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 Feb 2022 Chad Roman
The serenades of morning birds
Makes me regret scathing words.
The past will always be;
The future we'll never see.
But the present has a beauty
Not marred by depressional sooty.
 Sep 2016 Chad Roman
Maya Angelou
A free bird leaps on the back
Of the wind and floats downstream
Till the current ends and dips his wing
In the orange suns rays
And dares to claim the sky.

But a BIRD that stalks down his narrow cage
Can seldom see through his bars of rage
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
Of things unknown but longed for still
And his tune is heard on the distant hill for
The caged bird sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
And the trade winds soft through
The sighing trees
And the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright
Lawn and he names the sky his own.

But a caged BIRD stands on the grave of dreams
His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with
A fearful trill of things unknown
But longed for still and his
Tune is heard on the distant hill
For the caged bird sings of freedom.
I've never believed anything without questioning why,
The question of God is the biggest I've come and across and actually answered.
God isn't a myth to comfort a weak mind,
God is the truth that a strong humble mind accepts and embraces.
With wisdom God lives,for with wisdom one knows that science is a portion of His creation and therefore it can't prove His absence.
If God exists,He's just there doing nothing.
But if God lives,He's always moving and watching over His children.
Believing in God isn't folly nor illiteracy. It is wisdom and realisation that without a Creator life has no purpose and if that's the case then there's no point living.
Most people that choose not to believe in God,do so thinking if they accept the belief in God they'll be conforming to a lower standard of thinking and to a control over their lives. Well that's no the case,God doesn't control your life,God directs your life.
 Sep 2016 Chad Roman
Melissa S
Can't you just listen
Please for once
I know God gave you ears
I know you can hear
but it is so much *more
than that
Please just *listen

To the sound of my voice
Take in the words
that I am saying

Uh uhhh
Stop right there
Can't you see I am hurting
Do you not see the pain
You do not have to fix me
Sometimes you just cannot
Please just hold my hand
Hug me
*Hurt with me
Sometimes there is nothing you can do for a person except
Pray for them ~ hurt with them <3
 Sep 2016 Chad Roman
Jude kyrie
Shooting stars sweep across the night sky.
You seem so fascinated by the stars
she whispered.
I think they are more fascinated by me.
I answered
I once thought stars were made
of magic and could grant the wishes of lovers
here on earth.
But they are not
All they are made of is broken wishes
and sad promises.
Wishes never granted regardless
of all the love in my heart
Which is your favorite star she asked?
i point to the brightest star in the heavens
"that one the brightest star in the night sky."
it is full of all my unanswered wishes
They are all about you.
Doesn't that make you a star.
 Sep 2016 Chad Roman
In a destined voice I shall speak my heart
beyond waning sunsets with colorful smiles
and fields of dancing sunflowers,
waving at me in the breeze like they know me

Standing here above all else,
feeling taller than I should
builds a certain strength in my soul,
energizes this tired, once worn out man with new life

Breathing the altitude’s wintered air,
a rush of splendor entices a gleam in my eye
For whatever beauty I may see, there is always her
and I can truly look nowhere else

I have climbed this peak, fought the terrain, the cold,
clawed and scraped on this day
so that the world below, humming autumn tunes,
meandering like ants performing their duties

Would know what I am about to say,
in this moment of peaceful serenity,
eyes wide open, conquering my fears,
pulse racing in fevered flow as anticipation swells, is true

Taking a deeper breath burns my lungs, but in a good way
as I move two steps closer to the edge, gather my balance
and shout from this apex of the world,
“I love you more than anything”
in hopes my desperate echoes find her listening
I am a man
Who is full of holes
I take in too much
For my own heart to hold

I leak through my holes
These tears in my soul
The ripped seams ooze worries
And the brow wears a furrow

I am a man
Who is full of holes
I feel them so sharply
But they just will not close

With needle and cotton
I could stitch up the rents
But then I'd contain it all
And surely explode

For, I am a man
Who is full of holes
I'm walking with weaknesses
Troubles and woes

But I'm true to my heart
And I am what I am
I know that I’ll carry on
Living my plan

These holes will be with me
For all of my days
My leaky creations
And worrisome ways

But I thank imperfections
For serving my conscience
And all of them sparkle
With my own life experience

For I am a man
Who is full of holes
My life is a story
And where next, who knows?

I'll live like a man
Who is upright and true
And show you my heart
It's all I can do
25th September 2016
What is love
Without loving
What is life
Without living
What is joy
Without giving

It is hollow

What is hope
Without wishing
What is air
Without breathing
What is art
Without feeling
It is nothing

What is age
Without learning
What is day
Without night
What is voice
Without singing
It is cracked

What am I
Without others
What could I do
Without brothers
How could we live
Without our mothers
We could not
26th September 2016
 Nov 2015 Chad Roman
Jude kyrie
Look at me my lover
She purred.
My eyes raised to look into hers
I could see so deeply into her.
I know all of her faults
Her temper
Her petulance
Her passions and vanities.
Everyone’s  has said  to me
You can do better
She is not compatible with your needs.
But a slight gasp of moonlight
Frames her hair
From behind
and the corners
Of her mouth
fall into an easy smile.
Even from across the room
She knows how much I want her.
And I know they could all be right
But I don’t care
My heart does not have
any control
over who it falls in love with.
 Nov 2015 Chad Roman
It's not the cheating anymore
Nor the lies I believed in
It's the thought of how easy it is for you to give up on me
It's the thought of how easy it is for you to give me away
Just like a teddy bear
It's the thought of how easy it is for you to say I deserve someone better than you

But above all this I promise you
Someday I will become more than just a teddy bear
I will become a teddy bear that you or anybody can't just give away that easy..
I promise you that..
On the spot. Feeling pained.
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