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Apr 2019 · 399
Caren Apr 2019
and just know that no matter how distant

my thoughts of you will make me smile nevertheless.
distance makes the heart grow fonder
Caren Mar 2019
i dreamt of you last night, and so i hoped to never wake up

just so that i could see you for a little while longer.
Mar 2019 · 387
i know you
Caren Mar 2019
you do not have the right to come back when it's most convenient to you
you do not have the right to tell me about your pain when you were so quick to replace me

but i know you don't love her, i saw it before you even realized it
you do not have the right to tell me you love her
when i know for a fact that i cannot be forgotten that easily

and so when she looks into your beautiful heart and sees my name carved in it instead of hers, i hope it breaks her heart.
Dec 2018 · 672
heart and mind
Caren Dec 2018
having you on my mind is fairly easy
i pretend to make the illusion of your presence, using whatever i have left of you, seem real

having you in my heart, though, is the most difficult part.
the warm radiance of your presence that outshines the sun
is nowhere to be found
leaving my helpless ***** in drunken stupor

"having you on my mind is easy," i said.
but my feeble heart knows that’s a lie.
Nov 2018 · 441
You will look for me
Caren Nov 2018
You will look for me in her - The way my rosy cheeks blushed at the sight of you. The way my voice was your only remedy on a bad day. The way my eyes spoke a language only you could understand. The way my words rolled off my pink lips like melodies - and you will never find me.
Nov 2018 · 465
Caren Nov 2018
She wrote poems to the butterflies, and they batted their wings to the lyricism of her words
She read stories to the trees, and they blossomed to the sunshine of her voice
She sang lullabies to the oceans, and the waters swayed to the limitless echo of the syllables which farewelled her lips
She caressed the sun, and he surrendered his power to the silken skin which embodied a soul of gold
She kissed the clouds, and the skies watered the forests with their tears of joy

She loved him,
and although the earth, the skies, and its oceans did too,
He could not love her back.
Sep 2018 · 537
a voiceless song
Caren Sep 2018
i hope the butterflies that used to occupy my stomach sing you the lullabies i will never be able to sing again, for my voice has bade me farewell as soon as you left and has left me with a void that cries out for you; my lungs now gasp for air and my glass fragile heart has shattered into a thousand shards that thirst for the blood that used to run through my veins like honey.

i hope the butterflies guide you for a million years, for i will love you until the end of time.
Aug 2018 · 655
too early
Caren Aug 2018
it’s almost like a game of tug of war, only to watch the opponent let go of the rope on purpose to watch you fall.
it’s almost like a daisy that is about to bloom, only to be blown away by a hurricane the next day.
it’s almost like a complete puzzle, only with a missing piece.

they say the pain goes away after it has taken everything from you, so i guess i can say that i’m halfway there.

“how did you get over him”, they asked.
“i’ll tell you when i do”, i answered.
Caren Mar 2018
He reached out with a leaping heart to the sky,
He wanted to fly

He wanted wings,
preferably blue,
Oh, how he wanted to see the moon

He always imagined how the world from Above would look like,
if only his visions were not so


He had a unique world view,
Oh, if only I could see it too

He dreamt of a world with a turquoise hue,
almost like the color trapped in the cobwebs of his eyes, a beautiful captivating blue.

His fantasy turned to reality
when his butterfly wings could no longer support
his limitless glee
as he gave his final plea

My angel, solace has taken you from my hands and granted you angel wings
and you will forever fly

I shall finally see a smile, instead of a battle cry.
Feb 2018 · 542
Caren Feb 2018
How has it been for you lately?

the butterflies are telling me stories I do not wish to hear for they bring me sorrow,
but I listen nonetheless.

does the warm sunshine trace every curve and every beauty mark on your skin
does the wind sing you the sweet, sweet lullabies you once heard from me
do heaven's teardrops caress the same rosy lips I once claimed home
does la Madre Tierra nurture and comfort you with open arms the way a mother never could
do the estrellas illuminate for you, attempting to mimic the brilliance of your hazel eyes

has the Earth y el cosmos cared for you the way I have instructed its skies and oceans?

the mariposas are telling me stories I do not wish to hear, but I listen nonetheless.
Feb 2018 · 2.4k
Color me Blue
Caren Feb 2018
color me turquoise
the color of serenity
the color of healing
the color of heaven
the color of positive energy

color me indigo
the color of mourning
the color of reminiscence
the color of melancholy

color me blue
color me with the silk lips that have kissed all that is beautiful
color me with the fluttering eyes that could tell unlimited tales
color me with the tip of your finger that traces every pore of my ivory crème skin
color me with the blood that bleeds through my heart like honey

color me with the color of gaiety and sorrow
therefore color me grieving
and color me euphoric

you are solely responsible for dyeing my dominant scarlet colored blood a puzzling sapphire hue.

nevertheless, color me blue.
Jan 2018 · 1.1k
beyond mankind's power
Caren Jan 2018
Our future is talked about
So carelessly

Almost as if
We are the ones who aligned our stars in their galaxies

Almost as if we have control over our weather,
or our seasons,
or our natural disasters

Almost as if we can control the infinite number of species that walk the same ground and breathe the same air every day

We tend to forget how negligibly small We are
in comparison to the Universe that created Us.
We are only a fraction of this world We have made Our home
yet We treat the species greater and stronger than Us with inferiority

We talk about tomorrow almost as if
It is something We are able to manipulate.
Yet in reality,
Our future is something that even the greatest forces, far greater than you and I, cannot come close to grasping
Our future is inevitable
Our future is unpredictable.
Dec 2017 · 443
Stone Cold
Caren Dec 2017
Ocean Eyes
ice cold
after you
an empty void
no amount
could warm
Dec 2017 · 589
Caren Dec 2017
I took every word that rolled off your forked tongue like venom,
and turned it into poetry.
Dec 2017 · 426
A half beating heart
Caren Dec 2017
Where do the pieces
That once made up a whole, steadily beating heart
That have now been torn
Vein from vein,
Vessel from vessel,
Artery from artery, go?

I often find myself picking up these broken pieces,
sometimes unable to find some missing parts
I often also find myself stitching the pieces back together,
Hoping that, somehow, if my poor heart
became close to the entity it once was,
It would begin to beat once again.
I found the missing part of my dull heart,
I found it still stuck to yours.

From then on,
my heart learned to beat half alive, when it realized it would never retrieve its missing part again.

                     You are a Thief, but part of me will always be yours nevertheless.
Dec 2017 · 339
Caren Dec 2017
His ego made him
to the feeling of
you broke my heart, but your confidence made you blind to my pain.
Dec 2017 · 348
Used to - 7:31 a.m
Caren Dec 2017
Her hair
will never fall effortlessly the way mine used to;
Her soft hands
will never intertwine with yours the way mine used to;
Her Hazel Eyes
will never shine in the same way these Ocean Eyes used to;
Her voice
will never be able to soothe the most agitated corners of your soul, and steady the beat of your heart the way mine used to;

These Ocean Eyes will not look at you in the same way they used to
These lips will never smile at the sound of your name or your voice, or at the thought of kissing you
This heart won't beat to the rhythm of yours like it used to

will never
unconditionally be able to love every piece of your puzzle the way I used to.

                                   And only then, will your pretty brown eyes
                                   that when you shattered a diamond,

                  She became a night full of shining stars
                  Illuminating for new Brown Eyes,

In a way it will never shine for you
Dec 2017 · 361
An unsatisfiable Heart
Caren Dec 2017
When he found another piece
to complete his greedy heart,
every piece of mine fell apart.

— The End —