20/F/idaho, USA
i like writing, baseball, weird people, outer space, 20th century pop culture, love, and horror movies. all 3 of my books, "the cool kids", "bedtime …
London - England
I won't explain what the poems mean so don't ask! You are the music while the music lasts. - if it's untitled, then it's unfinished. …
I paint, including the profile picture; make leisurely use of many musical instruments, and I write poems and stories. I don't censor myself in my …
27/M/Cairo, Egypt
5th grade teacher in Cairo, Egypt. Originally from Washington State. On an endless search to find the things life is about like sour patch kids …
twitter: @avxlanche YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCxfESRg6eIGwdlmGzkRscCQ booking inquiries: tom.leveille86@gmail.com my book "down with the ship" is now availible: http://sanfranciscobaypress.com
Somewhere Over, Rainbow
I feel like poems have the power to make connections. When some people write a poem, it touches me in a significant way (unless it's …