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 Dec 2014 Mica Walter-Rooks
Now think this to yourself,why do you play games? One would say because It's fun,others would say the help out through emotional times. But that isn't the case since we all like different types of games. Some love hard platformers and most prefer shooters. But we all play them because of our needs such as autonomous,competence and relatedness. We all game for strategic skills or quick decision making. We all game for that last item you've searched for or that sense of teamwork. But that's not my decision on what games you enjoy but it is yours. So why do you play games? Well that's for you to decide.
Enjoy reading and have a good time

I know one day the great wheel will turn over
Just as I came into the world, I will pass away
My body will be buried in the endless  darkness
Flowers will sing hymn of grief,
Morning  breeze will mourn
Lovers will sing mournful lyrics
Rain will drop its tears on my grave
Angels  flapping  their wings
  Will come singing on my tomb
“He will have no fear
He  will never be alone
He is a lover of Allah’s beloved
He is Majnun al Hussain.

All the lovers left a memory
No one could steal it,
Arrows could not **** Hussain
Knife could not **** Ismaeel
Fire could not burn Ibraheem
Whale could not eat Yunus
Sea could not drown Musa
Crucifixion could not **** Christ
They are all still bright stars in the dark infinity
Their  shine is endless; their names are immortal.”
It plays with our eyes
It messes with our vision
It lies to our minds
It alludes to something....

....But becomes something else
It is our mental test, the optical illusion
A moment, captured
A detail, remembered
A recollection, visualized
A camera given a soul.
Origami cranes
Twelve steps, forty eight pure folds
  Peaceful paper cranes.

I know one day the great wheel will turn over
Just as I came into the world, I will pass away
My body will be buried in the endless  darkness
Flowers will sing hymn of grief,
Morning  breeze will mourn
Lovers will sing mournful lyrics
Rain will drop its tears on my grave
Angel of death  will  sing on my tomb
“He will have no fear
He  will never be alone
He is a lover of Allah’s beloved
He is Majnun al Hussain.”
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