What am I But a failed catalyst? A spark of fire in water Lightning in an empty field Suspended belief in a fantasy No real action No real progress No reactions.
I touch the sky Trace the stars with my fingers Wonder why am I alive As I drift like the icy snow From the clouds to the ground Blowing over everything Blowing you off When you say I will be okay, That it will be alright.
She has been molded carefully, As she shuns all equality. Her arrogant smirk, That loud, interrupting voice Seeping with sarcasm, Cockiness. She looks at the world Through superior lenses. You are her next victim, Then it's on to another contender.
Sometimes I open a book Get lost in the pages, in a safe dream Sometimes I imagine a world Where everything is purple and beautiful My imagination is limitless, fearless As clumsy reality makes a new mess.