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Swiftly the lungs expand,
                     of resistance.
Stand ready to succeed!
A death sentence
God alone knows truth.
It is His will that decides.
Some days are better
                      than others.
Like an adventure
the end results.
Regardless of the day,
Jesus taught us to
live for today,
To ignore
                      of tomorrow.
Each day has its own concerns.
Enough to occupy the thoughts.
I will
                        on the
                                      of today.
Thank you Lord,
                       for the gift of life.
so be it. I end with the
                                             to be
only in the comfort of God's love.
 May 2016
Kenny Whiting
You'll never find a love like God's,
   as sent from Heaven' above;
You'll find He's always by your side,
   there's vict'ry in His love!

He'll always lead and guide us,
   as shepherd leads his flock,
He'll hold us up through storms of life,
   there's vict'ry in The Rock!

My God protects you from His throne,
   through everything you face;
He'll show you mercy, love and more,
   there's vict'ry in God's grace!

He showed true love from Calvary,
   true love we can afford;
Don't once lose hope, just look to Him,
   there's vict'ry in My Lord!
I sat on a chair of lies
                   and let the
frolicking around me
           impress me not.
In circles of doubting eyes
          I could only offer
             my second best.
There is no compromising
          the heartless writing
                    that proclaims
           intentional unbelief.
What one believes
          does matter, despite
                       loud yelling
      proclaiming otherwise.
Abstract visions promise much,
                        but sometimes
                     truth is what must be

We need one another.
We need one another.
Eyes open and close.
Lean back, let what happens happen.

Words are sometimes like abortions.
Forced out before their time.

Screaming lips, hasty tongues.

Body tired. Uncomfortable.
Does it still belong to me?

Do secret vowels leak out
from weary lips? Am I touching

the right sort of optimism?

I want to drink the wine
of redemptive healing.

Letting it slip and slide
over the internal sickness.

When healed, when this is done,
I'll shout words of praise.
I'll proclaim eternal thankfulness
to God, who alone heals.
Each day, Father,
I am coming to You.
Though fear and doubt
fill far too much of me,
I have faith in You.
Seasons change.
Temperatures altered.
Day after day, Jesus,
I seek Your presence.
My heart does not
comprehend this
lingering illness
I've been presented.
I sit in silent surrender
to this raging inside hell.
Seeing people I love,
and wondering,
how much longer
shall I be amongst them?
I feel again
my daughters
when they were born.
Holding them in my arms.
Watching them grow
into young women.
Hugging my Grandsons
and wondering
if they will remember me?
Still, there is God.
He promises relief.
Not just from my sickness,
but also
to comfort those
who might grieve.
I do not know the
day or the time
of my demise.
I only know that
it is rushing upon me.
God, make me strong
when that is needed.
Stay nearby.
I know I will need You.
Blessed Mary,
guide me to your Son.
Fill me with resolve
to do what I must do.
Faces shift and shine
all around my vision.
I reach out,
letting my love
go out to them.
It is not goodbye.
Rather, it is
see you later.
Father, Your will
be done to me.
I am coming home soon.
Sacred Jesus,
walk with me.
(A Poem based on Ex.3:1-6)

I looked into the flames and I asked "Who are you?"
"I Am!"
And I cried out "Who is going to save me?"
"I Am!"
And I wept "Who is going to conquer
My slavery to sin and darkness?"
"I Am!"
And I said "Who is faithful
Even though I fail?"
"I Am!"
And then I asked "Who is the father of mercy
Who sends His son to die
That I might live?"
"I Am!"
And the bush did not burn,
and I did not die!
Our hands holding roses,
We hold them for you;

Your grace bringing
us the salvation of your Son;
Holy Lady of Heaven,
Blessed ****** Queen.

Mother of Christ,
Mother most divine;
Hear prayers rising,
rising to you.

Mother of all, Mother dearest;
Caress us with your love,
keep us pure from sin.

Leading us, ever leading
to the arms of Jesus Divine.
O Holy Mother,
Holy Sacred one.

Ave Maria! Hail Mary,
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary!
I sense the touch of God
     when I pray my rosary.
His presence strong in
   the chanting of the words.
I know that He is here
       by the peace that I feel.

Words intoned so ancient,
            beautiful and serene.
Comforting me in
           ways I can not explain.
Through Mary to Jesus,
         my salvation ensured.

God provides solace
       to those who seek Him.
In the echoes of despair
     He brings me assurance
of blessings and hope
            which He restores.

So many moments
   lost in useless ventures.
So many times I
         tried to be supreme.
Only with God do I
   triumph in my dreams.

Heavenly Lord, Father,
    thank you for your words.
I pray my rosary in joy,
        loving every holy word.
May God, the Holy Trinity
        continue to be with me.
 Apr 2016
leona chaput
To the wonder and awesome
God of glory, God of beauty
God in all of His glory
To the beauty, the power, the wonder
The  joy that comes from God
To our joyful praises lifted up
To the universe and all
Creation as well
Praise the Lord, praise
To His awesome name
Give Him the glory
And know He is holy
Worthy to give God
All the glory
He is the strength in a
World that is hurting
Claiming the victory
For every battle He's won
His glory shines throughout
Every storm, every heartache
Throughout and even
The worst of times
He is our help and our hope
Is in Him
Always for us, God is always for us
Glory shines all around
Everywhere in this world
Being our guide and the hope
We claim in Him
He is for us
In His glory forever
God is for us
Give God the glory

BY:  Leona Chaput
 Apr 2016
leona chaput
Nothing is power like God
Claiming the victory everywhere
He goes
His is the majesty to reveal
His glory
All around is the power,
The wonder, the love of God
 Apr 2016
Kathryn Heim
A journey,
a path,
a mission,
a task.
A life devoted,
a message received,
a calling,
a gift
for those who believe.
A hope,
a perpetual peace,
a wellspring ever ready
for our soul's relief.
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