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 Oct 2015 MENIME
devante moore
Roll your window up
When you see me near
If I approached
You wouldn't even meet my stare
But glance at the words on my sign
Thoughts about me already declared
I'm someone you don't want here
The **** of this earth
While you inside all warm
I'm fighting to stay dry
You don't know me
But hate the way I'm living
You think of me just a homeless man
Living my life off begging
You don't know what I've been through
How would you feel if you saw me as your reflection
Sleeping under freeways
While you throw unwanted food away
My clothes ripped and torn
While the things in your closet probably never been worn
A homeless man
But I'm just disgusting to you
I'm sorry but put yourself in my shoes I'm more then just a begging man
This is not the way I chose to live
This is just an interpretation... I think it's sad how we judge the homeless.. Have you ever talked to one I have and you'll be surprised how much happier they are then most of us.. How easy it is to turn away from someone in need.. But how easy it is to ask others.. We all live on the same earth why wouldn't you want to help someone who was born just like you. We don't know there story but we can make up one so quick who cares what they do with the money.. If it was you how would u feel
 Jul 2015 MENIME
 Jul 2015 MENIME
Two strangers looking at each others’ eyes
No words speaking, hearing the sound of their hearts
Urging to talk for awhile, but suddenly they hold back
Afraid to show their feelings, afraid of what's inside

Step...and they walk, strolling along the way
Making their distance closer, feeling each other's phase
Smiles in their faces as they look upon their way
No thoughts around their corners, trying to make it it's their day

Sitting down along the bench, with spaces between them
They look to each other and they hold back again
Hesitant to say a word, reluctant to start a conversation
Silence is just between them, though they do have same intention

"Hey", said the other, "Hi", said the other one
Then silence back to each other as both them turn their heads down
The first one look to the next person and there's that shine in their eyes
Then there they start now talking to each other, they now finally break down the ice

Smiles to laughters, from words to talks
Their heartbeat is the music behind their unwordly souls
Humming to singing, they're now finally in their hands
They just don't want to stop any beginnings, they don't want to stop any lines

Seconds to minutes, minutes to hours
Noon sets to twilight, as the twilight becomes dark
They never notice the time, they just enjoying hanging out
There is this feeling of happiness, but it's not in their hearts

Then it's time to go home, it's time to put things to rest
It's time to think and realize that they are just never meant
It's time to go home now, there are no more things to try
Just forget that single moment, it's time for a sweet goodbye

They never lost each other, there wasn't a thing called love
They just let go of each other, they never lost what they never had
It must have been something, but they just let it gone away
'Cause one of them is still loving the past, and the other is loving in vain.
 Jul 2015 MENIME
devante moore
You promised you'd fight for us
But if I were to end this
You would encourage me to go
Your words get caught in a spiderweb
Spawn up then ****** dry
Guess your vision of us was misled by your own eyes
I promised I'd never take a break from you
But I forgot to messaged you two days in a row
Some promises are meant to be broke
You must think my words aren't reliable
I easily stuffed them behind the wall of flaws because there pliable
The promises we made should be buried beneath the ground
Silence forever
If they could speak lies would be their only sound
Both bound by this undeniable love
But missing the necessary pieces to crown our words as kings and queens
Instead they've been impeached  
Some promises are meant to be broken
At least the ones we've made
 Jul 2015 MENIME
 Jul 2015 MENIME
such a sweet tinkling
to bring such ugly words
you are an animal
you are a monster
you are right
i never deserved you
 Jul 2015 MENIME
 Jul 2015 MENIME
How many times
must my mind
bury you, and my
heart keep you alive?
How adept at shattering
and gathering must I
become, before the work
that was said unto us,
trialed thus...cease?
Breath is the sound that
answers that matter
what, I cherish your breath
as you cherish mine.
There are some things as
dear as breath...though they
may come and go.
 Jul 2015 MENIME
Anthony Caceres
Thats all you are,
From your hair to your hips
It makes me want to do flips

These demons make me not care
These demons make me...
want to tear your clothes apart
Something about your smile
Something about your legs
Its like your stacking pegs
Getting no where
because caring is something
that isn't their

I love the way you look at me when were done
I love the way your body looks when your on top
I love the way you look
I love the way
I love the
I love
I lust

— The End —