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I wanted to send you another happy message.
I wanted to let you know the usual stuff
the familiar
"you're not alone"
"Everything will work out"
but also to tell you that I sympathize.
I sympathize when you have headaches,
when you leave stuff on the bus,
and when you are a feeling just plain stressed out.
I laugh when you tell me
you listen to so many types of music,
and you are all over.
I love how friendly you all are.
I love how every piece of what you say means a lot,
from the sarcastic -_-'s
to your slow cell phone,
so I don't see most of your texts until 5 minutes later.
More than one of my friends are in this poem.
It is for all of you.
I believe in you.
I'm always here for you.
Trust me when I say,
I like you a lot =)
Dedicated to
Amethyst Fyre,
This Is It ,
and to everyone else who reads this
  Apr 2016 Mjaselle
Devin Blazejowski
Body shaking
Heart racing
Mind scattered
Feeling dizzy
Need help
Can't talk
Go away
Can't walk
Pass out
Why not cry a little too

Hello my name is anxiety
  Apr 2016 Mjaselle
Carissa Blessing
Still silence filled with the warmth of your body radiating on me while we sleep
I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else other than lying next to you
The light is just dim enough that I can see
the smile you give me after we kiss goodnight
I can't sleep, I can't dream, if I can't have you here with me
Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety
You should be home by now
Where could you be?
Did you find someone better
Someone 10 times better than me?
Anxiety, Anxiety, Anxiety
You are my anxiety relief
So baby please hurry home
So I can fall asleep peacefully
You here with me
Mjaselle Apr 2016
She was just a little bud naive and helpless
But he deceived and he manipulated
pulling her delicate petals off
leaving just one, where she guards it
with a lions fierce ferocity. Now
her thorns grow a barrier each layer
thicker than the last. To hide, to
protect the **broken
Mjaselle Mar 2016
I overthink situations a lot,
and yes it kills me inside slowly.
But somehow only you bring me back to life.
And now I'm in a cycle.
Slowly dying and coming back to life,
when I'm with you.
But its a sickening cycle i keep doing.

Mjaselle Mar 2016
Each lie you've told me is etched into my skin,
whether it was each kiss, each caress you made.
Lied a new scar beneath, but one scar i don't regret was the whole that once filled my heart. It seemed like a mirror that i once thought showed the best in me. Until you dissipated, turning into a carnival mirror, that distorts appearances. Just as liars distort the truth.

© Emjay.A
hello everyone, this is my first time on this site and id much appreciate it if you do not steal my work. These poems come from my heart, o dont know the copyright issues an technicalities yet.

— The End —