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To get along real fine
we dance in
triple time,
a long slow stately waltz
with no time to find the faults
just the waltz and I and
she being nearer,
than ever to me.
 Apr 2015

The wind, it gusts upon my face
Across my lips the breeze does trace
In images I can’t replace
The perfect love of you

The rain, is wet upon my skin
So precious as it does begin
Bringing to my mind again
The perfect love of you

The sun, now bright within my eyes
Aglow across these April skies
Once again I realize
The perfect love of you

The moon, does shine this springtime night
Sending forth its wondrous light
Floating me in pristine flight
The perfect love of you

For everyday these sights I see
Affection formed of destiny
Whispered thoughts for only me
*The perfect love of you
 Apr 2015

Serene this eve of moonlit glow
neath star shine twinkled fall
Cicada song on whispers flow
of silhouettes a’ call

I feel the earth beneath my hand,
a drifting nocturne breeze
On river fern and willow’s stand,
past shadowed twilight trees

Yet all I see this wondrous place,
amidst of nature posed
The beauty of your perfect face
*within my eyes now closed
Twilight dreaming of you an wishing you a beautiful night
 Apr 2015
The answer to blocking out pain from a broken heart is not numbness or indifference.

But that of letting yourself be loved again.
 Mar 2015
Ocean Blue
... My eyes,
To mirror your sighs,
I will give you my smile,
To dance with your smile,
I will give you my hands,
For you to paint the beauty
Of the fertile lands
In the hills of Tuscany.
I will give you my open arms
To surround your shoulders,
When you feel cold during the winters.
I will give you my soft kisses
To dry up your tears
On your pale cheeks
So I can chase your fears.
I will give you my memory,
For you to remember
Our forgotten kisses, if any.
I will tell you some of my secrets,
Even the ones from the Pool,
In case you show interest,
And there you would think I'm a fool.
And of course I will give you
My Ocean Blue,
For you to dive into.
But I will never give you
Anything that can hurt you.
You need to know
That I can only give all this
When you come back from the abyss
To which you've decided to depart,
Leaving me alone to dream of you,
With art.
 Mar 2015
Ocean Blue
Remember your summer storm?
When in the middle of my European night,
Across the Ocean silent cries you would perform,
Me, promising you would be allright.
You, sobbing this storm would wreck it all,
You and me together we would fall.


Now, if you could look at my eyes
As you said, their peace have the power
After a while to soothe your sighs,
Your days and your nights to make quieter.
Indeed, I am like the still water
Of a mountain lake :
The least I can offer
Is to drawn your ache.


You've decided that
My Blue and your fever,
Among the stars will never
Dance together.

— The End —