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Aug 2014 · 249
Cece Raine Aug 2014
I used his tears as ink and wrote grand tales of love among the stars while he screamed "It's useless."
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 376
Too late
Cece Raine Aug 2014
Late at night, I can feel the words clawing their way up my throat but they can never seem to find there way out of my mouth. Instead their ghosts haunt my every thought. I paint the empty sheets of paper with ink until they are drowning. Only when all my pens have dried and papers crumpled do I realize what I have done. I wrote my mind in the stars but now they only tell of demons that haunt me. It won't be long before they are upon us.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 217
Cece Raine Aug 2014
Sometimes, in these endless moments, I allow myself to let go of everything. It's almost as if I stop existing for a moment, and become everything else. I am the heavy air, struggling to carry the weight of its secrets. I am the trembling stars, afraid of the moment they might burst and become nothing. I am the crumbling sky, fated to watch helplessly while the stars burned. I am the outstretched trees,  desperately trying to keep the sky from falling in. You see, in this moment, I realize even the world is more ****** up than I could ever be.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 253
Cece Raine Aug 2014
I have gotten to a point where my sadness needs no explanation. When night comes and I can feel fires burning in the back of my throat & a gnawing in the pit of my stomach & an aching deep within my soul I know to let go. I sit staring through empty windows into empty streets within empty cities and I'm so very grateful that I am no longer empty.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 213
Cece Raine Aug 2014
Because when the sun set that day I was drowning in your shadows as they grew and grew until you were lost in the darkness you've tried so hard to keep in chains. Never did I imagine I would become nothing more than another of your demons, locked away and rotting. Never did I imagine I would become something as beautiful as your darkest desire.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 210
Cece Raine Aug 2014
You're gone.
You're gone and I haven't allowed myself to feel any of it.
My bones are trembling
I can't break apart
I can't stay still
Cracks are forming in my skin
Fear is welling up inside of me
I am no longer empty
But then again
Wasn't this what I asked for?
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 310
Cece Raine Aug 2014
You are
The ink that seeps
From all the tiny cracks and crevices
Painting my skin
Twisting into words banned from my lips
But scarred on my heart.
God help us all the day I realize that escape is impossible
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 260
Cece Raine Aug 2014
carve into my my soul
And create something worth loving.
Strip away my layers
And spark a flame deep within my bones.
Lay waste to my mind
And allow the chaos to bring me back to life.
-Forever, Raine
Cece Raine Aug 2014
All my life, I have been child of the flame. I swept my gaze across my demons and they trembled, I trailed my fingers around their thoughts and they fled. Only in my dreams did I truly get to experience the intoxicating fear that left me hopeless and breathless all at once. One night, in the depths of my slumbering mind, I found myself racing across a still and barren wasteland. Beyond my shrouded gaze tiny fractures in the skies cried in silence for another world lost. Scattered across the sands rows of shattered stars reached for the heavens, longing for the touch of darkness embracing them once again. My feet pounded across the horizon but not once did I flinch when the mourning stars pierced my flesh, leaving behind a trail of forgotten blood. The wind began to dance to the beat of my pounding heart and from underneath my red footprints sprang convulsing hands, unable to contain their desperate hunger for my visions of the past. They reached for the illusion of freedom, soul mirroring the selfishness they saw within me, but all they could promise her was a life of grey so she fled, leaving behind only rusted chains. There was no sound, only the thunder racing underneath my feet and the lightning casting shadows that cared not of our boundaries between sky and earth, heaven and hell, imagination and reality. In the end they were all in the same. Through the raging storm I left behind and the cold emptiness before me longing for the sweet taste of disaster, I could only wonder at the beautiful beast I must have been running from.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 268
Cece Raine Aug 2014
After all you have done,  
I still find myself dancing in empty rooms
To songs that create shivers in my bones
And illusions in my mind
And forever in my eyes.
I dance
And dance
And dance
But my smile falters when I look at you.
Your eyes are white and your face blank
I am nothing but the silence
I am nothing but the emptiness
I am everything your eyes cant see
I am everything your ears can't hear.
I exist as nothing and everything
But they are all the same to you.
-Forever, Raine
Almost thought this one would turn out happy
Aug 2014 · 361
Never again
Cece Raine Aug 2014
Your lips trail across my moonlit skin, your tongue paints stars among the darkness, your breath ignites flames in my mind but still I am lost, condemned to drown in the vastness of your absence.
-Forever, Raine
Cece Raine Aug 2014
After the rage burns forbidden words on my flesh and tears into my soul,
What is left?
It's touch ignites my darkest desires,
It forces me to stare at my own reflection until i start counting all the tiny cracks and crevices like i used to count the stars.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 221
Cece Raine Aug 2014
In the still of this morning I find myself lying on the floor, staring at a stranded bug crawling across the ceiling. But all I can think about is the way you laced your hand into mine after dark and how you held hers under the sun for everyone to see. And how you crept into my window while a smug smile tugged at your lips and how you grinned at her from across a crowded room. And when your hand left trails across my body you burned every inch with desire and when you touched her you left only traces of love. And how when your lips met mine lighting struck between us, and how when you kissed her the clouds cleared. In this still morning all I can think about is the fact that I destroyed her love for you with the fire you lit inside of me. Once again , the darkness was stronger than anything.  And god was I horrified when I realized that what we had was pure, beautiful, darkness.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 272
Thoughts before jumping
Cece Raine Aug 2014
I've spent every long night of my existence pondering the possibility of escape. But what is there beyond the hurt and rage and hopelessness that haunts my every thought? Emptiness. Emptiness so numbing and greedy you start to crave the hurt. You start to crave the touch of death that gave you meaning.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 231
Cece Raine Aug 2014
I can't stop searching for answers his kisses burned on my skin, a twisting labyrinth that i never escaped.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 209
sometimes it isn't enough
Cece Raine Aug 2014
Shivers danced on my skin when I watched him close his eyes and whisper to the empty sky.
Love, I say with a smile, the universe doesn't care about our hopeless wishes. They are just as doomed and meaningless as the shattered stars you hold so dearly in your bloodstained hands. Your efforts to keep them alive are only tearing you apart.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 256
Cece Raine Aug 2014
His promises are like fireflies trapped in a jar, flickering and fluttering with desperation until slowly they fade away, finally aware that nothing they do could scare away the darkness.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 266
Fallen Lovers
Cece Raine Aug 2014
Out beyond the galaxies twisting in his eyes you could find me searching the ashes for fallen stars cursed with forever trying to save us.  
His tear drops were like shooting stars, trapped inside the hands of sorrow and destined to wreak havoc upon the weary. By the time they reached the earth they were no longer broken wishes but shards of glass, hardened and carved to reflect the worst of us all. Maybe it was the fact that those once tears were always buried beneath my skin that he saw his demons within me, or maybe it was my own burning eyes that lured him into the dance with death while the rest of us slept. Either way he truly believed he could subdue the fire within me and save me from being burned, but the flames danced across his skin, as if it was a canvas waiting to be painted with beautiful scars. And so I lost myself in the dimming light in his eyes and he lost himself in battles I gave up on long ago.
-Forever, Raine
Aug 2014 · 401
Cece Raine Aug 2014
When all the pages are drowning in my thoughts and all of my soul has been spilled, I will drift beyond the stars, beyond the heavens, and become another of your dreams. Where forever dances in my eyes and is buried in my whispers.
-Forever, Raine

— The End —