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 Dec 2015
david mungoshi
insinuate me
into your waking moments
like a pervasive mist
unveil my presence
like a long-kept secret
and hold me desperately
like i matter
nibble my ear lobe
and whisper to me
things no one else will
drift away with me
till dawn
and walk us through the avenues
of your mellow dreams
till all i can do
is pace the mad floor
like van gogh in relapse
or splash paint
like a surrealist brat
carry me on your person
like a gem
and elevate my image
like a crucifix
be thou my muse
when i create pieces of rare genius
for posterity to marvel at
above all
savour me
like i was made of honey
and follow this template of love
like your sanity depended on it
 Dec 2015
david mungoshi
these joys are sacred and precious
you partake of them if you're serious
but you best flee if you're just curious
these joys are cosmic and rarefied
they shower you with the sweet abundance
of seasons of plenty when harvests are a surfeit
when you can withdraw into secret places
and there gorge yourself on shapely pleasures
and dissipate in tender exertions on an unmade bed
 Dec 2015
david mungoshi
In that moment for mementos
When everything will stand still
We shall remember sentimental tokens
Of promises made in the heat of an embrace
And feel that we let slip drafts of elevated joy
 Dec 2015
david mungoshi
she moaned an octave higher    
and he waded deeper into the valley
dragging the low notes out of his person
till dissonance became consonance; and
a soft symphony caressed their souls
in a quiver to oblivion
 Nov 2015
solEmn oaSis
neither because of my pen why she comes nor my tongue has not yet done
in saying straight to the point...that.. " for her,, i'm not a vagabond "
someday i will get back
bouncing through a poem
just for you my kind of woman!
announcing a "single syllable word"
from start to end.

 Nov 2015
Reece AJ Chambers
I am looking
at my naked self

   you are looking
at it too

my milk-bottle skin
     wisps of hair buttered up
   to the wrist

this is one of those
   mortifyingly awkward

     like giving a presentation

standing all gangly

an unwrapped
   second-rate present

     that you didn’t really want

   my clothes are
a primary-coloured splash
     by my feet

     and I expect you to talk
to cease the blistering
silence in the room
   but you only nod

eyes on me

   slither your bra strap
down one arm
Written: November 2015.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time, not based on real events. All feedback welcome. A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.
NOTE: Many of my older pieces will be removed from HP at some point the near future.
 Nov 2015
Melissa S
One look was all I needed no words need even be said
You take my hand and lead me outside to Nature's bed
The colorful canopy offers minimal seclusion and makes us feel wild and free
~and I cannot wait to get your hands and mouth all over me
You tune everything else out... I am all you want to hear
My sounds of pleasure ...nothing but sweet music to your ears
 Nov 2015
david mungoshi
1 -
a therapeutic calm wafted across the valley
and a wispy mist in blue filled the still air
i stood transfixed on the tense river bank
seeing and not believing this magical sight
that on my mind weren't ever a blight

                               - 2 -
a frog with a bobbing throat leapt into the water
and sent a ripple that crept up the serene pond
till in time it reached the floater of my line
whereupon i felt a grip upon my timid heart
and a fish bigger than in stories broke the surface

                              - 3-
in that mystical moment the scales fell from my eyes
and i beheld a sight most wondrously mesmerizing
for there upon a delicate water lily in ballerina pose
was a maid with a beauty that no artist could conceive
in a soon forgotten sluggish million years or more

                           - 4 -
her eyes were like twinkling stars recently escaped
from the whirling depths of a cosmic wormhole
her nose was like a bridge to whimsical fantasy
and she beckoned to me with ever-increasing urgency
till i felt my will melt before her seductive wiles

                           - 5 -
then the voice of my mother called me from the edge
and the sleep induced by the moment began to dissipate
the maid began a dance like one for her nuptials
and the sound of distant drums bore into my soul
in faint echoes that were forever sinking into endless time

                            - 6 -
as in a surrealistic dream before the break of another day
the frog leapt out of the pond and onto the grassy bank
from the lily, like a fancy, the dancing maid disappeared
and there was neither mist nor breeze as i stood there
alone again with my fishing line and my baffled thoughts
 Nov 2015
K Balachandran
Can't wait any more,
darling,reach out,
just touch my lips
with your index finger,
red hot with desire.
I am ready to melt
as convergence of
lust, passion and love
happens in that order.

വയ്യിനി കാക്കാന്‍

തെല്ലും വയ്യിനി കാക്കാന്‍ പ്രിയേ,
ആസക്തിയാല്‍ രക്തവര്‍ണമാര്‍ന്നോരാ
തുടുവിരൽത്തുമ്പാൽ ചുണ്ടിൽ
 മൃദുവായ്  തൊടുകെന്നെ നീ.
രതിതൃഷ്ണയും ആസക്തിയും
പ്രേമതാപവും മേല്മേല്‍,
തിരമാലകൾപോലെ വന്നെൻ
ആര്‍ദ്രനായ്, രാഗോന്മാദാൽ
നിന്നിലലിയാൻ കൊതിപ്പൂ ഞാന്‍!
(Malayalam Translation)
 Nov 2015
I like her black dress,
the way it pools at her feet.
How she walks to the bed,
spilling over my sheets.
I drown in the depth
of her eyes.
 Nov 2015
SG Holter
A thousand hands on my skin.
Hours of lips against my

Openness, the smell of woman
On every single breath of

Contained. Possessed.
Consumed. Engulfed. Confined.

I float in love craving me.
My every cell in bliss.

I am a leaf in a stream.
Floating in the featherness of
Relentless attention;

Too exhausted to sleep, yet
Giving in to dreaming

A laughing prisoner.
More bars, locks, chains!
Caged in, and so, so free.
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