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 May 2014
Mike Hauser
I want to read a book
That's never been read
Hear a gentle word
That's never been said
I want to sit back
And close my eyes
When I open them up
Everything is alright

I want to ring a bell
That's never been rung
Sing along to a song
That's never been sung
Pull back the curtain
With all of my might
So I can expose
Everything is alright

I want to see
What has never been seen
Take a long walk
In the hands of a dream
Reach as far as I can
The highest of heights
And pull down to earth
Everything is alright

I want a spot
Where I feel I belong
Take all that I've got
Before it is gone
I want to shine
The brightest of lights
So I can find
Everything is alright
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
He Has Now Become A Man

My Son has grown into a man
And I am proud of what I see
He gives himself to others
When others are in need

Shows compassion for his fellow man
And has a soul that is so true
Is not afraid to open up
Or to share his heart with you

My son has wisdom beyond his age
Seems to know what to say and do
Wont give the answer that you want
But the one that is right for you

He will stand his ground to do what's right
Or lead a group and make a stand
And that's how I know the boy that was
Has now become a man

For Kylor J. Roberts
"I Love you son, Dad"
I watch as he gives himself to others with no reward to himself other thn the knowledge that he is helping somone else.  I realize I have helped raise a boy into a man. A proud father and a great young man.
 May 2014
Please, I beg you
Tell me what I need to do
To be able to own you
Please, tell me where to find you.
Every second, I devote to you
You are my ability
You are the truth behind my smile
You lie between the words of my poetry
You are the lyrics to my songs.
Please, I beg you
To strengthen this hope I have on you
I know we are impossible
But you were the one who got me to fall for you.
Is it my fault that I hear your voice
Singing to me those goodnight lullabies?
You are the reason I am this strong
Hiding behind my eyes are pictures of you.
Please, I beg you
Please remember this human you created
I know we are to part in a year or two
Or shall I love you all over from the start?
That is okay, Love
I will always love you
You will always be right by me
You will always be the 'you' that my poems accrue.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
My One Lost Love

Please know that you're my one lost love
That I remember from my past
The one who seemed to get away
But I wish I could have back

The timing wasn't perfect
For the love we shared back then
Two broken hearts not ready
So now we call each other friends

Every now and then we speak
I hear the story of your life
You tell me that you fell in love
I feel an emptyness inside

I'm happy for you in my heart
And I wish for you the best
Knowing what you need the most
To move forward from the past

Our futures took two different paths
Then where we thought we'd go
I cannot change how you now feel
So I let our friendship grow

Still no matter what our futures holds
Please know these words are true
I hope one day you find again
My one lost love for you

Carl Joseph Roberts**

This is just a thank you poem
She knows who she is
I am very happy for her and will always hold a special place in my heart for the time we shared but also know and understand we have both moved on.  She came into my life and helped me when I needed it most. Touched my soul with her kindness and showed me that there are simply good, very good people out there who can love and be loved. Now I will be glad to call her my friend.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
One of those days I call life

One of those days not a thing goes right
You start your day with rain outside
One of those days no alarm went off
You must call your work and tell your boss

One of those days when there's no towel
The shower is cold and the furnace is out
One of those days when you burn the toast
The coffee is cold and you tear your hose

One of those days you're running late
You loose your keys have an empty tank
One of those days you cant find your coat
You turn the key and the car wont start

One of those days when you need a jump
Cables are locked in your husband's trunk
One of those days your kids school calls
It seems they skipped their study hall

One of those days you get home late
The dog is gone there's an open gate
One of those days not a thing goes right
Just one of those days that I call life

Carl Joseph Roberts
Written after I asked a lady how are you today. She went on to explain how bad a day she was having as I politely listened. All the while I was thinking , this sounds like life to me.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Only In a Dream

I see an empty place beside me
As I close my eyes to dream
Knowing when I drift away
You will still be here with me

I'll see your smile and hear your voice
Feel a love that we once shared
And all the pain of missing you
Will seem to somehow disappear

I'll realize only when I wake
That it was just a dream
Then try to close my eyes again
And pray you're still with me

Each new morning as I rise
I see that you're not here
  I must wait until the evening comes
To show you how I care

A new evening comes, I drift to sleep
And I feel you next to me
Holding hands as we share our lives
But it's only in a dream

Carl Joseph Roberts
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts

Love sometimes happens
And sometimes you have regrets
Sometimes you want forgiveness
For sometimes what you've said

Sometimes it turns out good for you
But sometimes it turns out bad
Sometimes it may not matter
Then sometimes you wish it had

Sometimes you need to hold it close
Still sometimes you let it go
Sometimes you know the answers
Sometimes you wish to know

Sometimes you see what's missing
It's sometimes what you have
Sometimes afraid to let things grow
You sometimes wish it had

Sometime you may not show it
Sometimes you wish you could
Sometimes no matter what you want
Love sometimes feels so good

**Carl Joseph Roberts
Sometimes all you can do is as ask for forgiveness.  Sometimes your sorry.
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Wherever Here Is

When you're asked wherever here is
It's the place you are right now
The place where someone should be
When you need them to be around

Sometimes wherever here is
Is a place where you're alone
Wherever here is may just be
A place you dont want known

Wherever here is could be
Where you're needed most
Sometimes wherever here is
Means someone else is lost

Wherever here is can be
A place thats seldom found
Dont ask wherever here is
Wherever is all around

Carl Joseph Roberts
 May 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
Listen To Your Feelings

Have you ever met somebody
That you know you just dont like
Right away you get a feeling
That somethings just not right

You think it's just a feeling
That soon will go away
But the feeling just gets stronger
No matter what they say

It's a feeling that you just cant shake
One thats deep within your soul
A feeling that makes you say
Something here is wrong

You must listen to your feelings
For they'll guide you to whats right
Those feelings that are in you
They may someday save your life

Carl Joseph Roberts
 May 2014
Steven Hutchison
I watch you in stop motion.

I probably
remember it
at all.

They’ve been trying for a while now
to anchor you down
tie you to the anvils of atoms and silk

I’ve been telling them for a while now
you’re extra-planetary
you won’t fit into their egg cartons

your first appearance
was marked by a fire
engulfing any earthly
binding or chains

You’ve been burning for a while now
with unlikely alchemy
with flames that repeat my exhaling

We’ve been missing for a while now
lost in each other
away from the world of atoms and silk
 Apr 2014
Olivia Kent
Her silhouette  danced in the doorways of time.
Alluring him, besotted with his wistful ways.
She played tennis with his passion, as it flew around the room.
Hollow bangs hit decibels, she caused a sonic boom.
He crept into her darkened room and touched her back inside.
The witch woman of magic grabbed him, and on her broomstick together they did fly away.
She was ripened for his kisses, they were twice as nice.
Several days of ripening , ready to be her sacrifice.
(c) Livvi
 Apr 2014
Carl Joseph Roberts
His Voice or Mine

With his kiss upon your lips
As you  close your eyes
Do you think about the life we had
Or the new life he provides

Can his hands carress your body
The ways that mine once did
Will his touch give you pleasure
Like only I could give

Can you see true love in his eye's
Like the love I had for you
Will your heart beat just as fast
As when I walked in the room

Does the memory of him fill your day
Is our memory lost in time
As you sleep within your dreams
Do you hear his voice or mine

Carl Joseph Roberts
For all those who have even felt a loss. Your Life and your thoughts will turn around and become yours again. It's true what they say. Time heals
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