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 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
Josh Wong
Written in these eyes,
Is an ancient love,
Not known to many,
But only to two.

Sinful eyes,
Have yet thee to desire,
With this lustful love;
An endless, passing fire.

Though such hearts,
Were not fully bloomed,
Such hearts these were -
An endless abyss of ache.

Knowing such things,
Yet such are denied,
So did they love in lust,
Not knowing that such a love would die.

In each’s hands they laid,
Ghosts of each other,
All for young saudade,
As each could not find another.
Goats in wolves clothing**

That is giving wolves a bad rap.
Sorry quinnfinn...
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
A Lopez
I'm a murderer
I've stabbed my own heart.
I'm a thief
I've stolen my own happiness.
I'm a liar
I've told myself how much better things would be.
I'm a slothful woman
I fell asleep.
I'm greedy
I've eaten my own pain.
I'm hungry
Just not for sin again.
What is true joy?
It's delight which flows without measure from the assurance
that through every circumstance and detail of my life
God is ever beckoning and drawing me into deeper intimacy
with Himself, ever whispering to my heart, “Come closer still.”
"You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand."  Psalm 16:11
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
I don't miss

I miss me

I miss whom

I  was becoming

I miss whom

I could be

I miss what

I've changed

But NO

I don't miss

I miss what

was becoming  

uniquely me


I don't  miss

I miss everything

You were

helping me to be
Copyright ©
Ayeshah K.C.L.N
All right reserved
Only miss the good we had and brung out in each other.  This new u I don't know nor do I like so no nope I DON'T MISS YOU
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