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  Oct 2020 Zero
a m a n d a
(and i’m fairly certain one is)

i’m just trying to
bring all the things together,
this entire time.
that’s it.

tagging and
  linking and
highlighting and
  tearing out and
layering and

it’s just a reflection
of my reality.

- no - that’s not right,
not a reflection.

it is more of a
p r o j e c t i o n,
i suppose.
Zero Oct 2020
slit my throat,
and take my despair.
make me feel worthless,
and pull out my hair.
break all my bones and rip out my lungs,
make me question what its like to be loved.
snap my neck and poke out my eyes with an ungodly crack,
make me beg for you to come back.
scream at me endlessly and punch me in the face,
but last but not least,
wrap me in the warmest embrace
Zero Oct 2020
cut my heart out of my chest and watch it beat for you.
replace the empty void with your love and fill me to the very brim.
tie your red string to my finger and lead me through the darkness.
let my heart beat for you.
let it beat for us.
  Oct 2020 Zero
Angle Angel
And I remember watching that stupid movie

It had so many awards

Nothing scary had happened but the darkness it projected made me anxious

You held me

You held me during

You held me after

But even then,
Though comforting,

I still don’t love you
  Oct 2020 Zero
ill forever have a piece of you, and you'll forever have a piece of me.

Zero Oct 2020
I see your face in cloudy street lamps.

they're dark and gloomy.
just like you.

your cynical smile could light up a room and I'm still confused as to how you did it.
yet I never questioned it back then.

I wish I had.

that smile was the most comforting thing in the world.
and I watched it wither away into sunken cheek bones and rotten teeth.

I watched your lungs wither away to empty ribcages.
and your arms turn into brittle bones.

I watched your shoulders hug your own body.
and your hips turn into handles.

I watched you decay into the nothingness of the world.
and sometimes I feel, that if I questioned that cynical smile.

you'd still be here
Zero Oct 2020
breath i n ,
breath o u t .

taste the flavor as it collects in your lungs.
feel the sting in the back of your throat.

breath i n ,
breath o u t .

its warm and inviting. do you feel it?
your head is starting to buzz. careful.

breath i n ,
breath o u t .

your dizzy, you head is fuzzy, stop.
the buzz is so inviting, you say.

breath i n ,
breath o u t .

if its inviting why cant you see straight.
it feels good? no it doesnt.

breath i n ,
breath o u t .

you did it to yourself. i warned you to slow down.
but you dont care.

breath i n ,
breath o u t .

the feelings to good to bare.
and now youre stuck in this never ending cycle,
of breathing in your own special oxygen.
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