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 Aug 2013 Claire E
I see this girl every once in a while
She never seems recognizable
I know her from somewhere
But I just can't put my finger on it
Her bright smile is deceiving
Her mind fights her everyday
As the mirror screams lies at her
Cold skin, hip bones, and long hair
She longs to see the sunlight shine through her thighs

The digital devil that lies on the floor
As she slips her fingers down her throat
She purges the fear that haunts her once more
I hope this makes sense. Not sure if it's finished.
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Sir B
Another mistake
That's all I can do...
Can't do anything right
Only mistakes
Happen from my hands
Fatalities and über mistakes
One of them
Meeting people

I  have met so many people
They all move around
Like they know their purpose
Me being lost as usual
I mean
When have I done anything right??!???

Nothing I remember of..
Not that I remember anything either

May everyone enjoy
Their life
Whilst watching me
****** myself
It shall be a grand show
I am deleting this poem sooner or later, not that it matters... Really, it doesn't
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Nat Lipstadt
I posted this poem  a few days after I joined HP.  As  is oft the case, poems you are especially proud of, fall to the wayside, under the onslaught of the constant waterfall of new submissions.  With the usual exception of Ms. Lori C., one of the two unofficial High Priestesses of HP, in my estimation, this one, was pretty much overlooked.  Despite some comical jaunts of late re bras and beds, real inspiration has escaped me ever nice I penned "Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay (Razor Blades, Pills, & Shotguns" last week.  So, with your hoped for solicitude, I resubmit it, hoping it finds a wider audience and dedicate it to those of you who I number as friends (you know who you are!), despite the fact that our only shared embraces have been techno~electronic, and yet the quality of your kindness is beyond measure.

The Numerical Quality of Friendship

The quality of friendship is non-quantitative.
Yet, I ask you to number it, and me, this way.

With tape measure, determine that:
The length of my arm's embrace will always be
longer than long enough, and when distance magnifies sorrow's gains,
my shoulders measure wide enough to pillow your wearied head.

The depth of my pocket is finite for by definition,
a pocket is but an open doored, three walled shelter.
My pocket of shelter is forever open, forever deep,
and forever is infinite.

Trust that when bowed and bent,
upon my shoulders climb and together we will be tall enough
to touch the season's new fruit upon the tree of life,
and with one tongue, taste the unimaginable!

Do u think that mercury can measure
the warmth of my tears when love sears my heart,
or the heat of thy skin when it heals and cauterizes
wounds salted by the mistreatment, by the bitters of the weak ones,
who rejoice when they scald others?

Size me up.
What is my volume?
What are the boundaries that
length X depth X height
state must limit my capacity to cherish, to heal,
and even to forgive those who deserve no forgiveness?

If you measure me well and proper,
if I meet the standards that qualify me to be called friend,
then friend me here, friend me now,
friend me for the qualities I posses,
and number us a unity among the few
who are truly blessed
by a quality of friendship that cannot be measured,
for there is no scientific instrument that can quantify

March 2012
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Nat Lipstadt

Pinch the eyelets but oh so gently,
To properly unhook the device to safely release paradise
From it's containment chamber.
This be one of many secrets to unlocking
The mechanism that holds some of the happy things
The human body artist conceived
To perpetuate the

According to the internet,
To extract joy to the world correctly,
Depends upon both your station and your

Thus, it helps to have GPS,
Which most men think is that pointy thing
Between their legs,
But is not.

Given the laws of gravity,
And other natural limitations,
Sadly that utensil of little avail
In this surgical operation.

If one desires to release the tension
Between the connectors of the protectors,
Guardians of her heart,
It will be necessary to
Let your fingers do the walking.

So cut and paste the title above,
In your web browser place!
Do your homework or risk feeling
As petite as a schnauzer.

Seems your natural tendency,
Righty or lefty, matters in this endeavor,
Of which I was unawares, oft pressing the incorrect lever.
This, the likely cause of my spectacular
Fumblings and failures.

Had I known that fact,
In the days before the Internet,
Surely I would have brought along my
Catchers mitt
To step up my game.

Sage advice the article provides:
Get a bra, and practice, practice, practice!
It gets easier with experience.

But methinks that is a bit of a
Risky adventure,
Lest you be seen boy,
Practicing upon yourself,
Or even a dummy,

So cut and paste the title above
In your web browser,
Do your home work or risk feeling
As petite as a pocket schnauzer.

But the most important tip
This wealthy article of information provides,
The conclusion.

In the hour of your desperate struggle,
Ask for assistance from one more practiced,
Hopefully nearby,
Whose help usually comes with a charming smile
of touching condescension
For your male idiocy and verbal in-articulation.

She, unawares, that you have got her
Positioned precisely where you want!

For when you lift her up,
In a free state, the one Divinity intended,
and in your arms, enfolded and protected,
In one grand poetic gesture,
Sweep her off her feet,
Her surprise will be


So Touching!
No comment.   Nah changed my mind. If you ain't smilin or laughing by now, you need to practice
doing that as well!

Go to


Further research on the subject as suggested by a reader:
Names of Bras - see;=3503835&catId;=uswwearit1

My fav is Ta Ta Tamer
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Simply Best
 Aug 2013 Claire E
You are a country drive with the windows down
Always remembered and never forgotten
You are a warm bed on a cold morning
You are a walk through the park
Sight seeing in the city
You are sweet chocolate on a bitter day
You are Nicholas Sparks' movies and handwritten letters
Hot tea and warm blankets on a fall night
You are the catchy melody to my favorite song
A big breakfast right as the sun comes up
You are Florida sunrises and Indiana sunsets
You are everything perfect.
 Aug 2013 Claire E
Your black liquorice fingers taste like nostalgia hitting my gag reflex
as I am nauseated forwards
spitting out bile because it burns more than words;
your teeth are lemon lollipops
and your tongue and mine
lick greedily for a sugar hit
and a wince
before your fingers twist the tap
letting the water drown out your appetite;
I pull open the oven door and the smell rocks us backwards
butter makes a voyage
diffusing through the air to find the moisture of our tongues
and lubricating the crumbs of the cake
so that they fall through fingers
and we stand in a world of eyes into eyes
and hands into hands
and tongues into mouths.
And it tastes better.
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