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It happens ...
     I never wish such pain..
       but it happen…
          again and again...

                    *Is it a failure ..
                       failure of inner strength...
                         failure of self control...
                            or just ignorance..

I never noticed..
       In the beginning ..
         I feel forced to give thought..
                after so many re-occurrences ..

                        Yes thoughts..
                             thoughts of someone..
                                 someone always...
                                    being with me...

Who always..
     remain deep within..
        beneath the huge dump...
             of of reminiscences...

                            Always glow...
                               lighting in the darkness ..
                                   a ray of hope ..
                                      in the inner consciousness..

now I realize..
     its being always with me
           making me feel…
               makes me alive..

                       Its like breath..
                            make me revive...
                              its like food..
                                 makes me survive…

I feel joy..
    no pain…
      I wish it to happen…
          again and again.....

                      deovrat 20.06.2015 (c)
 Mar 2015 Chitvan Sharma
I was told that
If I ate a little less
If I ran a little more
I would be skinny

I was told that
If I was skinny, I would be pretty
If I was skinny, boys would like me
If I was skinny, I would turn heads

So I ran, and I ate my vegetables
I watched the numbers on the scale
slowly descend
I became as skinny as the models in magazines
As skinny as the girls in my class

But no heads turned
Boys don't like me
*And I sure don't feel prettier
 Mar 2015 Chitvan Sharma
If we were together

If one of us were to die

I would hope it would be you

Because the pain of losing someone

Is greater than

Any death
Often I wonder why..
Try to look beyond the sky...
Far far too far......
Till ocean meets to the sky..
Although my vision gets faded...
My desire to see beyond the horizon added...
More and more I try....
I wonder why...

*deovrat - 12.02.2014
You are touching me, babe
Making me your willing slave
You are ******* me slow
Telling me what I want to know

I watch you strip and tease
I will do whatever you please
I love those things you will do
What you do to me, I will do to you

I taste you there, and you sigh
I am kissing you there, and you cry
Around my neck you move your hips
For you know where my tongue slips

You are sitting on me, taking me fast
You are moving on me, making it last
You know exactly what I am begging for
Because you know I can not take any more

I feel the sensation your body sends
You want some more, the loving never ends
Making me want you all through the night
Come make love to me babe, it feels so right
copyright Chris Smith 2010
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