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Sep 2017 · 236
after shift
Chloe Muriel Sep 2017
all of these paths
lead to one place..
hanging out
killing time
in parking lots
wearing ***** scrubs
i was tired i was so late for class
i'm sorry about losing your mail
my vision was a blurry ****
i forgot what i was doing
im sorry for calling you when you're sleeping
just to annoy you and say..
we could quit our jobs and die in bed
with your head on my chest
honey it'll be great.
studying pre med while working just makes you think so much
Aug 2017 · 218
party with strangers
Chloe Muriel Aug 2017
I want to believe in you
I called so many times
I can feel their eyes on me
And it's giving me anxiety
And I thought I see things clear
But then I change my sound
Then I realized
This place is where
I never wanted to be

Maybe I need change
Maybe, maybe
Jun 2016 · 356
Chloe Muriel Jun 2016
did you really miss me?
i do believe you're moving at a pace
a little bit too slow for my taste
we're wasting so much time
thinking of ways to break the silence.
from time to time you cross my mind
but when you called my name i started to cry

i don't know what i know anymore.
i know what i love and nothing more
Jun 2016 · 447
just leave me a message
Chloe Muriel Jun 2016
the only thing i learned from you is that theres nothing left
to look forward to..
we moved away and hardly talk
you said it's like drawing shapes with stubby chalk.
i'm trying to be fine but i lie about the things i say will never die
like memories, forgiveness, and the light inside my eyes
Jun 2016 · 904
5 years
Chloe Muriel Jun 2016
i've been talking to you by myself
in the driveway sometimes when i'm alone
and i've been wasting my life in my bed
hoping you would pick up the phone

we’re chasing the highs and hiding from the lows you’re the only thing i know

i never wanna think again
i never wanna see it when
Jun 2016 · 317
Six Silent Miles
Chloe Muriel Jun 2016
Don’t call me
With a smile in your voice when I answer
And a reminder you’ll never be mine

Don’t tell me about your dreams of my body against you
When you hold me at arm’s length but say
You never get enough sleep
Jun 2016 · 362
Going Home ( again )
Chloe Muriel Jun 2016
I think you've caught my sickness,
you've been feeling so sad
I think you've caught my problems,
you've been getting really mad
I'm not old enough to feel love
I'm not old enough to be myself
Be with people i prefer
Go to places i don't like

so bury me tonight
just let me sleep, just let me sleep
Jun 2016 · 241
Damage Control
Chloe Muriel Jun 2016
Don't  take it away,
because when you do
it feels like i am wrong
for liking your soft hand,
for liking a girls hand.
Jul 2015 · 515
sensually lost
Chloe Muriel Jul 2015
crawl until you cant go on
with battered knees you carry on
cry until you don't know why
and tears will fall as you are
inside that mind of yours
im lost by your voice

oh dear you don't know how much i suffered
Aug 2013 · 939
Chloe Muriel Aug 2013
We see a body
But not a soul
We love a person
But hate at the same time
We wake up with a smile
But we keep problems inside
We read enchanting words
But we live in a chaotic world
We make new friends
But in the future theyre our monsters
We make love
But we feel ***** like wars, afterwards
We follow the lights
But it may lead us to trouble
We fix things
But were not the one who broke it
We eat to feel better
But deep inside you felt heavier

Sometimes we do things, without knowing its consequence and its real meaning.
Aug 2013 · 597
Life & Fairytails
Chloe Muriel Aug 2013
Sometimes i dont want to finish a book
Because i dont want to be dissapointed..
And most of the time, i dont want a happy ending.
Its just impossible to experience that..
"They live, happily ever after"
Theyre quoting at the end of those fairytails.
My hope is higher than the tower of aurora..
But my sadness became deeper like ariel's kingdom..
Aug 2013 · 668
Chloe Muriel Aug 2013
I moved my bed near the window
So i can read books while feeling mellow,
Maybe i can wake up
With sunrays climbing on my top.
Thousands of printed words
Placed in every walls
I dont know what is wrong
But i feel that im not in-control..

Maybe this isnt new to me..
Maybe it didnt change after all..
Maybe Im still this person
Cause i cant move on..
Aug 2013 · 441
Chloe Muriel Aug 2013
Im walking with you
But theres a space between us,
That gave me sadness

(A haiku)
Aug 2013 · 1.1k
Chloe Muriel Aug 2013
You woke up at 3 am
Trying to figure out something
Messing with your head
Spooning with your bed
Felt the empty spaces
Filling it up with memories
Then you started to miss him
Still wanting kiss him
Those icy lips during winter
Never came back to bother
You fixed your bed wondering..
"Can i fix my heart as easy as this?"

— The End —