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 Aug 2016
Give me your hand,
Lemme guide you into my twisted mind.
Lend me your ears,
Lemme scream to you my pain.
Provide me your eyes,
Lemme show you the darkness.
Sell me your trust,
and I'll give you mine.
Grant me the gift of forgiveness,
Lemme forgive myself.
Give me the strength to survive,
The will to carry on,
and the heart to care.
**As I pray to a God I may or may not believe in.
The last sentence is a story for another day.
 Aug 2016
Locked in a room.
No windows,
No doors,
No lights,
No escape.

Just darknees. Black EVERYWHERE.
Why are there so many walls?!
Of words.
In a language I don't recognize.
I'm stuck in a room..
Stuck in a language I do not know.
 Jul 2016
Victoria Jennings
The only way to find happiness
Is to risk unhappiness
Take a leap
And pray you land on your feet
And that on the way
Nothing gets broken.
 May 2016
teardrops of providence,
intricately kissing the glass
with paint upon their lips.

grunts of a god,
bellows heard from below,
counting the seconds

the numen flashes,
if only for a second
to warn others
calculating the distance

neurons and skin,
reflections in water,
ponderous panting
and her mind is like a

'twas written whilst the rain poured onto the roof of my conservatory
 May 2016
Victoria Jennings
I am nineteen years young
And I don't know what career I want
When I grow up
But I do know
I want to be happy

I am so tired of paychecks
Forcing us into these holes
Saying you can't live without us
When they know **** well
We don't even wanna live with them
Because unhappiness is just as bad as poverty

You still don't want to move
Still cry yourself to sleep
If you sleep at all

You still have a hunger inside of you
Unfed and wild

No I don't think poverty and unhappiness
Are very different

One way you live to survive
The other you barely survive to live

There's a knife at my throat and it's labeled
 May 2016
Victoria Jennings
She was beautiful in her desire to be free, in her hope for love; she was beautiful more in words than her apperance could ever say.
Most days she feels like a failure, caught in the trap of depression and over thinking.
She cried in the car but as she got closer to home wiped away the tears.
She would only be so weak alone, her mother could never know who she was because she wouldn't understand.
She ignored her problems for the millionth time that month, hoping she wouldn't have to wake up the next morning and have to face it.

She has always been a big girl, never finding the motivation to change.
Food makes her happy and brings her closer to the end.
She can't cry with a mouth full.
He soul shakes, feeling so unstable, she cannot steady her mind.
She wants happiness so bad but finds more  pain at every turn.
Her past builds in her gut and her only hope for a future dies more each day.
She will never be the wife and mother she dreams of.
She will be the ashes that grow in the roots of saplings.
She is the lost girl, the gone girl, she is nothing and she is something and all she wants is an escape into the abyss.
Found this in a notebook still insanely valid today.
 Apr 2016
He says he's jealous of me.

Because I have a new family.
Because I have new friends.
Because I finally have my life together.
Do you understand?!
Me. He's jealous of ME.
HA. Funny.

He's jealous of:
The girl who has lost *everyone
and everything.
The girl who got kicked out of her house because she likes guys *AND
The girl who was forced to go to a church, who brainwashed her into thinking she was a disgrace.
The girl who suffered from mental and emotional abuse for 4 YEARS.
The girl who turned to scissors, and razors for companionship.
The girl who was lied to, again and again.
The girl who lost her grandma, then two months later lost her sister.
The girl who hates her reflection, because she isn't proud of who she is.
The girl with self-image, self-confidence, and self-esteem problems.
The girl who can't see her brothers, the ones that are keeping her going, her anchors.

Everything I have now, I earned.
I worked for what I have.
And I'll continue striving for my goals.
Graduation. College. My mom.
My brothers.

So, no. Don't be jealous of me.
Don't speak of what you don't know.
If you want to be jealous of me, wait.
Wait until I have everyone and everything I need.
When I am truly happy,
then you can be jealous.
*Be jealous until your heart's content.
This is just the conversation I had the other day with this guy who says he is my best friend, but doesn't know nothing about me.
 Apr 2016
What is this life?
Please, tell me what it is.
They tell me to believe,
but I don't know how.
How do I believe?
In what, shall I believe?
In myself?
What a joke.
Because to be honest,
I am a failure, who can't do anything right.
Which is what they say, anyway.
But, it's okay.
Because I'll get myself right one day.
*One day soon.
Sooner than you think.
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