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 Apr 2016
Ignatius Hosiana
I'd never seen flowers that don't fade
Elastic hearts that don't break
Books that have never been read
Affairs sailing smooth and not wreck

Hadn't come across leaves that don't fall
persons completely worthy of my trust
someone who gets my esteems tall
exposed wrought irons that never rust

Had never known hazel eyes without tears
romance surviving without chemistry
valuable experience without years
findings of passion without mystery

Had never seen Angels out of paradise
or spoken of beauty like I speak of your eyes
 Jul 2015
Ignatius Hosiana
We wanted to make sense of the world, So we colour-coded it, like our school schedules.
Then we realized we got the colours wrong.
Outside colours weren't the way to organize, so we looked on the "inside".
Who was to think that we can see everyone's colour?
They looked at the emotions we display.
Just because I can't smile everyday, doesn't mean I'm different.
It means I am sane enough to not wear a mask everyday of my life.
Then again, sane isn't exactly a word that describes me...*
Something else describes me, something I took long to admit
something the world doesn know partly because I haven't told it
but mostly because the world always sees what it chooses
After all in not knowing there's nothing it loses, or there is
In case it could profit from knowing about my bruises
And my random thoughts that cloud my mind everyday like a mystic frost
Times when I'm all caught up in this boundless ocean, life,
And cannot see my way or the sickening and thickening waves coming my way
Nobody knows I'm a ship with no radar, only no body ever paid attention
That's why I lean on only nobody, and nobody's my ladder.
and me
Thanks to Tropica

— The End —