to:___
4. Get a stopwatch, pick your time limit, (max 7 minutes), write a poem, stopping when your time is up and post to HP as Seven Minutes:_____
5. Pick a poem of mine and why you don't like it. I am not an idiot, send it to me in a private message. No penalty for being right (or wrong)
Each question worth 20 points.
Winner gets a pizza with any topping delivered to his residence any where in the world (or the local equivalent). Or, if in NYC, dinner!
The first three poets to complete 4/5 tasks within say 72 hours, win. Yes, task number 5 can be skipped if so desired! 3/5 gets a slice and soda at a place and time of mutual agreement. 2/5 answers gets u an Honorable Poet Certificate for 10 USD). Anyone who likes poem gets 1 free credit....
UPDATE: three pizazz pizzas going out to AmandaFh, Helen, and SE Reimer. This has so surprised me that I will send as many pizzas out as necessary, with out limit...some incredibly fluid spectacular smiles and tears... More please