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 Jul 2015
Times vibing with friends and having a positive conversation
About the equivocation in our nation as the L passes our little nation and our consciousness expands like a rubber band.

Hold your girls hand till you become one with her, remind her
That she resembles mother earth her womb is the home for
The little seeds you plant inside of her.
A wise guy told me "unity is the path"

So I thought we are  brothers & sisters united like petals in a flower.
Our society is all about power to grow money as tall as towers

Our society isnt interested in what grows the flower (unity)
But its interested in growing the green tree (money)

So ripple the energy of the flower to the nation
Spread positive vibes & positive energy
To the circles that surround you
And move in the heartbeat of humanity.

 Jun 2015
Rough roads crunchy stones a long walk far from home in search for the peace dome.

I run in a yellow brick road filled with sunshine and true smiles
To have happiness is to believe in deserts with no cries.

when the sun and the rain collide they conceive a rainbow
Which represents :love ,peace and prosperity.

With the rainbow mindset we reach our pursuit for happiness.

Learn to live freely in the present moment.
Human poems
 Jun 2015
I dream to be as green as **** & spinach even when captured i conceive a healthy image

I dream to be as green as the green street robot with the mentally to go freely to my destiny.

I'm as green as green is.
GOOD Poems
 May 2015
I see patterns in these lives recurring habits of mean guys, unspoken lies yet to come. Freedom in a jug of a thirsty government ,torments of a silence war path : ships and pirates ;police and sirens ; bullies and violence ; nerds and violins ; birds and flying ; me and writing

what meets the eye is more then I could see , more then i could be, I reveal strangers from a strange house appereing with shocked eyes as the systems bleeds lies and the government pukes fire.

Views from up top

innocent people get braaied, and crimnals raise a glass of fine wine

See we live in a world of....
A world where you choose to be the head or the tail , a world of titles , a world of humans against humans , a world of white vs black , a world of blue vs red a world of reality vs bed , a world of the poor vs those who get paid, a world of philosophers vs dumb heads. see rasicm is still alive its just hidden from inside what a scary facade.

I see everything.

Views from up top
Wisdom from up top
 Apr 2015
I'm a proud father.

I give birth to poems through unearthly thinking and being inside and looking out

A space for consciousness ,pen and paper to collide and conceive baby poems. and sometimes going out and learning clears you mind , through trees , air and the sky : godly art
I connect divinity to heart , sometimes poems are like **** , conceived in the most rudest way and has a strangest feeling. 

I give birth through seeing that I live routines and an uncaring society that only cares about responsibility and gives zero time to reality . But in the midst of foreign thoughts I find peace.

Poems are deceased flowers that can reach high as skyscrapers and touch water vapor and capture what's below its nature

And I still remain in the middle of gunshots writing poems.
 Feb 2015
Humans programmed to swim in a dry dam. working towards the future ; what they do not know about or even understand. they tell us who we're going to be while we don't even know ourselves.

We can't control time but we can manage it. we are a united nation departed by : the systems of this world

The real criminals are people in suits and ties , living on a given image. not those in tattoos.

If we did things in our own perception and not in a authority perception
The world would be a better place

We give ourselves a limited amount of freedom while we should live free all the time. even God wants us to be free but the world has become a place where people cage themselves in possessions  
Possessions are only for a session
Then they perish

Wisdom is peace , wisdom is better than silver and Gold

Learn about self-worth and be free
#freedom #poems
 Feb 2015
Oceans flow in between conversations
Mating with constellations
Freeing our minds going with open eyes
The world is a bad place for good people like us

A Rebel living in a world of believers of vanity , sanity isn't normality we are all weeds growing in the wild ,they never believed in us so they cut us off.

Police are allowed to **** , we live in world were you have to have a license to **** the other.

The world is caught in systemic minds and forgot about their own minds we're living through boarder lines always mentally tested. Non but ourselves could free our minds....

I hate being dressed in the image of authority and not dressed in my own properties.

Let's free our minds and live with open eyes , non but ourselves could free our minds.

We're living in a world were freedom isn't free , we're slaves with slaved minds and locked our bodies in white cages , all we got is 4000 years of the same philosophy in this land we call home.

Let's get free.
Freedom time !!!
#FreeOurPeople #OpenMinds
 Feb 2015
Chasing feelings leaves you ****** up

you anit gotta always live up to your emotions.

When you're sad ; smile , when you're angry ; calm yourself

Nobody wakes up happy , we all wake up ****** up , we choose to be happy
And we choose to be sad.

Don't let the world change your view of life , the world has become a system.
And they say you're not matured when you don't join it. Then you the victim

Souls are just driven about how they feel. Don't Live in sadness ; sad. Live with a open mind life won't always be hooray cause life is a game and you and only you ; chooses how to play.

What do you do behind close curtains
#Emotions #ForTheSad
 Feb 2015
F the system

With slow mental slavery rhythms
These systems came in a package -schools
-suburban places...
I can go on and on.

F the system
It only gave me its own mentality and personality.

the system is supported by cash that's why most people join it
Or chase it.

F the system

The system never changed , people just got more dumber.

Society! Why do you have to use the same process on each and every human on earth.

Uniforms hides our true image
We all look the same , products to be examined why ?

The world started praising garbage again .

F the system

Yours truly julian!!
 Jan 2015
Wanderer of the night,
Wondering in day light
Jazzic winter nights I see sight.
My mind takes a flight to the promise a land.

An African whose day job is living in sands with no man hand , sure to get lost somewhere.

Nights make you think more about daylight

And daylight makes you think more about Nights.

End of the day ourselves is what we all got.

My head hot in the sun getting black as ever searching for night air.
me and sunlight should despair.
These Days
 Jan 2015
I am unmentioned in this world

I am unmentioned

A leave of a empty fashioned mansion.

Unmentioned all the scars the skin has fond.
Unmentioned all my image's in riverish reflection.
Unmentioned all the things i've  seen and it was all cleaned by mr mean and i mean poets see the unseen.

Only mentioned by myslef.
 Dec 2014
Losing a true friend.
The rift didn't make any good to me. *Before the rift I didn't spilf , now I splif to drift high and feel lifted.*

My soul is shaking in babylon fighting for its forever.
Myself **flesh** I'm against the soul. *They say be the king of your mind and slave your body.*

*But the rift didn't uplift me.* *his a thieve in the day light*, taking the one who I never felt being misunderstood with .

I'm alone at night searching for day light but I found myself comfortable with darkness so I brought a chair to relax in the dark and reflex on what good darkness has , *mostly its temporary doesn't last.*

Darkness will make you feel comfortable for a while but you end up being lost searching for a way out in a bottom less pit

*spit the devils kit out , get away from mental slavery* is what I told myself

— The End —