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Veteran of the darkness.
Willing to confess.
Did you see my heart break?
Can you see my body shake?
Do you see me levitate?
Levitate from you.

Creatures that like to creep.
The lonely tears that I weep.
Just why can't you save me?
Your the love that I need!

I had a chance of a happy fate.
Till death showed up in my face.

This necklace that I hang from.
Is tightening its grip on me.
The is gold cutting into me.
My blood drips on the floor.
I see you at the door.

I take these pills to rescue me.
How many should I take?
Ten, or the whole **** thing?!

Now that I've confessed.
Will you just take my hand?
Just pull me into you.
Just tell me that I'm needed.
Tell them I'm important.
Just tell me that you love me….
I need too feel loved.
Like the way you love her.

But no.
You take her hand and hold it tightly.
You pull her into you and hold her.
You tell her that she is important..
You tell -her- you love her.

And now my chest heaves.
As this knife takes me.
As these creatures eat me.
As the gold cuts me.
As my body shake, my heart breaks.
As I levitate.
As I cry.

Without you…
WIthout my soul…
Without your warmth…
Without both of our saints…

Now you can hear my glass heart breaking.
My hands buzz harder.
As my body shakes harsher.
Im levitating higher.

My legs dangling in the air.

Because I am a veteran.
And I was willing to confess.
Of all the things I have said.
All these sins are true.
But now my life is overdue.

Leaving you and her alone forever.
My mind; severely corrupted.
Now the tread is about to sever.

It breaks; falling to my demise.

Im dying because I told you the truth.
But only if you can save me…
1.2k · Jun 2013
Blood by the statue, cold and dead.
Drug by the demon, my demise they have lead.
My heart has bled too and through.
I just don't know what to do.
Like me, love me, do what you need.
Dead bodies bleed in the streets.
I will consume your soul.
It has taken it toll.
I am the devils child.
A fortunate mistake.
Dementing things fuel my lust.
Whips, chain, gags.
Do you know where my heart has been?
1.2k · Oct 2013
Every Lie Exposed
You want this perfect life.
All I see is a perfect lie.
So fed up.
With the flaws, the hicks.
It makes me sick.
Im slowly about to die.
Im slowly losing my own mind.
For ***** sake.
1.0k · Jun 2013
Brother... Sister...
Brother, why can't I breathe?
Why am I falling?
Why am I bleeding?
Save me.

Sister, take it easy for me.
Just take my hand, I am right here.
Come and bleed with me.
Forgive me.
Searching through her bloodied clothes.
Searching for what is left.
With the rage, I cut into her chest.
I want her heart, for safety and comfort.
I rip it out and cradle it.
I want it for others but I shall never reveal them now.
I love very bit of this heart.
You say I am a beast?
Look at you, I know you have done sins.
I am a dark being.
I love the screams and moans of pain and lust.
I just don't know what happened to that beautiful girl you had once seen.
Laughing, playing...
Now wicked and imbalanced.
I have made a doll.
It has the heart that I cradled.
It looks just like her.
She talks to me.
Calls me "Little Dove"
At night 'she' comes alive and kisses me with those sharp teeth.
Killing me with her poisoned kiss.
That wretched smile drives me insane.
She is a demon, bursting out if my chest.
Putting her ****** doll like hand on my pale white cheek.
I am paralyzed in time.
I love her ever so.
She says to me that me can make me a world of blood.
She makes me dream of haunted things.
Wounds, stitches, knives and more lovely,
I am happy that she can make my world come true.
I love that I am crazy, because she makes me feel better.
I love you, demon of my dreams.
She has left me.
Without no warning,
just left me in this tattered white dress stained with our blood.
She said she will come back.
She never returned.
I still hear her demotic voice at night, yearning for her kiss.
Wanting to feel her warm body against mine.
Feeling her doll-ish hand caressing my body.
I awaken to a ear wrenching noise.
I found her dying on the ground.
She said she loved this dark and ****** side of me,
and to let go of this love that we had.
I went to the window and started sobbing.
Harder and harder.
No tears slid down my face.
I saw what she was dying for.
She had made me my world of hurt.
I love you Abaddon.
Thank you for loving me.
I love little miss rarity only to get it to her.....
1.0k · Nov 2015
Runaway day one, constant
Told a friend, told a few.
Scary house, pretty knife.
Pretty girl, ugly life.

Mother knew, father saw.
Fathers wife, constant threats.
Sanity hanging by a thread.

I took her hand, ran away.
Or was it casual walking?
Praying for a better place.

Met a man, pretty brown eyes.
Kissed a man, hungry lips.
****** a man, total bliss.

Old friend, new bed.
Lit up, ****** down.
Rested my head, closed my eyes.
Accepting a new life
as a Walkaway.
956 · Jun 2013
What I Am Searching For
Searching for hope.
Searching through his tattered clothes.
Looking for his heart and soul.
Flooding my hand in his blood.
Scratching at the surface of hell.
Taking his wrist and cutting it with a rusted blade.
Cutting my the same way.
Clasping his dead hand, raising it just a bit from insanity.
Forever mine.
Forever yours.
Forever in love.
I cry with what I have done to the both of us.
My rarity.
I fade into the darkest dream.
I see you and I don't even realize its you.
You've grown weaker and sinister.
Most sickly looking, now I know where I have went wrong.
I fell in love.
For those who have lost love & life. We all fell so hard. Just because someone/something broke your heart don't give up. I found someone amazing. Yes we are quite young and do make mistakes but I feel that I am really in love.. I love you TeddyBearz!
938 · Mar 2014
Blinded, Unwanted
If I have to get over you..
I have too forget about you.


Our smiles.
Our laughs.


Our tears.
Our fears.

But that's what I have too do...

Just to forget about you...
But I can't.

No matter how much pain and regret I have.
I am still in this untwining bind.
The string attached, the chains holding me down.

Your a big part of who I am.
In the present and hopefully my future.

Your the fog in my eyes, the sight I have.
My heart was pure, but your welcoming blackness took over.
Your the voice in my mind, controlling what I think.

Just know I'm on my brink.
913 · Jul 2013
The White Table
Tied, strapped..
A figure ever so far, breathing as if the person were dead.

Knives right next to me.
Clean and ready.

She comes to me with a crazed look.
Your awake now my Dove...
She whispered into my ear...

Her breath was cold as ice.
I struggle with my life on the line.

No my Dove! You mustn't get frightened now.

You witch I spat.
She growls like a wolf with foam thriving at the mouth.

She grabs my arm, she grabs a knife.
No. No! NO! Please have mercy on a little girl!
She drives the knife into my arm.
I cringe at the pain and the sound of flesh tearing.
I weep, watching my blood streak on that white table.
I try and try!
I just cant get out of deaths grip.

STOP YOU *****!
She takes the knife out and struck it into my stomach.
I scream with this trill of pain.
More blood seeps through the knife.

Well? Your you dead yet Dove? Or can I play with you more?
Fine then...
She takes another knife and stabs me heart over and over.
I flutter my eyes shut.
I knows she leaves with a crimson kiss.
911 · Apr 2014
Not Alive
I have cried.
I have cried.

Just like you.
Just like you.

For how long?
For how long?

Must I bleed, when I know your watching.

I know there's something wrong.

Your concrete heart isn't beating.
And you've tried to.
Make it come alive.
For me.
But we both know will not work.

The shadows.
Red lights.
Now your here to rescue me.


Oh I'm not alive.
I'm losing life.

You can't apologize for what I know.

Oh I'm not alive.
I'm not alive
I can not apologize.

So silent.
The violence.
Inside my head.
So loud and clear.

You're screaming.
You're screaming.

Covered up with a smile I've learned to fear.

No sunshine.
And dark skies.
Is this all we get for living here?

Come fire.
Come fire.

Let it burn and love come racing through!

Oh I'm not alive.
I'm not alive.
You can not apologize, for what I know.

I'm not alive.
I'm not alive.

I cannot apologize, no...

I've learned to lose.
I've learned to win.
You turned my face with the wind.
This is what I get for what I lose to you.

I will move fast.
I will move slow.
Take me where I have to go.

Oh I'm not alive.
I'm not alive.
I cannot apologize, no.
888 · Sep 2013
The Angel
The water tapping on the window.
Sliding down the glass. Hitting the glass with such force.
The thunder calls out to those who are weak and crazy.
Screaming the crazy call.
Calling out to all of us but those who are sane.
They only hear the ground shaking, just seeing white flashes in the dark lumly clouds.
They just see nothing of what we see.

The glass breaks due to the thunders light.
It comes at me as if something were guiding it to me.
Glass hitting me in my chest, arms and neck.
I just don't feel any pain at all. Nothing...  
As if i were numb to the bone.
The sudden push makes me fall to the old wooden floor.
All I can do is scream and look around frantically.
I see blood spilling on the floor.
I just lay there.

Slowing catching on but losing it all the same.

Regaining my nerves, I get up so stupidly, but my legs give out.
Making me fall on my chest.
The glass shards going in deeper.
Making me scream with the thrill of pain.  
Now I feel it. The sharp intensity.
I just lay there, with no sudden death wish.  
Slowly losing hold of my dark life.
Closing my eyes so slowly.
Not making any sounds.
I take a breath and lay my head down within the hellish storm.

Soon I wake to your voice.
So soothing and calming.
Making me give you a bloodied smile.
I see you at my side hovering over me.
I feel your hands going under me.
I feel your strength picking me up and me wincing in pain.
Sweet blissful pain.
I hear your footsteps walking and stomping on the wooden floor.
The crunch of broken glass that missed my body.

My blood pours all over his chest and arms.
I look at him and he just stares forward.
I try and speak but soon to find that I can't even moan or squeak.  
I try to touch his arm but I have no strength at all.
I close my eyes just to rest. I hear the door open and it close back so harshly.
I feel no rain at all.
The storm must have past.
I feel the sun shining its gentle rays on me.
I hear the birds singing the song of rest and peace.
He stops and finally looks at me.
His eyes were celestial.
So beautiful.
Such hues of violet flecks sketched  in to his light grey eyes.
His face was charming and again it looked like an angels face...
I feel  like I have known him forever.
He sets me down softly  and leans me against a tombstone.
My fathers grave.
He turns away and takes a few small steps back and turns to me and just stares.

What is he doing?
He leans his head back and screams.
I see wings bursting from his back and through his torn white shirt and growing larger.
Soon his painful screams stop and he tucks in his wings and walking towards me he only says
" My love and my affair, I am your guardian angel. "
870 · May 2013
Taking Everything
You mustn't take the blame.
Don’t you ever feel ashamed.
I will never be the same.
Let me go, I never felt oh so cold.
I’ve never been so alone.
I cant see, so just take my hand and lead.
Why cant I love you.
I just miss you.
Why cant I sleep when your not next to me.
I just feel so restless.
I’m just so breathless.
You took my heart and fixed it.
Now you just ripped it.
I want you back.
It will never last.
You just took everything.
If you thought.
You were the everything.
Forever must I rest.
To you this was our last goodbye.
I just wanna forever cry.
I love you, but do you feel so much pain within.
I hope you love me too, for I am ******.
How could god forsake me, I’ve chosen the demon.
I’m planning my demise.
I’m sorry for my treason.
For what I did, the chains are binding.
Forever tightening.
Deaths grip is hurting me.
Don’t you DARE leave me!
You loved.
You punished.
You have killed.
All innocence left is corrupted.
Like a murky gas and its fumes.
Nothing is left.
Just the lust I still have for you.
For whatever I do.
Just know I still love you.
All of these words are real. Not a fake. All of these words have a meaning. Love, lust,and blood.
862 · Sep 2013
Satan's Little Darling Sin
All of me.
Apart of something so powerful.
Although I do no t have the strength to do anything.
Not one thing.
I just fall in this cloud of black.
Covered and unseen.
It covers the only beauty in me.
I am just like glass.
It is ever so easy to shatter me.
The devil, is here and there.
But never really here.
Never right next to me.
  Never lulling me to sleep.
Never kissing me with his sharp teeth.
He calls me his Darling Sin
But I do not believe it, not a chance.
I do not want to be his Darling Sin.
I see her *******, strapped in like a animal gone mad.
Can she see me? No. She cant... Can she?
I have cleaned those toys just for her.
I think she knows I am crazy by now.
I speak but I am scared but harsh.
I see her struggle like a wounded soldier trying to fight.
I tell her to knock it off.
She called me a vial name.
I snapped.
I wanted to hurt my Dove before I had any real fun.
I grabbed the closest knife next to me...
I was enraged
I drove it into her pale skinny arm.
See her bleed made me happy.
Hearing the flesh rip apart, it made me wet with pleasure.
She tried and tried to get away from me.
I called her a horrible name.
Telling her to stop.
I ****** the knife into her little waist.
Watching bleed.
Her body nearly covered in this sweet color of red.
She screamed at me, telling me she wanted to die now.
I gave in.
I told her I would.
Not for her sake.
For mine.
So I wouldn't go to far.
I stabbed her heart.
Watching her eyes flutters like a butterflies wing.
I kissed her forehead.
Told her I love her.
I disappeared as soon as she came.
See this poem to know that all this means: The White Table.
829 · Aug 2013
The White Tablex2
Tied, strapped.
A figure ever so far, breathing as if the person were dead.
Right next to me.
Clean and ready.
She comes to me with a crazed look.
Your awake now my Dove...
She whispered into my ear..
Her breath was cold as ice.
I struggle with my life on the line.
No my Dove! You mustn't get frightened now.
You witch!
I spat the words out, I did not care at all.
She growls like a wolf with foam thriving at the mouth.
She grabs my arm, she grabs a knife.
No. No! NO! Please have mercy on a little girl!
There is no mercy for your lusting sins, you *****.
She drives the knife into my arm.
I cringe at the pain and the sound of flesh tearing.
AHHH! Please stop, I will do anything! Please, just stop.
I weep, watching my blood streak on that white table.
I try and try!
I just cant get out of deaths grip.
STOP YOU *****!
She takes the knife out and struck it into my stomach.
I scream with this trill of pain.
Mother! Help me please!
More blood seeps through the knife.
Well? Your you dead yet Dove? Or can I play with you more?
Fine then...
She takes another knife and stabs my heart over and over.
I feel blood coming out of my little mouth, the sweet taste of it calms me.
I flutter my eyes shut.
I knows she leaves with a crimson kiss.
I love the taste of sweet sweet blood.
My own, or someone else, I am not picky. -.-
779 · Oct 2013
All these words of truth are bound.
Just like the chains on my neck.
They keep me home bound.
767 · Aug 2013
Evil Twisted Mindx2
Do you love my evil twisted mind?
Do you really want to mine?
You call me Little Dove
I just don't trust this love.
I have made many fears.
I have shed many tears.
My heart ****** torn.
Caused by deadly roses and thorns.
The love I grace, has gone with no trace.
Why have you gone my dove?
You have done everything to save me.
Now your gone with no trail,
I look with no prevail.
Where are you!?
I need you, but maybe you don't need me.
So now I am gone like the wind,
I will never return to your demented mind.
My heart is a rarity.
I finally understand.
I want to save it.
You were just a waste of time.
Nothing more but I glass shard in my chest.
Easy to pull out, hard to ignore the pain.
Although I will miss you.
Nothing can change this pained little girl.
I love you yet, hate all the same.
757 · Apr 2015
Betrayed Intentions
All her intentions.
All his perfection.
All her obsession.

His many redemption.
His own intentions.
One of his obsessions.

He, her only correction.
Catching her attention.
Only to be, a betrayed connection.
Veteran of the darkness.
Willing to confess.
Did you see my heart break?
Can you see my body shake?
Do you see me levitate?
Levitate from you.

Creatures that like to creep.
The lonely tears that I weep.
Just why can't you save me?
Your the love that I need!

I had a chance of a happy fate.
Till death showed up in my face.

This necklace that I hang from.
Is tightening its grip on me.
The is gold cutting into me.
My blood drips on the floor.
I see you at the door.

I take these pills to rescue me.
How many should I take?
Ten, or the whole **** thing?!

Now that I've confessed.
Will you just take my hand?
Just pull me into you.
Just tell me that I'm needed.
Tell them I'm important.
Just tell me that you love me….
I need to feel loved.
Like the way you love her.

But no.
You take her hand and hold it tightly.
You pull her into you and hold her tightly.
You tell her that she is important..
You tell her you love her.

And now my chest heaves.
As this knife takes me.
As these creatures eat me.
As the gold cuts me.
As my body shake, my heart breaks.
As I levitate.
As I cry.

Without you…
WIthout my soul…
Without your warmth…
Without both of our souls…

Now you can hear my glass heart breaking.
My hands shake harder.
As my body shakes harsher.
Im levitating higher.
My legs dangling in the air.

Because I am a veteran.
And I was willing to confess.
732 · May 2013
My Unwanted Savior
When you had seen me lying on the ground with a stone cold heart.
Just trying to get away from you.
I didn't want you to see me.
With red warm tears striking my scarred face.
You come towards me.
You wipe my tears, they stain your hands.
I scream.
I realize your arms are wrapped around me, holding me tightly.
Color fades in both our eyes.
Life surrounded by black and white.
Wanting to see again.
I kissed my unwanted savior.
It became more clear.
Color now flooding back into vision.
I now understand..
A light broke our bitter sweet  moment.
I cry as I kneel to a dead rose.
Picking up fallen memories, broken tears and shattered hearts.
I try to fix all of the pieces I have left behind.
All theres left is...
Blood, Tears and me.
And you just there.
You always have and always will.
725 · Jun 2013
Forever my suicide.
Your* blood spills on the floor.
I still hear you at my door.
Sins, knives, lust.
Never have seen you this dark.
Am I still your meadowlark?
709 · Jan 2015
Underneath the mask.
Hidden and unseen.
She puts a mask on for all too see.
But she hides the truth.
Why does she?
Always makes me wonder, for what has she seen?
Haven't gotten to know the truth.
This beauty, so pristine.
Even more beautiful without her mask.
A beauty she may never see.
666 · May 2013
So sad in blue skies.

I remember those green eyes.

So clear and calming.

Now replaced by dark red.

Now screaming.
For help and prayers

I wont bleed till’ you bleed.

Won’t sing till’ you scream.

Until your dead and I can sleep.

I don’t care if I cry.

I don’t care if I pray.

I don’t care if I die.

All I know is that you never tried.
665 · Jul 2013
Can You Not See Me?
Can't you hear me?

Pleading for this unknown word help.

Am I just not good enough for you hurtful ways anymore?

This love and pain that I give this not enough to endure?

This pain.

This lust.

It's just...

Why can you not speak?

This little red tear that streaks.

It seems to seep into my horrid dreams.

Am I dying, or just painfully crying?

I don't want to die.


Should I try?
Tell me? Should I?
649 · Sep 2013
The Monster
Am I lost? Weaken and pained? I want to sing when you die, breathe and love. But I can't when I am so alone with out you. So cry for me, just three little tears that fall on your heartless sleeve.

I shall ****. I shall cry and I shall shed blood. Nothing can stop me now. Not anymore will this innocent girl be nice and loving. Now. Shall be this monster I want to become. So loved with the thin lives of ****** people.

You'll still see this pretty, funny little girl. But deep down this monster is planning it own plan for my demise. Hanging on by a thread, breaking everyday. Getting thinner and thinner. Crying till the monster had its fill of misery. Being tired all time cause the monster in me doesn't like me to rest at all.

I must ask a question to whom this might trigger interest in this, will you help me find peace within my white line dreams?
648 · Feb 2014
The City
When being a little girl...
You dream of unicorns and flowers...

But I dreamt on the lights that were my stars.
For a quiet night with no gunshots and cop car sirens.

When being a little girl...
You wish for cakes and ponies...

I wished on mommy coming home from spinning on a metal pole...
Seeing her safe...
She used to light up my ghetto girl face.

But now...

I'm shot down.

*shot dead
644 · Oct 2013
Diamonds They Fade
You know it ain't easy.
For my thoughts to mislead me.
There's no words to describe it.
In French or in English.
Because diamonds they fade.
And flowers they die.
And I'm telling you.
This pain just won't go away.
It has been pushing me out a ways.
It has been knocking' me out, babe.
Whenever your gonna leave me.
These feelings won't go away.
I keep thinking in a moment that.
Time will take the pain away.
But won't go away.
637 · May 2013
The Hell And Night
I am the poet of the dark.
The red heart deep in me,
has stopped beating steadily.

Am I goddess of the dark.
Who watches you, in the night.
With the look of a darkened stare,
trying to find beauty in me.

My eyes painted black,
see what they hidden in their minds
by immortal eyes, just like mine.

I am the night mist
lurking in every corner.
The cathedrals.

I wander in the dark skies,
where the eyes of crows shine.

In the dark.
I will never find the light.
My wings of a dark angels.

My loneliness
devours the hours,
waiting for the day is done.
Cover of night waiting to fall on me.
Where night dreams fall,
without arousing my already broken heart.

My verses written
with blood.
Runs like a warm rain.
In abandoned buildings,
where I had given myself to the darkness.

Disease left by beings,
that destroy the world.
With their impious rage.
Who are the strangers?
Or are am I crazy?

Leave me alone with my sorrow, because the dead is crying.
After all, someone needs to die.
Then it's me
Goddess of Darkness

Let me light my fire,
in the land of  dead souls.
I lie down on the tombstones cold and left alone.
Left by beings of young and old.

Let me sing dark lullaby's.
Don't come close to me.
The world is sick and twisted.
Maybe there is more cursing needed to be done.
Someone needs to die.
Then it's me.
Being the Dark Goddess.
631 · Sep 2013
Just Help Me
Love has no meaning without your hands on my body.
Your perfect lips kissing me all over.
Your body on mine, weighting me down.
Together breathing harshly.
Moaning in loves bliss.
Me, always wanting more then I should want too.  
Just being ourselves in between thin sheets.

How could just one chance change me, into this monster that I now call myself?

My demented mind hungers for that same moment all the time.
But it's hunger over takes me, making me crash.
Making me fall for you again.
I just can't win this war that I have created.
This heart that I call home is now gone.
Tied down and beaten over and over every time I think of you.

Quietly I cry for you every night, wanting you to hold on to me telling me it will be okay.
Telling me a story or singing me a little lullaby.
Just making me feel a little safe from my ****** life.

I soon see other people...
Every time I see the other persons face think of you.

Your dark hair, your dark brown eyes.
Those perfect lips.
But soon I realize that's it's just a playful trick in my mind.
It hurts though, how I want you but can't have you.

I am sick of dreaming of how we meet.
It's plays in my mind over multiple times while in slumber.
It's driving me insane, making me crazy...
More and more everyday.


Please make it stop...
This is too a good friend Alex Galvan.... I love you... /)~(\
610 · Jun 2013
Hello aqw players!
Hey its XxrarityxX!

Just letting you know that its really me not some *** whos a ****!
610 · Dec 2013
Taking Everything-added on.
You mustn't take the blame.
Don’t you ever feel ashamed.

I will never be the same.
Let me go, I never felt oh so cold.
I’ve never been so alone.

I cant see, so just take my hand and lead.
Why cant I love you.
I just miss you.
Why cant I sleep when your not next to me.

I just feel so restless.
I’m just so breathless.

You took my heart and fixed it.
Now you just ripped it.
I want you back.
It will never last.

You just took everything.
If you thought.
You were the everything.

Forever must I rest.
To you this was our last goodbye.
Now I'm forever crying.

I love you, but do you feel so much pain within.
I hope you love me too, for I am ******.

How could god forsake me, I’ve chosen the demon.
I’m planning my demise.
I’m sorry for my treason.

For what I did, the chains are binding.
Forever tightening.
Deaths grip is hurting me.
Don’t you DARE leave me!

You have loved.
You have punished.
You have killed.

All innocence left is corrupted.
Like a murky gas and its fumes.
Nothing is left.

Just the lust I still have for you.
For whatever I do.

Just know I still love you.
And that I still want you.
And that I will still die for you.
And still wait for you.

It will hurt when I love you.
And when I want you.
And when I die for you.
And it will hurt when I have to wait for you.
Searching through his bloodied clothes.
Searching for what is left.
With the rage, I cut into his chest.
I want his heart, for safety and comfort.
I rip it out and cradle it
I want it for others but I shall never reveal them now.
I love very bit of this heart.
You say I am a beast?
Look at you, I know you have done sins.
I am a dark being.
I love the screams and moans of pain and lust.
I just don't know what happened to that little girl you had once seen.
Laughing, playing...
Now crying and imbalanced.
I have made a doll.
It has the heart that I cradled.
It looks just like him.
He talks to me.
Calls me "Little Dove"
At night 'he' comes alive and kisses me with those sharp teeth.
Killing me with his poisoned kiss.
That wretched smile drives me insane.
His a demon, bursting out if my chest.
Putting his  ****** doll like hand on my pale white cheek.
I am paralyzed in time.
I love him ever so.
He says to me that me can make me a world of blood.
He makes me dream of haunted things.
Wounds, stitches, knives and more lovely,
I am happy that he can make my world come true.
I love that I am crazy, because he makes me feel better.
I love you, demon of my dreams.
He has left me.
Without no warning,
just left me in this tattered white dress stained with our blood.
He said he will come back.
He never returned.
I still hear his demotic voice at night yearning for his kiss.
Wanting to feel his warm body against mine.
Feeling his doll-ish hand caressing my body.
I awaken to a ear wrenching noise.
I found him dying on the ground
He said he loved this dark and ****** side of me,
and to let go of this love that we had.
I went to the window and started sobbing.
Harder and harder.
No tears slid down my face.
I saw what he was dying for.
He had made me my world of hurt.
I love you Abaddon.
Thank you for loving me.
559 · Jan 2014
Saturday Night
His car.
In someone's drive way.

The backseats.
Our bodies so close together.
On top of me.

His hands traces my sides, my body.
His cold hands making my body shake.
Our mouths locked.
Our shirts thrown about in  his car.

His lips move down to my neck.
My moans fill the car.
Why is he teasing me...

He stops.
Gets off.
And we drive home.
On a perfect Saturday night...
This is not a true happening. Just a fantasy.
554 · Jun 2017
I'm sick.
I am sick of being pushed around and left behind.
I am sick of feeling like I don't matter.

I am sick of feeling like I am a bother when I voice my matters.

I am sick of feeling like I have to hide my problems when I am about to burst at the seams.

I am sick of being told it will happen, when I know no one will actually reach out and help me.

I am sick of being told everything will be okay, when I really see no change in anything no matter how hard I try.

I am sick of pretending to be someone I'm not.

I am sick of being something I don't want to be.

I am sick of being sick with something I can't get rid of.

I am sick of...dying.

I'm dying, and I have yet to tell anyone.

I am sick, of being scared.

I'm so very, very scared.
536 · Feb 2015
Searching through her bloodied clothes.
Searching for what is left.

With this rage, I cut into her chest.
I want her heart, for safety and comfort.
I rip it out and cradle it.
I want it for others but I shall never reveal them now.
I love very bit of this heart.

You say I am a beast?
Something so cruel?
You all made me this way.
Look at you, I know you have done sins.

I am a dark being.
I love the screams and moans of pain and lust.

I just don't know what happened.
To that beautiful girl you had once seen.
Laughing, playing...
Now wicked and imbalanced.

I have made a doll.
It has the heart that I cradled.
Stuffed inside like a body in a bag.
It looks just like her.

She talks to me.
Calls me "Little Dove".
At night 'she' comes alive and kisses me with those sharp teeth.
Killing me with her poisoned kiss.
That wretched smile drives me insane.

She is a demon, bursting out if my chest.
Putting her ****** doll like hand on my pale white cheek.
I am paralyzed in time.
I love her ever so.
She says to me that me can make me a world of blood.
She makes me dream of haunted things.
Wounds, stitches, knives and more lovely,

I am happy that she can make my world come true.
I love that I am crazy, because she makes me feel better.
I love you, my demon.
Sweet, sweet demon.
She has left me.
Had I loved her too much?
Without no warning.
Left me all tattered.
White dress stained with our blood.
Will she ever return?

She never returned.
I still hear her demotic voice at night, yearning for her kiss.
Wanting to feel her warm body against mine.
Feeling her doll-like hand caressing my body.

I awaken to a ear wrenching noise.
I found her dying on the ground.
She said she loved this dark and ****** side of me,
and to let go of this love that we had.

A door of shadow had appear like a carry-on.
So dark, so pretty.
I opened it and saw beauty.
No tears slid down my face.
I saw what she was dying for.
She had made me my world of hurt.
518 · May 2013
Evil Twisted Mind
Do you love my evil twisted mind?

Do you really want to mine?

You call me Little Dove

I just don't trust this love.

I have made many fears.

I have shed many tears.

My heart ****** torn.

Caused by deadly roses and thorns.

The love I grace, has gone with no trace.

Why have you gone my dove?

You have done everything to save me.

Now your gone with no trail,
I look with no prevail.

Where are you!?

I need you, but maybe you don't need me.

I am gone like the wind,
I will never return to your demented mind.

My heart is a rarity.

I want to save it.

You were just a waste of time.
Not quite done yet but we will just have to see.
513 · Feb 2014
All these letters I had written for you.
I have written all of them.
Maybe bleed a few.

You wonder why I cry.
You wonder why I shake.
You don’t understand the dark words I make.

Life gets harder when you love nothing else.

So I cut a little smile; from ear to ear.
Give a little fake one, to make it look real.

People call me crazy as like I am the sin.
So you gave me a name.
“Little Harley Quinn”

And soon I called him mine.
“My Little Joker Boy”

And my feelings got deeper.
My body feeling freer.

Life became easy.
With the words that you sang.

So I smiled for real.
Letting my body heal.

Life gets harder when you love someone else.

Things soon ended.
My pain returned.

Because our little song had to be burned...
506 · Oct 2013
Just Fade Away
Just fading hurt me ever so badly….
It hurt me so kindly as well.
It made me die.
So peacefully, so harshly.
You whisper you love me.
You whisper you hate me.
Holding onto what I'm feeling.
Thickening the air I'm breathing.
Blood written in blood.
Saints written by saints.
Stay away.
496 · Apr 2015
Pathetic Degree
Please tell me when it kicks in.
This captivating rhythm.
Made of gold and motivation.

This pathetic degree.
Though, I gotta bury it.
465 · Jan 2014
Move On
Letting go.
Moving on.
Staying strong.

My soul is bleak.
My heart is weak.
Did you forget about me?
461 · Mar 2014
We are all defined as merciful pets of gods of great good and evil.
458 · Feb 2014
Monday Night

Lost something of importance.
He took it in the back of his car.

I felt him inside me,it felt so right.
His face showed pleasure and pain all at the same.

Did my porcelain face look so pained?

It was spontaneous.

So soft.
So gentle.
And yet.
He was so mad and rough.

I look to his face again and see his anger rising.

He slowly put his hands around my neck.
His hands so cold.

I, moaning.

His grip tightens and soon all I see is black...

And that was a Monday night.
454 · Sep 2013
The Water

The water tapping on the window.  Sliding down the glass. Hitting the glass with such force. The thunder calls out to those who are weak and crazy. Screaming the crazy call. Calling out to all of us But those who are sane just hear the ground shaking, just seeing white flashes in the dark glumly clouds. 
They just see nothing of the sort. 

The glass breaks due to the thunders light. The glass. It comes at me as if something were guiding it to me. Glass hitting me in my chest, arms and neck. I just don't feel any pain at all. Nothing...  As if i were numb to the bone. The sudden push makes me fall to the old wooden floor. All I can do is scream and look around frantically. I see blood spilling on the floor. I the smell enlightens me. Making me wet myself with pitiful pleasure. 

The sweet scented liquid, mixes with the dark red blood. Making it look as if water had spilt on the mess. I moan with the climex reaction. 

Regaining my nerves, I get up so stupidly, but my legs give out. Making me fall on my chest. The glass shards going in deeper. Making me scream with the thrill of pain. 

I just lay there, with no sudden death wish.  Slowly losing ahold of my dark life. Closing my eyes so slowly. Not making any sounds. I take my last breath and ly my head down forever within the hellish storm.
446 · Jan 2014
Taking Over
I'm haunted.
By people I love and hate.
By the ghosts that **** me in my dreams.

But I am a demon, and so are you...
There is nothing you can do.
You can't save a helpless soul.
Unless you take the devils road.
446 · Nov 2013
Cut Me Little Bird
Fly little bird.
Fly with my blood on your wing.
That sharp wing that cuts my wrist.
You revisit my wrist when good things don't come my way.
You take my pain away, and I await you for another day.
So little bird.
Fly away.
445 · May 2013
Looking For Hope (edited)
Searching through his bloodied clothes.

Searching for what is left.


With the rage, I cut into his chest.

I want his heart, for safety and comfort.

I rip it out and cradle it

I want it for others but I shall never reveal them now.

I love very bit of this heart.

You say I am a beast?

Look at you, I know you have done sins.

I am a dark being.

I love the screams and moans of pain and death.

I just don't know what happened to that little girl you had once seen.

Laughing, playing...

Now crying and imbalanced.

I have made a doll.

It has the heart that I cradled

It looks just like him.

He talks to me.

Calls me "Little Dove"

At night 'he' comes alive and kisses me with those sharp teeth.

That wretched smile drives me insane.

His a demon, bursting out if my chest.

Putting his  ****** doll like hand on my pale white cheek.

Killing me with his poisoned kiss.

I am paralyzed in time.

I love him ever so.

He says to me that me can make me a world of blood.

He makes me dream of haunted things.

Wounds, stitches, knives and more lovely.


I am happy that he can make my world come true.

I love that I am crazy, because he makes me feel better.

I love you, demon of my dreams.
443 · Oct 2013
Help me here.
Leave me there.
All you have to do is stare.
Help me through this winding maze.
But your still in such a gaze.
436 · Jan 2015
Time To Die
Bitten cold.
Burning hold.

What has truly happened here?

Killing rage.
Burning sage.

Is this truly your demonic heir?
435 · Nov 2013
Veteran of the darkness.
Ready to confess.
Did you see my heart break?
Can you see my body shake?
Do you see me levitate?
Levitate from you?

Creatures that like to creep.
The lonely tears that I weep.
Just why can't you save me?
Your the love that I need!

I had a chance of a happy fate.
Till death showed up in my face.

This necklace that I hang from.
Is tightening its grip on me.
The gold cutting into me.
My blood drips on the floor.

I take these pills to rescue me.
How many should I take?
Ten, or the whole **** thing?!

Now that I've confessed.
Will you just take my hand?
Just pull me into you.
Just tell me that I'm needed.
Tell them I'm important.
Just tell me that you love me....
428 · Jan 2014
When I look into you.
I already knew.

I still look at photos the of you.
Us playing and laughing.
Like nothing could go wrong.

On a sad and dark day already.
I heard about her.

I cried and wished it wasn't true.

I wanted to die.
I cried and cried.
Like a baby with no smile.

When I stop shaking and shivering.
I burned the photos.

Because I already knew.
The pictures of you.
Were never true.
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