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 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Top  of the world ,
Where you feel yourself,
Top or bottom
East or West,
North pole or South pole,
Or you feel yourself rotating ,spinning in one side only.

 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
I slept , but my heart was awake.
Listen ! my beloved is knocking,
"Open to me , my sister, my love.
my dove, my perfect one;
for my head is wet with dew,
my locks with the drops of the night."
I had put off my garment;
how could I put it on again?
I had bathed my feet;
how could I soil them?
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Competition is bad ya good.
It creates or destroys carrier,
Toppers are enrolled to better future,
Losers are badly treated and lost there life also,
Losers never becomes toppers,
What is the meaning of Competition?
To make our life or ruin our life.
To achieve it whatever way,
By crook ya hook.
Where these competition stands, is begin or end of the world.
Why there is no equality or equal justice in world.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
No values of human life but more values of currency and gold,
No values of old cultures but more vaues of modern cultures,
No values of old ethics but more values of kitty parties and pub parties,
No values of marriage but more values of live in relationships,
No values of love and faith but more values of betrayal and hatreness,
No values of truth but more values of making other fool ,
No values of binding relationship but more vaues of separating relationship.
No  values of humanity but more values of individual personal,
No values of poor and medium locality but more values of  VIP,VVIP personals.
Very sad feelings of inequality created by humans towards humans.
Lost the World, Universe and Lost everything.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
I am a rose of Sharon,
a lily of the valleys.
As a lily among brambles,
so is my love among maidens.
As an apple tree among the
trees of the wood,
so is my beloved among young men.
With great delight I sat in his shadow,
and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
He brought  me to the banqueting house.
and his intention toward me was love.
Sustain me with raisins,
refresh me with apples ;
for I am faint with love.
O that his left hand were under my head.
and that his right hand
embraced me!
I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem.
by the gazelles or the wild does;
do not stir up or awaken love until it is ready!
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Human nature that forget everything
Human nature that forget our loved one's.
Human nature that gives pain to loved one's.
Human nature that gives trouble to everyone.
Human nature that gives terror to the country.
Human nature that gives gangster and mafia.
Human nature that also be gentleman and businessman
Human nature that lost their youth and life partner's.
Human nature that even lost their parents for earning money.
Deep sadness were is Human nature is going .
Keep Survival otherwise Human nature will lost the Humanity.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Darkness is roming around the gujarat
White clouds disappering from guarat
Ground is becoming red
Sky is crying for help
But everyone else is becoming blind
Human's are becoming animals
Animals becomes humans.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Highway runs with small and big vehicles
Highway makes no differences in vehicles
Every vehicles can run on it,but human kinds that makes differences.
Human that makes restrictions and rules
They make VIP route for VIP personal and
Common route for common personal
But Highway is for everybody where You run fast and slow,save and die.
Highway that runs night and day with every kind of vehicles carrying VIP and Common personal.
Highway is better than humans beings which makes no differences.
 Sep 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Love someone without any limits and boundaries
Love and Hate are two sides of the coin,
We show lots of love to someone who is close to heart,
Situation gambles with us,
Hate and anger cross every limits of our heart,
Tragedy separates our hearts from our beloved one's
Love remains forever in our hearts ,
In any situations,
In any conditions
Love never breaks our heart
But humans  breaks our heart
Without any reason,
Love  never die from our heart,
But  We Humans die from the world
Love remains generation to generation , decade to decade,

*It remains forever in heart.
 Sep 2015
Brandi R Lowry
So tired of begging
And pleading
For your precious time

Just a simple conversation
Would ease
My worried mind

But here I sit
Once more

And even though
You are near
Our souls could not
Be farther apart

Words seem insincere

I know it may be difficult
Or impossible
To understand

But if you felt
The pain in my heart
You would know
Without a doubt

Control is not
What I seek

I only need your hand.

- Brandi R Lowry

— The End —