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 Aug 2013 Claire E
Nat Lipstadt
"Nothing is so healing as the human touch."

Started:    June 21, 2011
Finished:  August 14, 2011

"Nothing is so healing as the human touch."

Purportedly, the final words of Bobby Fischer, the reclusive, oft bizarre-acting Chess Grandmaster, whose life deserves your examination.  

I wasted decades of my life in a loveless, sexless, miserable marriage. I read his dying words, and the poem~notion was born, but the words had their own timetable and it made me crazy.

All the facts you need to read this old poem are now in your possession.
Mos­t poems used to just tumble out,
Sudoku words combos,
Gunslinger I was,
poetically licensed to shoot
from the hip (the lip?).

Then you go mute, until that second,
When once again,
machine gun stanzas fall like
spilling all over the kitchen floor,
as they always do at Two Am
when quietude is in high season,
And the whole house is sleeping.

Once in awhile,
the title~idea recorded,
but the poem unwrit,
just won't come.
*** but no ******.

The words smack you,
write me, I deserve it,
a challenged duel glove
goes kissy kissy on your face,
but the words,
the choice of weapons
eludes for weeks, months.  

So Bobby,
your challenge
long ago accepted,
but my reply imperfect,
has lain bound and gagged,
a poem-in-progress
hid in the trunk of my heart,
unable to escape, even when
escape attempted, unsuccessful.

From June till August moon,
your dying words have been
a cancer growing, within,  
hiding from my bullets
invented to radiate,
your final words, explicate,
Explode and expose.

Your life,
an essay on life in solitary,
anti-social would immodestly describe your life best.

How came you then to exclaim,
re the glories of human touch?

Ah a dying man's last regret,
a simple cri du couer,
nothing extraordinaire,
a basic 101 shoulda/woulda
of "I coulda done it better,"
what's the big deal?

Until this exact second,
Sunday rain jolted body from bed
do I instant understand my obsession,
the import to me,
the need to capture
the haunt of the healing
of your dying words.  

Life is small, miniaturized
when numbered in decades -
five, six, seven,
eight nine or even ten.  

How came I to pass so many,
discarded whole decades,
of the few we garner
without the sustenance of
Human Touch?

How came I to allow this
disaster to pass?

How did I advance to the next grade/decade
when a failing grade was scarlet tattooed
In ****** scars upon my chest?

Would be easy to dismiss
as just another
whiney rant
that is no longer relevant
to you,
lies I told myself,
no longer resonate,
over, now.


Everything matters.  

Summation.  Accumulation.

Day Counter Totals
reveal gaps of years
that cannot be refilled
so your accounting
must include a retelling of the
wasted days and acknowledge
with your dying breath,

Nothing is so healing
as the human touch.

Thank you my love.
Thank you, Mr. Fischer.
Two years old, in two days....
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Sir B
I want it
I just want to drown
In it
Drown so badly
And keep singing
The same verses
Over and over
Till my throat
Is dying for water

Death by music
Is viable
Something at midnight again, hope you enjoyed.
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Mike Hauser
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Mike Hauser
Could I even live with myself
If I didn't


I would only know this and nothing else
If I didn't


Isn't that what it's all about
You have got to


Wake yourself up, dust off the shelf
Go out there and


You might be surprised with yourself
When it is you


Stop swimming in the river of doubt
Give this life a

 Aug 2013 Claire E
Sir B
I overlooked so many people
For you
The answer was a no

I think
You don know
What I overcame
So it'll be a mystery
For you

Why everyone wants you
Obviously it's your choice in the end
But it doesn't hurt
To steal tiny glimpses

So I proposed
To myself
Lets go back
And apologize
To a few people
Who are kind of hurt

I know what I'll do
In the next few weeks.
Wrote it at 9 pm (not midnight!! Woooo) either ways, I need to mend a few mistakes/ things I did, trying to love someone... Need to help those who were broken by my behavior. Hope you guys take care and not overlook a few things.

 Aug 2013 Claire E
Nat Lipstadt
For they are the best of me.
I am unashamedly in need of what
You cannot give me, so I ask for something simple.
Love my poems, and though your hand will never caress my pains away,
Loving words I share is sharing some of my distress and easing my difficult way ahead.
I will tell you one thing more.
I never met a poem here I did not like.
Not one.
There is only one kind of poem and it is: kindness.
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Mike Hauser
What It Is
That Has Me Flustered

What It Is
That Beats The Drum

What It Is
Has The Strength Of Many

But The Tinder Heart Of One

What It Is
That Gives Me Comfort

What It Is
That Brings Me Down

What It Is
Is What It Is

When No One Is Around

What It Is
Is At Face Value

What It Is
Reads Between The Lines

Silence Is The Sound It Makes

As What It Is
Makes The Sacrifice

What It Is
Begs To Differ

What It Is
Can Not Be Seen

What It Is
At This Very Moment

Is The Space Between You And Me
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